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Everything posted by Toirtis

  1. I hear you...there are a couple of vintage fishing links there that I did not already have, and there is nothing I love more than vintage fishing anything....probably my greatest weakness, actually.
  2. There never is enough, is there? I am pretty certain that I could blow though $50k on ff stuff in about 2 days.
  3. Very good. Very low. Depends on how handy you are...it is not that difficult if you are reasonably handy, but do your research first, as it is very difficult (as you might imagine) to tweak/fix once you have installed your floor. Big difference. Warm feets = warm you, and since the heat radiates upwards from a broad base, it warms the air nicely, too, so your furnace will not be on as much. It is very efficient, and due to its nature, does not dry the air or create/move around dust the way a forced-air furnace does. I know a number of people with this sort of heating in one or more rooms of their home, and not a single one regrets installing it.....it is particularly nice under the bathroom tiles, and in the kitchen.
  4. Sweet...thanks, Don. I will have to see if I can swing by there this week.
  5. I think those might be a tad thick...I really need the sort used for dishes, cleaning about the house, etc. Thanks...linky: http://dronsworld.blogspot.com/2011/11/lat...-la-caddis.html
  6. Sadly, too thin for my use...I have lots of those at home already. haha!...yoou very funny, Mr. Don!
  7. OK, this is a weird one. I found a funky pattern online that I desperately want to tie. The main ingredient is strips of chartreuse rubber gloves...the sort used for doing dishes, etc. Problem is, I can find gloves only in varying shades of yellow. If anyone spots chartreuse gloves out there (WalMart, CanTire, dollar stores, etc), please let me know.
  8. Took this in this morning....great talk, really enjoyed it, and it really did a lot to encourage me out onto the river in some months I have previously eschewed. Will definitely be at next week's talk as well. See you there.
  9. Ohhh...those Russians!
  10. I was mainly a spin, hardbait and ocean fisherman (taught by my father) until '81 when I got a fly rod, reel, and tying kit for my birthday. The gift came along with a series of fly-fishing lessons...those plus a lot of self-practice was my path.
  11. I may go a bit more spendy with this one just for the sheer output: http://www.ebay.com/itm/UltraFire-WF-501B-...=item1e6815a1e8 Do you know the output on the ones you have?
  12. Full rotary, and although it is considerably more than my original budget, I am now completely in love with, and am going to save for, a J-Vise.
  13. I don't know...I would be looking at $900 before shipping, and I am not sure that I could resell it quickly for over $1000.
  14. Yes, I know...although I can get my hands on a lightly used LAW, it would still be a good $450 more than I want to spend. I could stretch to about $375 if something turns out to be amazing, but I would like to keep it below $300.
  15. Sorry, although I know that there are a fair few Nor-Vise loyals out there, it is just a bit weird for me.
  16. OK, I am in some serious need of a new, better vise. I am interested as to your thoughts on best ones to consider, and ones to avoid. I am on a budget, so although the Petitjean and LAW vises are perhaps fabulous, they are well out of the range I have to spend. Three that I have been giving some serious consideration to are the Peak, the Montana Blackfoot Mongoose, and the Montana Mongoose.
  17. That looks interesting...I will definitely look for some. I found the torch on ebay for $16, which combined with the local purchase of the resin would save you around $15, but the kit at $45 is a decent deal, as buying it direct from Deer Creek is about $53 with shipping.
  18. I really love these podcasts...I have every one loaded on my iPod now, and have managed to listen to almost all of them...great for when I am driving, doing dishes, working in the garage, etc. If you have not yet checked them out, make a point of it.
  19. Well, there is Beadles down on 17th Ave SW & 7 st...I am not sure of their stock, as due to the problems finding parking in the area, I rarely go there. I am not completely certain that the pattern is using a bead, unless the opening on the bead is large enough to thread onto the hook over the eye. I really want to see a pattern on this one.
  20. I buy almost all of my beads at Beads and Plenty More (Northland Village Shoppes and Bonavista)....great selection of metallic and glass beads (at a fraction of the price of Killer Caddis beads). That being said, I would love to see a couple of pics of this boatman, and a pattern....otherwise I need to drive the 30 km down to Fishtales so I can buy some and autopsy one. I hate having no fly shops here in the NW...somebody open one, please!
  21. Sorry to hear that....I know that living with Lyme disease can be unpleasant. Hope you do well, and thanks for reminding everyone what a little prevention can do.
  22. Fantastic...I would love to see news like this more often....far too many poachers seem completely unworried about getting caught or fines that might actually hurt. In situations like this, I think $2500 should be an absolute minimal fine.
  23. Wow...if I had the spare cash, I would be all over that.
  24. It is OK, but really not much of each material, especially for a beginner that is likely to go through some extras when trying out techniques. I would seriously look at buying a decent kit or just the vice, and essential equipment separately, some basic threads and cement....then see about getting some spare mats from local tiers...either from here, club (like the hook & hackle) meetings, or at the tying meetings I am hoping to start in November.
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