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Everything posted by bigalcal

  1. I drove thru a snowstorm last Wednesday (Sept 12) from Maycroft to Okotoks!!! I am putting the tent away. I froze my butt Sun-Tues this week in Elklford.
  2. Upper Elk River BC My fishing dog's owner delayed her trip so I was able to fish a few more weekends with her, For the first time this year someone joined us and was able to take pix of us both. This is what it is all about!
  3. I bought a few of these at my friends flyshop in Coleman. They are awesome for cutties. The ones I used were all black with white legs. Fly pattern is from Turck of Tarantula fame. http://www.turcktarantula.com/fly_tying/re...s/power_ant.htm
  4. Who told my wife we were playing golf?!
  5. I know squat about forests and there potential for fires but in the last month I have heard about BIU's (Burn Intensity Units) and BUI's (Build Up Index) are they perhaps the same or is forest fire potential stats that confusing?
  6. Condescending............That means talking down to you!!!!
  7. I am heading to the Upper Elk on Sunday and if the Oldman area is open I might drop a line in en route to Elkford. No sense spending $20 bucks in BC for a half day or less. I really hope that nothing happens there. From my experience in Wiporous August long, firebans are ignored by random campers. Harps..you are right. They will light fires when it cools down at night. The punishment is minimal. It would be nice if the campgrounds reopened as there is still a lot of fishing to do up there in the fall. Let's all keep our fingers crossed for a safe long weekend!!
  8. I have heard the Bow is a great river for fly fishing. One day I will give her a try
  9. I was fishing the Oldman River/Racehorse a few weeks ago, actually the day before they closed the forest and I ran in to a group of women out for a flyfishing lesson. I went down to the river and saw another woman with a cockapoo something dog and a neon pink canvas "kennel". She explained that she was concerned that her backcast might hook the dog and because it was so hot she wanted some shelter for the dog and wanted to have this shelter for the dog. I agreed that it was a great idea and snickered off to fish. I can just picture the woman crossing a river with her rod in one hand and this neon dog kennel in the other. I saw the group later in the day and she had put the dog and "kennel" back in her vehicle. I wish I had taken a photo!!
  10. I have been fishing/camping with my friends dog every weekend since June 1. It has been an amazing summer as Kudra has been an awesome companion and fishing dog. At first she was a little hesitant to cross but now has a lot of confidence. We fished the Upper Elk last week and she had to do some pretty tough crossings and she was amazing. The water was a lot faster and deeper there than what she has been used to and she passed with flying colours. Fortunately there have been no incidents with wildlife besides a few birds. We shared a pool on the Crow last week with a large heron/cormorant? and she just sat there and watched. She has never gone in to the water where I fish and just snoozes on the bank until I move on. I have been blessed. Unfortunately her owner has decided to move to Victoria in a few weeks and next weekend in Elkford will be my last weekend with her. Friends say" Get your own dog" but no dog could ever meet Kudra's standards so I will just have the memories of a fantastic summer experience with a great, grat companion. I will really miss her but I thank her for the great summer and the memories we shared.
  11. I used to be $30 USD but now I'm $50 USD. Damn CD dollar!!!
  12. I leave my fishing gear and camping gear in my truck w/topper in underground "secure " parking. I have added 'Limo" dark tinting to the topper windows so you can't see in. I have put a "false floor" in the box that rests on top of the wheel wells and anything of value is under it, and is secure. I am hoping for the best and I am also putting my faith in to all mankind.
