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Everything posted by Toirtis

  1. Very nice...I particularly like the underside of the lid.
  2. Wow....wow.
  3. No need to boycott. who does not want to actually view what they are buying, or try it on? I am not fond of waiting for shipping, or paying for it, either. Because of shipping costs, and possible gst/duty, the online option will likely be similar in price to buying locally, but with additional wait time.
  4. The fiancee is now getting into fly-fishing, has a nice 5wt rod and reel, and I am wondering what your suggestions are for a good floating line for a novice caster. I have been looking at the Rio Avid and Mainstream lines, and wondering on thoughts on those (I usually use Rio Gold myself), as well as Rio Trout LT, but if you have some others that you think would make great choices, please let me know. Price is not a huge factor, but I would prefer perhaps a bit less spendy, as we still need to cough up for some waders, vest, and boots.
  5. Personally, after reviewing the exhibitors and retailers online, I decided it was not worth the bother this year.
  6. Its true....you can find deads as far south as just north of the Glenmore bridge. Found quite a number of Canada geese there early last year.
  7. I think that would be more boat-fishing than ice-fishing at the moment. Problem is, you need to either be a resident, or suck-up to one to fish Sundance.
  8. Double-check your ice reports...there have been a few cases of surprisingly thin ice in the past week.
  9. Yes, but bear in mind that there are multiple species of snakehead (I suspect that your friend has a 'giant' snakehead, as opposed to the northern species), but only the northern snakehead comes anywhere close to posing a threat of invasion anywhere in Canada, and having worked with numerous Channa species, I would highly doubt that any snakehead could survive a winter anywhere outside of a couple of areas in southern Ontario, and possibly southern BC.
  10. I picked up very nice fistful of tying mats on Saturday, between taking in presentations, etc. Want to thank Doc for hooking me up with some hard to find mats that I have been wanting to tie with. Drooled over a couple of Meiser rods, and a few drift boats. Spent all Sunday helping man the booth for the wonderful folks at FlyFusion mag. Came home very tired, but very happy.
  11. If you do a Canadian Llama order, I would be up for adding a few to the order to share with bulk pricing, shipping, etc.
  12. I could do most of Sunday.
  13. "I think were gonna need a bigger net..."
  14. Toirtis


    Not for those patterns, but for lots of others that call for glass beads. For brass/copper/silver beads, I usually hit one of the local shops or this guy: http://www.canadianllama.com/
  15. Just thought I would post on tailing fibers, since a discussion on fibbets came up on another forum. Dollarama has some good paintbrushes that have very useful bristles for $1 each, and the $5 boar's bristle shaving brushes at WalMart are great, too.
  16. Toirtis


    A new favourite place to buy some colours/sizes of beads that I could not find locally: www.fusionbeads.com ...really reasonably priced, as the Toho silver-lined beads that I wanted were $4.50 for 8 grams at Michaels (they had sizes 6 & 11, but not 8), but $1.67 for 10 grams on fusionbeads, and shipping on three 10 gram bags was only $2.99. I like Beads and Plenty More in Northland Village Shops for beads, too.
  17. Have a Merry Christmas everyone...I hope those dear to you are close by.
  18. I am guessing that talking dirty to them is probably both legal and effective.
  19. Toirtis


    Probably. I have backings on my reels in more than just orange and white...I have chartreuse and yellow, too. Funny that you should post on backing...I recently bought some white 10lb specifically for using in tying articulated streamers,too.
  20. Chiquita is two faced...they have shifted money to a number of terrorist groups and fascist regimes to protect and broaden their own interests...this is a whitewash job, and a poor one at that...nevermind just the bananas, Chiquita has a lot of products that will not be seeing the inside of my shopping basket.
  21. Only if the call center is in Canada....the Canadian laws have absolutely no power over telemarketers in the US and Caribbean (and anywhere else)...which is why such a huge percentage of these calling centers are now located outside Canada.
  22. Welcome to the new US....a mixture of extreme personal rights, and zero rights, all potentially occurring simultaneously.
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