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Everything posted by beedhead

  1. I'm jeleous!!!...LOL....Cant wait for spring!!...And Bulls!!!... Cheers...Jeff..
  2. Right on guys!!!!!.....Awesome fish and post!!!!!....Thanx!!.... Cheers...Jeff.. Heres another pic of dekkard shootin the Bull....He likes to shoot the shi$...LOL...
  3. Nice pics!!...NIce fish!!....Good stuff....Thanx for sharing.... Cheers...Jeff..
  4. Thanx for the info Clive....Good stuff...Interesting.... Cheers...Jeff..
  5. For sure Lynn....These guys play hard!!!....They want to make it to the NHL...So they give it all they got!!!...I played AAA hockey all my young life and made it as far as a few Exibition games in the WHL...I know what the intenity is all about when it comes to playing to go to the next level....Its alot of fun, and man oh man does a guy dig deep for the little extra that ya never thought ya had...But thats what makes the diff!!....Woo hoo Canada.... Cheers...Jeff..
  6. Hate shoot outs....But its a win.....Canada wasn't up to par as far as I was concerned.....Thought it was all over but the cryin in the last 15 secs....WOOO HOOO... Cheers...Jeff..
  7. Should be one hell of a game this eve....Cant wait!...Too bad the U.S. wont be in the final... ....They might have done some more of that fancy stick work from the bench when the opposition scores.... Cheers...Jeff..
  8. Die-Hard.... Still die-harding...(Diggler1) Hooked on the Crow...LOL... Gotta love Bulls... To busy smokin and fishin to realize Im about to loose my fly boxes...LOL. Goofin off...
  9. Looks like the interlake Bullies might have been gettin to ya that day!!...LOL...good pic mang... Cheers...Jeff..
  10. I was jokin...lol...Bullshead is closed to fishing till Apr.1st....They grow to a fair size in Bullshead... Cheers...Jeff..
  11. Thats a nice lookin Bow/Buck....They sure growem nice at Bullshead... .... Cheers...Jeff..
  12. Me on the Bow Goofin off... Myth 1228 and his new Orvis rain coat... ggp happy to be at Bullshead.... ggp with a giant stick fish on the Crow with 4lb test....New Crowsnest record.... Diggler1 tryin to catch a gopher... Never got it....
  13. This is one of my favorites from this year....My oldest daughter and I at Bullshead.... Cheers...Jeff..
  14. Super fish!!!....Awesome pics!!!....Thanx for sharing!!!....WOW... Cherrs...Jeff..
  15. That Crow is sure "one hell ofa stretcha water".....We are some lucky persons to have it!.... Cheers...Jeff..
  16. WOW!!!....Nice Browns man....Congrats... Cheers...Jeff..
  17. Did anyone happen to make it out yesterday???....If yas did-your some brave fellas... Cheers...Jeff..
  18. That is one massive fish!!!!....Seen some foootage in the past of some even bigger ones....Wow!!...indeed is the king in the family of- "Salmoniformes".....Thanx for the new footage Taco.... Cheers...Jeff..
  19. Horton's Coffee is crap when Black (my opinion).....But what is it about a double double that makes it taste good????....Its either the sugar or the cream that they use....Im thinkin....Doubt its real cream....Anyone know??? Cheers...Jeff..
  20. After watching those videos that Ayr posted.....Jurassic lake would be high on my list!!!!....Those Bows were crazy huge, and scrap!!!!!.... Cheers...Jeff..
  21. Ah Shi*....Forgot to buy cream Today....Might have to get the Baileys and Nog mixed together in the morn....Perhaps a little Rum too, for good measure???...LOL....Heck, its Christmas, and most my Xmas Shopping got done today!!... Cheers...Jeff...
  22. Ran out of cream this morn....Kids drank the last of the milk before school....Lookin through the fridge I seen the Egg Nog, mixed er in the Coffee and not to bad....To early for the Spiced Rum to be mixed in, but it did cross my mind...LOL...Just thought Idd share in case someone else runs out this Holiday season.... Happy Holidays...Jeff...
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