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Everything posted by beedhead

  1. Thanx Clive....Thats good stuff... Cheers...Jeff..
  2. Was checked 2 or 3 times this year in K country....1 to 3 times years prior in K country....And many many times at Bullshead....But I must say when ya get away from the paved roads, you see less CO'S....You see a few CO's in The Gap area, but never seem to do any walking to check people....I have been checked once in the Gap in the past 15ish years....I have never been checked on the Crow or lower Old man....Once at Castle....Got checked at Battle Creek few years ago....A couple times at Spruce Coulee....A few times at Michelle Res....One time at Lee's Lake...But again-Ya get away from the Paved roads and..... Cheers...Jeff..
  3. Nice lookin Brooks....Bin years since I fished Butcher....Gives me an Idear for next fall....Love the Spawning colors.... Cheers...Jeff..
  4. Love to join....But stuck workin.... Have fun all....Jeff..
  5. Awesome pics Wes....Did ya see any Big Bulls Spawning??? Cheers...Jeff..
  6. BTW....I get schooled enuff from ggp....LOL...He schooled me on the Crow last week...He was nailen nice Bows.... and all I could get to hand were Whities...LOL...Hell, he schooled me big time on the Bow this Spring....*NOTE* I Must put more time in on the Bow.... Cheers...Jeff..
  7. Ya...If it was on the Bow, ya sure would...LOL... Cheers...Jeff..
  8. That would be the day, when I compete with others, to catch fish.....Just my thoughts on the whole thang.... Cheers...Jeff..
  9. Happy 60th Gary....Have a good one!!... Cheers...Jeff..
  10. I will Come by for sure....If I dont work...Seems Im always working during the Show... Cheers...Jeff..
  11. I dont know ya, but.....Happy Birthday... Cheers...Jeff.. P.S....We have better Beef (steaks) out West here...LOL...
  12. Bloom, I never knew they had them at Ross creek....Ill have to checkem out sometime....There are a couple ponds at the College that have them monster Carp too....At least there was....Never went to see them this year....Bree-my Oldest, usually wants to go see them, but never mentioned it this year....some of those Carp are HUGE!!...Wonder if ya can fish for them Carp???....The regs say Pike are in the College Ponds, but dont mention anything about the Carp.... Cheers...Jeff..
  13. I have fished with Brian on a couple occasions....I have seen and can guarantee he gives all fish the up most care and respect....And these fish from this post are no acception....Great post and fish Brian....Thanx for the fish porn & Story....Loved it!!!...."Down with the fun suckers"....(I think that was a quote from one of the members this late spring)...LOL... Cheers...Jeff..
  14. We have some (I think they are called Grass Carp) In a couple of our City Local ponds here in Med Hat....I have looked at them several times thinking the exact same thing!!...Some of those Buggers are Huge.... Cheers...Jeff..
  15. Great fish Brian!!!...Awesome... Cheers...Jeff..
  16. Really nice post and pics....Thanx for Sharing....Very much enjoyed.... Cheers...Jeff..
  17. I think you hit the nail on the head Conor....B.H. just needs some time to stabilize and become established as there has been so many diff stocking rates and now new 3n's just introduced....It will get figured out in time....I think everyone just expects to much out of this fishery as we had a couple years of nice sized fish....It will happen again....the Big fish we had were of the 1st and 2nd year stocking.....I think there are allot of factors that contribute to B.H. right now, and soon enough it will get all figured out....Lets all just keep lookin out for B.H. as allot of us have....And things will get sorted out.... Cheers...Jeff..
  18. Just about forgot about the problem that the fish in B.H. had with G.B.D.This Spring..(Gas Bubble Deisese)....Caught 30-40 fish this Spring withe the Symptoms...Can be fatal if the fish get it to bad, or keep hanging out in the super saturated water....May or may not of lost many fish due to this problem....It seemed to effect all sizes of fish, I even caught on with the tail fin missing due to G.B.D.
  19. I still think-"everything cycles"....To a point.....I have faith we will see biggens in B.H. once again.... I'm not saying thats the case, the cycle thing might have a little to do with it... just my 2 bits... Cheers...Jeff..
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