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Everything posted by bigalcal

  1. Just read the regs you get with your licence or if you bought on line grab one at a fishing store. All the info you need.
  2. The guys from Icky Flyworks have dropped in at the "Cutty Hut"!! Good guys and I hope they drop by again!!
  3. I bought most of my Cabelas stuff back when our dollar was good and I bought online. I got some great deals thru their "Bargain Cave"...I must admit that the Canada Cabela's has been a disappointment in comparison. I've never been to a major US Cabelas...only the "outpost" store in Kallispell. MT which was disappointing too.
  4. Good store for camping gear and apparel....fly fishing is a disappointment.
  5. The design has changed from Baileys pictures. The new design seems more durable. Decisions...decisions
  6. BOA will replace parts for free...so I would probably carry an extra in my vest. To me they were the most comfortable of the Simms boots I tried on. Please keep the comments coming.. Much appreciated..
  7. I've spent the winter pondering which wading boots to get for the upcoming season and I'm leaning toward the Simms Rivertek 2 Boa. Any thoughts..suggestions before I drop $300? Thanks Al
  8. I would have recommended the Honeymoon group camp on the Upper Oldman Rd, but as mentioned above Rocky Mountain Camping is not the private operator anymore and I'm not sure if Alberta Parks will be opening the group camps. It seems they will have a skeleton crew working the campgrounds above Hwy #3 on the FTR......However I could be wrong. Honeymoon would have been perfect...but now that I think about it, I'm not even sure if it reopened after the flood and road closures. I guess I'm not much help.. http://www.albertaparks.ca/honeymoon-creek/
  9. My first year was $700....then Alberta Parks got involved. Wood was never included but was at least available. Firewood doesn't grow on trees!!
  10. I'm there 140 days so I paid $14/day x 140 days=$1960. Last year I was there 80 days total .payment is paid up front. Ouch!!! But worth it.
  11. http://www.albertaparks.ca/albertaparksca/visit-our-parks/camping/seasonal-camping/
  12. Rocky Mountain Camping is no longer the private operator for the campgrounds on the Forestry Trunk Rd , South. They will now be run by Alberta Parks. These campgrounds include Racehorse Creek, Dutch Creek, Oldman River and Livingston Falls. It has come to my attention that firewood will not be available on site for campers this season. Just a heads up.
  13. I'm really enjoying this thread,,,Thanks for letting us in on your project, Great comments too!!!
  14. What is an approved trail? I'm not a quadder but I walk the rivers and drive around in that area and I've never seen a sign....
  15. Does anybody know the regulation regarding OHV's crossing creeks on public land in Alberta? Specifically the Livingston, Oldman area? Please put a link so I can end an argument. Thanks
  16. Off the top of my head...69-70...both the Leafs and Habs were out...Habs won the Stanley Cup the following season...Could be wrong.
  17. I believe there are a lot more than one.....Frenchman's Creek. Hundreds...maybe thousands..They seem to be everywhere. Most are without signs. This one is south of San Francisco, CA near Half Moon Bay.
  18. Some good tips.... Better than this!!
  19. Anyone tried Clearly Contacts lenses for fishing?
  20. So now we want to see the finished product!!!!
  21. I just returned from the Fly fishing Expo and as every one says "It's the same every year"....and it was. It was nice to touch base with a few people that I see there every year. I saw some new gear, picked up a few cheap flies from Reel flies, grabbed a bit of swag etc. The highlight and the reason that I went was to hear Tom Rosenbauer's presentation " Taking your fly fishing to the next level". It was awesome. He just explained and simplified the whole game. Excellent!!
  22. The Amundson seems to be of the same ilk as the aforementioned Bass Pro and Cabelas(US) models with perhaps a better holster. Sometimes grit can get in the ferrules and the sections stick. Just make sure they are free of grit before extending. Better to be stuck than pull apart easily I guess. Wade safe!!
  23. It's good for camping gear etc. I found the fly fishing department disappointing. I'm not sure if they carry the above wading staff. I checked Cabelas Canada on line and they didn't carry it. Bass Pro has them for sure!! You should check out the store tho'....lots of gear!!
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