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Everything posted by bigalcal

  1. I concur with the above.......WTF!!!! Unless it's terrorist code....then I know nothing.
  2. I believe "Streamwatch" was an attempt at improving enforcement in some areas. It was a privately funded program that paid for a student from a Conservation program to patrol the rivers etc. It has seemed to have fallen to the wayside. This forum did a lot of fundraising for it. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
  3. While in my teens my family would camp near Lake Placid in New York state's Adirondack Mountains (Early '70's). There were a lot of stocked lakes and I was mesmerized watching people fly cast. later I worked in a sporting goods store and bought a rod and reel with my staff discount. I used to practice casting in my back yard and then go back and fish those very lakes with minimum success. I would also fish the Ausable and Chateauguay rivers, I moved to Banff in '78 and a co-worker and I would hike to high lakes and fly fish there. I then stopped fly fishing for 20 years. I then met a guy 11 years ago who would get me back into fly fishing and camping. We would go fishing/camping to Waiporous as well as the Upper Oldman area. It was awesome to be out there again. He would leave me on the river and he taught me nothing about the sport as I realized, being self taught. that I had a lot to learn. I began to tag along with a couple of customers from the pub that enjoyed fly fishing. We would go to the Crow and the Oldman and I fell in love with that area. I bought my own vehicle and I'd go camping down to the Oldman every week on my days off. I would be camping every week from opening day until October. I did this for a few years and then I bought a trailer and would park it there seasonally. The trailer was subsequently named the "Cutty Hut!! I have just finished my 5th season with the "Cutty Hut" and I have to admit I'm starting to know what I'm doing. For sure I have a wrinkle in my casting that I need fixed and I'm not a good nympher and I've never thrown a streamer but I feel more confident out there, I've had many FFC members join me at the "Cutty Hut" and I enjoy there advice and listening to their stories. I feel that no one knows everything about fly fishing but I enjoy gleaning bits and pieces from the people I meet. Oh.....I've never fished the Bow!!! Look at me!!!!!!!!!! I have 1,000 posts!!!
  4. Try all the rods you mentioned and more until you find the one that feels right, ie Don't look at the name, cast it. You might be surprised.
  5. I like that idea too.......I should have a lot of good suggestions by June 16/2015!!!!! Thanks....and keep 'em coming!!!
  6. I like that!!! I'll check out FT's!!! Thanks!!
  7. I have been using a lot of 2 fly rigs while fishing the last month. I have been using a hopper-dropper as well as a dry fly-emerger set up. What is a good way to store these 2 fly set ups in your vest while on the river. Also a suggestion of how to store the loose 18" pieces of tippet would be welcome. Has anybody tried any of the hopper/dropper flyboxes available? Thoughts?
  8. It's crowded enough down there!!!!
  9. Are they in the rock on the river? If it was the Liv I would say holes from shotguns!!
  10. Yup......There's always something going on if you look around while fishing. To stop and "smell the roses" is an understatement. Thanks for sharing your experience(s)!!
  11. I shall be.....Site #8. Anyone else that's there Sunday-Wednesday....please stop by!! Al "Cutty Hut"
  12. I'm at Dutch all the time (seasonal site) and the coverage is sporadic if at all (Telus)....I have seen people talking on their cells at the ranger station and there are a few warm spots if you move around.
  13. WOW!!!!
  14. Sadly...a SJW works well....it just ain't right!!
  15. I sat all week at the "Cutty Hut" with my hand shading my eyes looking for you guys coming into the "Cutty Hut"......I had to talk to Don Anderson instead!! My office is the "Rose & Crown" pub!! Lot's of Guinness there!!
  16. If you are staying near downtown come see me at my "office". We have Guinness!!! PM me.
  17. I will be at Hut.... Monday PM to Wed AM.....Have to work Sunday. First time in 5 years!!!
  18. I try everything!!! Seems different year to year. A neglected fly from the above suggestions worked well for me the last few days. It's fun to find out on your own.
  19. I tried a "Deer fly patch" the other day. It's a adhesive patch you stick to the back of your cap and has a sticky top side for flies to stick too as they circle your head. Unfortunately by the time I put it on to try the temp had dropped as did the number of flies. So I haven't done a true field test but I will in a few days. I have also used lotion and spray made from essential oils which works well. One of the oils in its ingredients is "catnip oil" so I would avoid wearing it in cougar country!!!! Haha!!
  20. Must have used Don Anderson's "MDC Fly"!!!!
  21. Tough to have the best of both worlds.....Keeping a trailer shiny and travelling on gravel roads. Wait til they lay the oil down and you get that red/brown streak on the front!! Good luck!!
  22. I carry 2 x 2-sided boxes of dry flies, 1 box of big dry's, a small box of nymphs and a small box of teeny tiny emergers in the fall. Lot's!!
  23. I'm looking at a kit that includes 100W panel, charge controller,wires, mounting hardware etc.$250. I'd put the link here IF I COULD DO IT ON THIS DARN WEBSITE!!!
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