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Everything posted by cheeler

  1. Aside from airport hangars, it's the biggest wind break Lethbridge has.
  2. If you still have the packaging, check for an expiry date, or try setting the date back on your computer - HP has been using this technology to "ensure the quality of your printing" (i.e. make you buy another cartridge filled with crap that's more expensive per ounce than gold).
  3. I predict a 1 hour long crime wave, followed by some cities dropping into anarchy. But maybe that's just me being a pessimist again.
  4. Sorry, I meant to post the censored version:
  5. http://maps.google.com/?ie=UTF8&ll=50....mp;t=h&z=17 Centered on the parking lot, just exit Deerfoot @ Bow Bottom Trail and head south until you see the sign for Burnsmead (if you go into the main park area you missed the turn).
  6. By the title I thought this was about a murder investigation. Based on my experiences elsewhere, however, it will require constant enforcement in the first year to get through to all of the idiots who refuse to read the regs or just ignore them completely.
  7. I have both the Elixir line for the spey casting and a Snowbee 9 wt line for overhead casting.
  8. If you're going to be doing alot of overhead casting, the switch is a better choice than the spey, I find my Beulah 7/8 is much easier to cast in that regard, and I've had it out tossing big bull trout streamers both overhead and spey casting with no problems so far. For lighter duties, talk to the guy selling the 4/5: http://flyfishcalgary.com/board/index.php?showtopic=3659 Beulah recommends either a 6 or 7 weight line with it, depending on the taper.
  9. Careful the BH fish don't catch her then! Nice build.
  10. http://www.ctvbc.ca/servlet/an/local/CTVNe...ishColumbiaHome I bet a few people on here could come up with a solution...
  11. Just a cheap tool box from Canadian Tire does it for me.
  12. cheeler


    You could always clamp it down I have had the pedestal move on me a couple times while doing work like that, but you can always hold it down when you're applying pressure.
  13. At Southland there was very little interference from the dog walking crowd at Gordon's last clinic, and only on river right did we come across a few.
  14. Thanks for the replies! I can't recall the exact size of wire, but its 30 or 32 gauge, with a red plastic coating (which can be burned off). I've seen 36 suggested, but my only source for that right now is the fly shops, which probably means it would much cheaper somewhere else, but the stuff I have is plentiful and free for me since it's just stuff that gets used once at work for cathodic protection surveys.
  15. The only one I've never had crack is the one I filled. Took it to the 19.95 shop on Edmonton trail, takes about 10 minutes to do, but as long as it's not in the direct sunlight you can do it anywhere.
  16. After seeing Badger's dubbing brushes, I decided to build a simple one out of some cheap wood and a few parts that cost less than $10 rather than pay $70 for one that only had a 6" long narrow dubbing tray. I also used an old standard screwdriver bit so that most any power tool can be used to spin it. (I haven't tried the dremel yet, but that could be fun ) Dubbing tray is 14 inches long: Hand knobs are for people with patience: Wire tension can be adjusted depending on the gauge used by adjusting the lower knob. The wire is placed between the rubber washer and brass washers: Dubbing brush twisted in less than 30 seconds: Dubbing brush of UV purple and black peacock ice dubs (trying out bloom's leech patterns with this one):
  17. Blueberry pancakes this time? I didn't really get a chance to look around much at the lake yet, are there areas easy to fish from shore? (and hopefully, out of the hurricane force winds?)
  18. Closed April 1-May 31 (at least in last year's regs) We could still cast, but it would suck not being able to fish.
  19. No snow right now, usually what we hear on TV during March and April is "a slight chance of flurries", and wake up to 6 inches on the ground, but the decent weather's been holding up ok so there's not too much ice left D/S of the treatment plant. As for location, there's a couple spots with foot bridges so that you can work both sides of the water easily. Can't help you out on a spot for fly tying, though.
  20. You can also try kevlar or gel spun polyethylene thread if you need something strong for big flies.
  21. Cheeler/Toolman $250 on #39 Got a boat big enough for 2 spey rods?
  22. cheeler

    Cuba Si!

    Great pic, where in Cuba did you go?
  23. The one in Kenora, Ont which uses the TransCanada Highway as their drive thru lineup. I honestly thought I was in a long construction lineup until I saw people actually block the incoming lane when doing the left hand turn into the place.
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