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Everything posted by jasonvilly

  1. Keep it up Rick and you'll have testes of steel. Maybe that could be your superpower.
  2. Nice looking fish
  3. Indeed! I am going to take you up on your beer and tying lessons.
  4. I am an Icky man. (how much arse smooching would I have to do to get sponsored hahaha) Personally I have never had any troubles with their ties. Only problem is the damn trout eating them too much and destroying them. Shipping is fast. Local guys and therefore a local economic impact (don't think they are local tied, but correct me if I'm wrong) Fished with Ben and met joe on the river. Both awesome guys. Great price. Plus they just added 40 new flies, great looking additions. Their grab packs helped me a ton when I was just learning. When you order they give you 10% discount code with your flies. Free flies with every purchase (however the one they sent me I cannot figure out what the heck it is, but cutties love it) I also find their site easier to navigate and less hassle. Biased, maybe but I believe in them.
  5. Smitty In my teaching career and coaching I have found less is more with kids when trying to teach them a new skill. I try to give them no more than 3 key points. Anymore than that and it is lost. Not sure if the age group, I work primarily with junior high. Maybe some pictures or diagrams with each point might br better. As Peter said, maybe 1 point could be about the key grip, then have a picture of the grip. Point 4. Talk about the abrupt stop, then show a picture of where their hand and rod should be in relation to their head. This method would also activate their kinesthetic sense along with their visual.. Let me know how it goes, I'm starting an outdoor Ed option next year, and hoping to add a "fishing" module. Good luck and have fun.
  6. Only if you catch them on a fly....hahaha
  7. The brook stickleback would be the only real option. But I think they only get to be 2". If I'm correct they are actually in the seahorse family. Not even sure they are in Alberta. Oddly enough that 12 year old caught one. But I doubt on the fly.
  8. Here is some info I found in a quick search: How many fish species live in Alberta? There are approximately 65 species of fish swimming in Alberta waters. Of these: ■ 54 of these species have established populations in the province, and include a mix of both native and introduced fish. ■ 11 species have all been introduced to the province, either through legal stocking or through illegal or accidental release. These fish are present in limited numbers in Alberta. 18 fish species have been identified in this section of the website as they are fish classified by Alberta Sustainable Resource Development (SRD) either as popular game species, or as species at risk. Classification Alberta's fish species can be divided into 12 families, or general groupings based on similar characteristics. These families are: ■ Acipenseridae – Sturgeon family ■ Catostomidae – Sucker family ■ Cottidae – Sculpin family ■ Cyprinidae – Minnow family ■ Esocidae – Pike family ■ Gadidae – Codfish family ■ Gasterosteidae – Stickleback family ■ Hiodontidae – Mooneye family ■ Ictaluridae – Freshwater catfish family ■ Percidae – Perch family ■ Percopsidae – Trout-perch family ■ Salmonidae – Salmon family
  9. I was in Montana this weekend, picked up a copy of a Montana Outdoor magazine. A twelve year old kid is trying to catch all 83 species of Montan fish, so far he is at 43 if I remember. That includes many different kinds, from the small sculpin and brook stickleback all the way up to the massive paddlefish and shovelnose sturgeon. Another fellow caught 40 different species in 1 year, his personal best. He says he has learned alot about his fishing and how to fish different species by targeting different fish. I know that alot of the forum is dedicated to catching trout, but I thought it might be neat to see how many different species you have all caught in 1 calendar year. So far this year I have caught Brown trout Rainbow trout Rocky Mountain Whitefish Pike Grayling (but this was in Montana, so it doesnt count towards my Alberta goal) Plan to get: *edit* added golden trout - thanks toirtis Brook Trout Bull Trout Cutthroat Cuttbow Walleye Sauger Goldeye Mooneye Lake trout Perch Sturgeon (might have to do a guided day, but it wont be on the fly, so does that count) Any others that you can think of? I am open to suggestions!
  10. It's good, little big for hiking, the bag will get caught in everything. I solve it by using a smaller one. Nice for he bow, pontoon, drift boat.
  11. Yep, still searching for my first sledgehammer. BAM!
  12. Don That is a pretty interesting document, what caught my eye was the renewed Kananaskis goal. Creating a K Lake that has a stable water level would hopefully mean stable flows for the Kananaski River. There is no reason that it should not be an excellent fishery. However turning it back into a stable fishery would take more than just mitigating flow differentials. The goals that they have set out seem pretty good, but what I always find about documents like this is that they don't give the average person avenues on how they can become involved. I see a lot of government involement in this document which is obviously needed, but HOW CAN I HELP is not answered. I know that the City of Calgary is looking for committe members for their something like 80 committees. Maybe a first step would be getting involved in one of those that relate to the environment/bow river. The Bow River Basin Committee has caught my eye. http://www.calgary.ca/CA/city-clerks/Pages...Committees.aspx Thanks for sharing the PDF, I will have to give it a more thorough read. J
  13. I was using a pike taper.
  14. So I didnt get out to Badger on Sunday because I was sick so I decided to head to Glenmore to try and cast some pike flies that I had tied up. Fully expecting to get skunked as I hear glenmore isnt the best fishery. Mostly wanted to try casting the heavier flies. So a couple of firsts happened last night. -first time fishing glenmore reservoir -first time chucking and ducking pike flies -first pike ever caught -first time I ever tied my own leaders (40lb maxima to 30lb maxima to 20 pound maxima finished off with 50lb seagur as bite gaurd, online recipe I found) -first fish caught on my redington delta 9/10 reel (didnt catch a bonefish with it last trip) -first fish caught with my TFO TiCr 9 wt (same as above comment) -first pike caught on one of my own hand tied fly. I have dubbed it the: red and black yak and flash. Not the biggest specimen, but it was still pretty fun. Now I got the fever. Learned some things. - I tied a lot of rabbit pike flies. They are uber heavy when wet, I think I prefer casting the yak hair and flash type I tied. - Double haul is important - people are dirty, I picked an grocery bag of garbage. Gross.
  15. Now that sounds like a plan, perhaps a K Lake exscursion in the near future?
  16. This is what I did, but I think I will still mount the motor off the back. Now the motor will pull me in the same direction as if I were using the oars. Will also negate the worry of having line tangle up in the motor.
  17. Those guys are probably fishing graphite too, unbelievable!
  18. I understand your point about the value of exercise Don (and consequently hard work) however there are other ways to get exercise in. But when you go fishing you go to fish, not row your boat. A trolling motor will significantly increase the size of lake that I am able to explore now. Cheers J
  19. gas buddy on the iphone is a good app. Gives you a map of the closest cheap gas. But the cheapest is usually costco or tsuu tina.
  20. Name change site http://www.servicealberta.ca/797.cfm
  21. jasonvilly

