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Everything posted by bigalcal

  1. Ummm....It's Bo"tangles"....you're welcome. Would have felt guilty if I didn't!!
  2. Yup.....I used to do that.....know better now!!
  3. I have a pretty good idea where this area is but I don't know exactly. Is it about 11k W on the OMR road where the "bridge" is? I used to fish just W of there a LOT!! Went up once this year and it was dirty, haven't made it back. I'm definitely going to go up next week and investigate. I assume the road is still barricaded a few km's W of the "bridge". I have seen the OMR at the FTR bridge and it has been dirty for weeks, same with the Liv. Tough to find clear water down there with the erosion from the flood and the scattered thunderstorms and Spray River Sawmills ain't helping much!! I'll take some pics.. It's been a weird year!!
  4. Gil, I agree. I'm catching some great fish just not many bugs and few fish rising
  5. I've been fishing every week in the Oldman River Area (Livingstone, Racehorse etc) and the usual hatches aren't coming off. Not many PMD's, Green Drakes. BWO's that I usually see up to this time of year. It could just be timing and the crazy weather but I see very few rising fish compared to other years. Any theories?
  6. I have a tow to Dutch Creek PRA on Monday. Aug 5...Thanks Hydroman!!
  7. Recently, a lot of FCC members have dropped by the "Cutty Hut" to meet me and say "Hello". I have enjoyed meeting you all. Unfortunately, to comply with Alberta Parks maximum 16 day stay regulations I have to move the "Cutty Hut" for 24 hrs, minimum. I have decided to move the trailer between Racehorse Creek PRA and Dutch Creek PRA and will on Monday Aug 5. I'm not sure how long I will be there for as my truck can't pull my trailer so I need to count on my Cutty Buddy's to pull me back and forth. If any of you have a truck and are in the area and might help out. Please let me know!! Thanks everyone! Al
  8. This topic makes me want to pull out the old wiggly glass rod that I still carry in my truck...! Think I'm gonna!!
  9. Found some!! They have a few different ones. http://www.campers-village.com/11757/HD-Adjustable-Steel-Pole/
  10. Anybody know where I can get some good sturdy tent poles to hold up my" old school" trailer awning?
  11. Yesterday when the campground operator backed my trailer back into my spot after a 24 hr "eviction" he couldn't believe how difficult it was (Although he made it look pretty easy). He said there would be no way a big trailer could back in to my site. He did a lot of excavating and cutting trees last fall to widen the entry's to a lot of sites to accommodate today's larger trailers. Right again, Don!!
  12. Yup!! Alberta Parks is enforcing the 16 day maximum stay!! I should say" As soon as that guy moves out of that sweet random camping spot in 14 days, I'll move in there!!"
  13. After creating this topic I'm ashamed to say that I will be joining the ranks of the random camper. I have no other options. I promise I will be good.
  14. Yes Rick...Hey Taco...I have lots of donated beers from Wild Rose...Village and Big Rock ....at the "Hut"!!
  15. I was a Big Rock rep in the 90's. We created Albino Rhino for Earls but they decided to have their beer brewed by a different brewery from BC a few years later and still do. A Big Rock employee told me this today. Big Rock is getting a lot more creative these days to compete with the new "Craft" beers. They have made some beauties recently, The aforementioned Rosemary beer and they had a great wet hopped brew this past winter. Paul Gauvreau the brewer is doing a heck of a job. Village Brewery and Wild Rose are awesome breweries too. The days of piss coloured fizzy lawn mowing beers are over!! Great Alberta Barley makes great Alberta beers.
  16. Instead of hijacking other topics let's have our own!! I know one of you out there has contact info on who to contact to complain about the abuse of this privilege. I think that would be a good place to start as ranting is great but not productive.
  17. Check some of Crow Fly shop websites
  18. Write her again and ask her again to enforce random camping regulations.
  19. Watch river flows....The forecast doesn't call for rain so the tribs could slow down and clear up quickly. Least...that's what I'm hopin'!!
  20. I'm high and dry...now. I moved from Mission after the last flood. I'm glad I did....much worse there this time around. The Rose & Crown where I work is dry but no power. Think I'll go to the "Cutty Hut" tomorrow.
  21. I was fishing that spot on Racehorse Monday night...no problem to cross!! OMG!
  22. When are you going? I think you will be OK. Flows on Racehorse went from 5 cms to now 150 cms!! Only place where the river may be near the road may be on the Maycroft Rd. just before it meets the FTR. I'm heading down Sunday...should have subsided by then, Might need bug spray!!
  23. I can't believe I was standing in Racehorse 2 days ago commenting how amazing the river conditions were. What a difference a few days make. I knew it was too good to be true!! Be safe out there!!
  24. http://chiwulff.com/2013/06/12/lets-go-for-a-ride/
  25. Like Silver Doctor says...The bears in Yosemite have learned to open vehicles for a SUGAR PACKET!! They love minivan's as they scream young kids and dropped food!! When I was there, there was a sign at the campground kiosk saying that there had been more than 300 bear incidents there that season and they insist you put all food, toothpaste etc, in the steel box provided at each site. They said that there WILL be bears in the campground at night and not to be alarmed by bear bangers, and pots being clanged!! A bear tore apart an empty cooler in the site next to us. 20' from our tent!! They are more like big raccoons!! The threat at RHC is minimal. Just be a good camper!
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