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Everything posted by Toirtis

  1. Very nice shots. I do love our crotalids....unfortunately, I was able to get out herping only twice this summer....once along the Oldman North of Taber, and once down by the Hat....finding plenty of rattlers, but few bullsnakes, unfortunately.
  2. Sorry to hear about the injury, Jonathan....that really sucks. Losing the hunting season blows, but perhaps you can use that time for a bunch of tying...
  3. Mine: http://www.flytyingforum.com/ http://about-flyfishing.com/cs/fly-tying-patterns.html http://hipwader.com/flyfishing/oreillys-fl...g-fly-patterns/ http://www.flyfishingconnection.com/patterns/fly_tying.php http://goldenstone.ca/Fly_Tying_Instructions.php http://www.hatchesmagazine.com/category/Fly_Tying We need to get together soon to swap some mats and do some tying.
  4. If those are porous in any way, they will likely get the boot (pun semi-intended) along with felt.
  5. I like my Simms G3s, and the G4 boot is a nice boot to go with it.
  6. Why not indeed? So, when and where should we plan this?
  7. Huge into anything spicy, and certainly hot sauces. There are a few vendors around town (like one in Eau Claire that I cannot remember the name of, off hand), and it is nice that they carry different brands....even Bass Pro has a couple of shelves in their cafe.
  8. Toirtis

    Only $3!

    Sadly, I do not think that it is a joke.
  9. Toirtis

    Only $3!

    Those are phenomenal....what he needs to be selling are tying classes!
  10. Toirtis


    That is a point...China and Russia are typically 2-5 years behind North America and Europe in fashion trends.
  11. Always happy to swap with other tyers when I have extra of any mats, too. Perhaps we could work that into some tying meets this winter.
  12. There is enough believable evidence (pre-20th century sightings, stories from native histories, footprints discovered by accident) to suggest that there was/is something undiscovered out there...as a zoologist and hobbyist cryptozoologist, I have an open mind, but without some very solid evidence, I am yet to be convinced of what. I also believe that Ogopogo sightings are often sightings of some real animal...perhaps a really big sturgeon. As a scientist, I am going to look for the most probable explanation first. Curiously, the BC wildlife act provides protection (or at least it used to) for any unknown species residing in Lake Okanagan, but not for any undiscovered, large primate living in BC.
  13. Toirtis


    It is speculation....chances are it will not last even 2 years...but, if it should, they want to have plenty of stock...stock that they can easily unload at cost if they are incorrect.
  14. Well, aside from Wholesale Sports, Fishing Hole, Westwinds, and Fish Tales, I buy a number of items online (eBay, mostly), and at non-fishing shops, like Buckskin Leather (can't beat $4 rabbit skins), Beads and Plenty More (Northland Village...great glass bead selection),...and hit up hunters I know for spare fur and feathers. Craft shops also have some interesting finds for materials. It often pays to buddy-up with other tyers and split the cost on larger amounts (like 500 packs of hooks, or whole skins, etc).
  15. Toirtis


    One would think...but losing long-term buyers to some short term big profits is just bad business.
  16. Toirtis


    Whiting claimed to a local dealer that all their stock is spoken for to the end of 2013, so I figured that it had to be them. Hmm...no one I buy from has complained of being shorted yet....whichever farmers are doing that are going to regret it before long.
  17. Toirtis


    Whiting. Where's my star? Nah...it is fashion, and believe it or not, I am pretty connected to the industry....I would be very surprised if this fad is still hot 14 months from now....and the farmers will not be shorting the fly shops in favour of the fashion peeps, because they will want to stay on good terms with the people that will still be in the market for grizzly saddles 2 years down the road...after demand from hairdressers has dropped 99%.
  18. Love this box, at the corner of 16th Ave and 5 St NE:
  19. I have to agree....be willing to spend at least a good $170 for a Peak vise (at least, or better, $260 for a Griffin Mongoose)...the vises in the kits are serviceable, but hardly enjoyable to tie with. Plus, there are plenty of us on here that would be happy to hang out with you and tie, and even share a few materials, I am sure.
  20. x3. That being said, prepare to replace any felt-soled boots before too long....there has been a lot of talk about the spread of Didymo in Western Canada lately, and every report and article I have read are blaming felt-soled wading boots as being 90%+ responsible, so I suspect that we will be adopting an Alaska-like law before too long. Currently, I am in the habit of giving my felt soles a 10 minute soak in 75ºC water with a couple capfuls of bleach in it between outings.....it is enough to kill any Didymo hanging on, without the need to ensure that the soles are bone-dry between wades.
  21. Thinking on the earlier bacon-inspired posts: http://www.baconfestcanada.com/ Who is going?
  22. I voted Islander, but I really do also like Loop, Sage, Hardy, and Ross, too.
  23. Been tying a lot of golden stones this past couple of weeks using MFC Etha-Wing instead of feather for the wings....it is pretty good stuff, but not inexpensive. Picked up some plastic drawer units from Canadian Tire to hold more of my mats, and they are working out very nicely.
  24. Very nice...congratulations on that one!
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