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Everything posted by beedhead

  1. Awesome post and pics!!!....Great stuff!!...Love the size of the Grayling, and the spots and color on the Lakers is super...Looked to be a fantastic trip...Thanx for sharing...I love pics... Cheers...Jeff..
  2. Being from Med Hat, and the South Sask river Being right here... as a kid growing up, my buddies and I were always fishin the River for Goldeye....The one thing I learned over the years is that they are on the move....We would find them in one spot one day....And gone the next...So I think you are on the right track as you say you are going to try another spot....When Ya findem, you will have a hoot!!...Heck, you can drift a peice of foam and they will rise for it...LOL...(when ya find them)... Cheers...Jeff..
  3. Nice shots... Cheers...Jeff..
  4. Thats a nice lookin Bull...Thanx for sharing...
  5. Cheers dude!!... The patterns We/You created, worked great!.... Cheers...Jeff..
  6. beedhead

    Canmore Pics

    Nice pics...Like the scenery and underwaters...Great shots... Cheers...Jeff..
  7. Sweet pics dude...Good on you and your daughter....Great stuff!!!....Them fish look identical to the trips they put in Bullshead this spring...I say that due to the Color and the shape of the tails....The stocking list said that those ponds got trips....The only reason I can think of is to protect the natives in the K river???...In case they make it into the river system??? Great stuff dude....Jeff..
  8. Well I have nothing else to contribute to this thread ecxept....I love to fish!!!...Meet new people along the way and share stories and or advise.... Just got back from a great afternoon/extended evening of fishing with my daughter and good friend diggler...Had a great time.... Sorry for any ''Douche'' like things I might have said (Brent).. ...No hard feelings eh...(other than you and your buds P.m's... not called for)...But I'm bigger than that...Just got caught up in other peoples negativities toward fellow casters....Oh well...I'd like to say that's fishin...But thats not fishin in my books....Its about spending time with Friends and family...And havin a good time...Sharing good times and expeirences...As do I and the peolple that I fish with....Going to Battle creek and area tomorrow with the oldest...Should be a great time...May make a post to share some pics....Anywho...Thats about all I have to say on this thread...Things got a little outa Hand???...No I think it was just bit of negativity....But what I got out of it mostly was possitive... Cheers all...Jeff...
  9. You want me to taker easy....After the nasty P.m's I have got from you and your buddy....LOL... Proving me wrong????...Ha... I have fun fishin....As do the people that I fish with....We have a HOOT!!!!...And it shows....And I don't have to answer anything to you dude.... ...Jeff..
  10. Here I whiped up a couple on photo bucket from last trip for ya BBB....Are we doing this O.K????
  11. No need to be sorry....Just quit being a Douche... ....Jeff...
  12. Why are you bringing Dekkard into this....He has not even been on this thread....He stays away from the forum cuzz of crap like this.... Thats why you never see his pics... ....Jeff...
  13. Thanx monger...We actualy taped one at 30....And caught 3 more that size but didn't tape them...We figure they were 30+...To much pissin around taping fish....Unless ya got the tape ready....The big guys I didn't post due to the fact they were to revealing...Dekkard got 2-3 of the big guys, and I with one....Wow did they put on a show....Got a nasty p.m from one of BBB's buddy's saying "is that all you do is fish the upper channel and Bolton creek??...All your pics show that that is where you guy's are fishing...get a life"...And he had some other choice things to say....I wished them Bulls were that big in the upper!!...Haven't fished Bolton since early spring....LOL... I got a pic or two if ya wanna see the big ones....P.m me and I'll send em to ya.... Cheers....Jeff..
