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Everything posted by Toirtis

  1. I have two vests currently....one is a Patagonia mesh shorty ( http://www.patagonia.com/ca/product/patago...g?p=81955-0-176 ), which I like for its lightweight coolness as I tend to get over-warm easily on hot days, but I am not thrilled with the pocket-closure style. The other is a more vintage cotton vest with a ton of pockets, which I wish were cooler, because I love the amount of storage and style of pockets. My quest for my perfect vest continues until I have a perfect combination of just the right number and style of pockets combined with fit and lightweight coolness. That being said, my fiance has a Redington fly vest ( http://www.redington.com/Clark-Fork-Mesh-Vest.html ), and she really loves it, and we both have Redington jackets that we like very much.
  2. Toirtis


    Daiichi, then Tiemco.
  3. Sorry to hear that, Lornce.....but at least you can the option of being your own boss...best of luck on your new venture!
  4. Nice...I would love to add a Delica to our vehicles, but I think the fiancee is hooked on an Outlander.
  5. '09 Mitsubishi Lancer....my everyday vehicle...I drive it to where I fish...it could have a slightly bigger boot, but I have no complaints.
  6. Thanks for all the suggestions...we had been looking at the Redingtons, but will certainly be checking out the women's Simms a bit more closely before choosing.
  7. My fiancee needs some waders, and has managed to try on a couple at local shops, but I would also like a few suggestions. She is 5'0", with a curvy-build and size 7.5-8 (womens' sizes) feet. Any suggestions on quality, breathable, stocking-foot waders that would likely have a good fit, but will not break the bank? Since most waders are targeted at men 5'8"-6'2", finding waders that fit her well is becoming a longish adventure, and I do not want to buy online, as trying-on is impossible, and exchanges typically take forever and cost muy shipping.
  8. Briefly, and good (no fish, though)....we are headed out again tomorrow morning.
  9. The Fiancee and I dropped by to have a look....bought a few tying supplies....and my fiancee won a really nice Redington Squall jacket. It was a great time, with lots of great people there....there is a reason we end up there almost every weekend.
  10. Oh definitely...today is mainly a teaching outing.
  11. The fiancee wants to hit the Bow, but she does not have her waders yet. Since all I ever do is wade and float, I have no idea where is best from shore without waders.....any suggestions?
  12. No personal experience, but I have been hearing tons of good things about them from a lot of people.
  13. Whoops...just checked....looks like mine is 20lb.
  14. Very nice. I have never done a woven body myself, but want to give them a try this year.
  15. After watching a chap do a ccouple in one of the local seminars, I have been using 10lb white fly-line backing. I am pretty sure that there are a few videos on youtube...search under "articulated fly"
  16. Wow...very, very nice. I am fortunate enough to own some of those lures individually, purchased from a gas-station in Spruce Grove that sold fishing tackle when it went out of business about 5 years ago, but to see two immaculate, complete cards...that is a real treat. If you do not post this on the AO forums, I will have to link this for one of the members, who, like myself, collects vintage tackle....and I suspect that he has the fundage to make that streamwatch auction extra interesting.
  17. Not true of computers, particularly laptops, and many higher-end TVs...the 3-year warranties that I have had on a number of laptops over the years have paid for themselves many-fold.
  18. Computer Trends is quite good, but always get the 3 year warranty.
  19. Funny that you should ask...I recently contacted the chap at TU that has been organising them for the past few, and he said that he had a tentative date in late April (I am guessing the 28th).
  20. x3 ...I like "Hatches", too.
  21. Toirtis


    OK, a couple of questions on this... Does rayon or nylon = acetate? You long do you 'dip' the worm? Never mind, answered my own questions: 1. No 2. You don't...a light brush is plenty....an actual dip would pretty much completely dissolve all the floss.
  22. Variants were $40, magnums were $30, I believe.
  23. Heads up for everyone...I was in the Fishing Hole on my lunch today, and a new shipment of Metz saddles was being unpacked....about half magnums and half #2 variants (picked up one for myself)...some pretty nice specimens that will likely be all gone by Saturday noon, I expect.
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