  13. I'm contemplating making a trip to the EK's next weekend and staying in Elkford. I would prefer to be in the Oldman/Livingston area but I don't think things will change there in the next week...Unfortunately! Does anybody know how the Elk has been fishing? I will probably fish near Elkford and I would appreciate some idea's on where to fish, hatches, flies etc I would also like to know what the licence fees are for a season as I expect to head down there again in Sept. ie: Season licence for a non-resident. I will be camping at the campground "downtown" and I assume there is a fireban on as the area 10 miles away as the crow flies is dry as a bone. PM me if you have some advice.. My other option is my friend is coming west from Ontario to stay at his family cabin on Lower Kananaskis Lake. If you fish there or are familiar with K country you know where the cabins are. Where does one fish there without a boat or tube and what techniques/flies do you use. I am not a lake fisherman and would like some tips. Do you ned a sink tip? Big ass streamers? My friend really wants to learn to fly fish and he already has learned the knack of casting. Thanks in advice for your tips/advice Humbly yours Al
  14. Don, You must have fished the Dead Sea when it was sick!!
  15. The 14 day forecast in Crowsnest Pass looks bad for more rain. Above normal temps and dry...Sucks!! Does anybody know of firebans/closures in the other side near Sparwood/Elkford/Fernie or know a link to a BC website re: Closures/Firebans?
  16. I self started in Montreal in the mid "70's. I did a bit when I lived in Banff and then took 20 yrs off. So I will say 8!!
  17. I really hope so. Unfortunately I looked at the Crowsnest Pass weather for the next 14 days and it looks hot and dry. Showers tomorrow tho'. Hope it pours! http://www.theweathernetwork.com/index.php...cecode=caab0084
  18. With my usual camping spot (Racehorse Creek) closed I went up to Waiporous for a night to stay with a few friends, random camping in their RV. We did a bit of fishing and I really enjoyed the river. Some nice pools and scenery. The fish were small but I did hook in to a "huge" 12" cutt. When it got dark we sat around a heater and did the usual. We looked over to our neighbours 100 meters away and saw they had a fire. We were going to call 310-FIRE and report it. But decided instead just to tell them to put it out. They did. It was an adult with a bunch of kids. Not a great way to bring up kids to disregard important regulations. They were putting the forest at great risk not too mention us. On a walk along the river I noticed another neighbor had a fire going as well. He also put it out. It kinda freaks me out knowing that there are still a lot of campers having fires and ignoring the fireban Did anyone see me on Global Newshour talking about the quiet weekend at a usually crazy Waiporous. The reporter also noticed the neighbors firepit and he mentioned it in his newscast. "Film at 11"!!
  19. Lynn and family park their RV at Racehorse Creek Campground for a fee . They know better than to hog a random campsite for the summer. I'm wondering how the squatting random campers will get there rigs out. If they get a permit to get out I hope they get an earful from Sustainable Resources on how the Forest Reserve is set aside for ALL Albertans and that they don't have the right to claim a spot their own for longer than 2 weeks. Wishful thinking...
  20. Try this http://srd.alberta.ca/whatsnew/pdf/firebanarea.pdf
  21. I do that too...
  22. Here's my first vehicle purchase in 12 years. I bought it in Dec 2006 and put me second tank of gas in for May Long weekend!! Even forgot where the gas cap was when I went to fill!! I put a "sub-floor" in the box that rests on the top of the wheel wells and provides storage for stuff underneath. It seems to keep things better organized. I also have a spot in the front of the box to put a dog kennel which the dog accesses thru the sliding window in the cab. Works great. Notice the "Here Fishy, Fishy" and "Happy Camper" bumper stickers.
  23. I was camping at Racehorse Creek, Sun-Tues, and the campground host was starting to pack up his stuff. He knew it was coming. Two bears in the campground on Monday. They got "beardogged "and shot in the rump with rubber. They will have free roam now I guess....
  24. I was wondering about that ,Bowcrow. When I switch dry flies I usually tie on the fly, check the barb then apply Gink. I'm sure the Gink must come off pretty quick if it is wet when it hits the water. Ginking and letting it dry for a while makes total sense. While we are on the topic, after releasing a fish and fishing again quite often the fly sinks. Probably due to fish gob, rearranged hackles, post etc. I had a pill bottle of that Loon silica type stuff which I would use to dry it out with a shake. It fell out of my vest and before I buy another can anyone recommend another product or technique? Thanks
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