  14. Thanx all.. for the kind comments on my Daughters fishin skills and all the rest of the comments...I fish hard when I can...And enjoy sharing pics of my trips....I absolutly love to see pics of other peoples trips, fish and scenery....I don't sit there and analize everyones pics and pic out the good from the bad....Hell, we have all been out on the water and had a fish or two not do to well after releasing it...But as long as we have done our absolute best to do what is right for the fish....Thats fishin!!...I don't post pics to brag...I post pics cuzz I love to see others pics on this forum...And I know people really like to see my pics....There sure are allot of fine casters on this board that used to post on this and the old Alberta forum....And don't anymore, due to the fact of high horse MO-FO's that think they are all that....I know why they don't post...Cuzz I have talked to them ....I think there are a few that need to grow up, and start to see the fun side of fishing....It is not a contest....Hell...I compete with My-self when I know threre are fish to get to hand....Thats why I have spent so much time In K....I am now starting to figure them Bulls out....And that is the way I am....If I wan it....I go for it....And wont take no for an answer....I could go on....But....I have a passion, and live it.... Cheers all....Jeff
  15. The fish come out of the water for that sec or two for a pic....Then right back in the water.... BBB is just trying to stir the pot... like he does very well on this forum....Let him be a douche... He is prob sittin back laughing as we speak... Cheers...Jeff...
  16. I don't have to explain nothin to you dude....Who the heck are you that I have to explain anything....????.... Wow....Jeff...
  17. Why is your Bull laying on your boat...Losing protective slime???....You don't have to answer that....Just like I don't have to answer to you... Anyone who has caught a few Bulls know that once they are done scrappin...They are very co-op for a pic....They dont squirm around like a Cutt or Bow.... Cheers...Jeff..
  18. Ya....I just got a nasty P.M. from this skeezruss dude....I can see why alot of people don't do alot of posting on this board like they used to... Sorry for the absolute miss handling of fish... ....WOW...I feel a little bit of hostility...Dont bother me...I have fun...As do the people that fish with me.... I see BBB and his bud are just trying to get something goin....But on the same token...I'm not taking no crap from a 19 year old and his side kick....That seem to know just about every thing bout every stretch of water in Western Canada....Thats bout it... Cheers dudes....Jeff...
  19. LOL...I was keepin an eye open for ya...Next year dude...Looks like I prob wont make it out again before I head back to work... It's also gettin to be that time where tings will start to slow down out there.... Hey Lorney...Hope that new 3wt works good for the cutts....I bet it will...Have a blast mang... Cheers...Jeff.. ...
  20. I use a 5wt for them guys...And have no trouble at all...Puts the rod to the limit, but love it...I really like 5wt's...use them for alot of everything...I learned this trip to lay into them hard on the long crazy runs they take to get them turned around, cuzz if ya let them run to far you loose a fair bit of them...Had a 7wt built for some Salmon fishing (thanx Al)...Going to try to get out this fall with ggp out west (That will be fun, if I can get off work)...He is there as we speak, and most likely having a blast... Someone asked in a past thread where I see the Rams...I always see them on the #40 licking any salt that may be on the road... PAV, I never got the camera fixed....It started working good again.... Cheers...Jeff..
  21. Sweet ass pics dude!!...Awesome stuff~!!...
  22. Yes I do work .... (not lookin forward cuzz when I go...I go....I hope so for this year)...The place is top secret...There is a paved road to it....LOL... Due to go back to work in a week...Might have to sneak out there once more till then???... Cheers All...Jeff.. Edit**....I bet electcro-shocking and tagging them in the Fall while spawning....Brings the Bulls no stress....???.
  23. Hey there dude....Do they look any diff in a net??...I only take pics of fish that co-op for a pic....I can ensure you that I take the up most care of any fish that I get to hand... (Well they might not like being kissed....LOL)....All fish I take pics of... swim away in a absolute energized healthy matter...Them there Bulls in the lakes didn't get to that size from being weak.... Cheers...Jeff...Had a blast!!!! Here is a pic from this trip of a among many Bulls I have caught in the past with some serious lip damage from trebs..... Seems to be very healthy....Iam sure he was at the lip doctor for a while....And sucked Suckers through a straw...LOL...Strong healthy survivors... that show C&R works!!! And BTW....As soon As I get a fish on while alone....The camerea gets turned on, so there is no scramblin for a shot....
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