    My 2011

    You have a pretty amazing eye for nice shots, love the second one of the first series with the mountain reflection. Inspiring photos. Need to explore more!!!
  22. You need to protect yourself from gettin low holed, you might want to look into some protection next time Don, and maybe a trip to the clinic is in order.
  23. I think I am just going to turn the head of the propellor unit around. That way the pontoon will be going backwards (this is how they are designed to move anyhow) In this set up the motor will pull the boat along behind the motor, which should allow it to track fairly well (saw a guy last weekend with a similiar set up and he didnt look like he was struggling). This seems to make more sense than trying to push the boat, it would also be easier troll (which I dont think I will do) Terry, I understand your point as well and was on the fence about whether I wanted/needed one. But looking at some of the lakes I want to fish (which I have no knowledge about, alot of exploring is going to be needed) are quite large. So a motor will definitely help. But hey if you ever see a guy on blue 9IR that is stunningly handsome and you need a tow, feel free to holler over.
  24. Got the swivel on my toon already. But I think I paid less than $12 for everything. Got the swivel at wholesale for $7
  25. By front steer do you mean flip the propellor head 180 degrees? That's what I was thinking of doing, then I would just drive backwards. I like the plexiglass idea, might be easy to work with than Aluminium. I will try the mesh this weekend and see what I think. Slingshotsz do you put the battery in something? Like a rubber tub?
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