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Everything posted by jasonvilly

  1. Much better Thanks Rick, FNG and Monger. Now I got it figured out.
  2. Those are tiny, how the hell do I resize 14.1 mp pictures into 100kb so that they are a decent size? Anyone?
  3. Went out with RickR and Uberfly on Saturday. Here are some of the pictures. New camera so some of the pictures aren't the greatest. Need to wipe the lense on the waterproof camera before taking pictures or you get those blurry spots. Also accidently took them in snow mode, so that is why they are overexposed. need to put it on auto. Oh well, great time with the boys. I also need to learn how to resize images in photoshop better. This is my quick job of it. Pic 1: 1 of Ricks bows, probably the smallest and least colored of them all, but it was the only one I got a chance to net for him Pic 2: Uberflys beauty Brown to end the day, not a great pic, this thing was fat Pic 3: I need a bigger net, Rick took a spill in the river to net this bad boy. That is dedication. Thanks Rick.
  4. Great program and there are many organizations in need... Hope it keeps going.
  5. good idea, was done that way at the beginning of the month, may need to go back to exercise
  6. A young web savvy whipper snapper has already tried the website and found that they only have pictures of the reel seat on there. I would try emailing them via the contact link for photos. I bought an element series pieroway this weekend. Very sweet stick. Didn't see the method series there. Good luck in your search.
  7. Attended my first WCFFE. Really enjoyed myself, wish I could have stayed longer, but when the lady asks to share your hobby with you and joins you......you don't want to push your luck by staying too long. Too bad I have to wait so long to try out the new weapon. So might be fun to see what everyone grabbed while there. I picked up a pieroway 3wt element series. Was pretty impressed with the feel, like the medium fast action. Will make a great cutty stick. Only 5 months till mountain streams open. Sigh!
  8. I like the black on the bottom of that hopper SD, gentleman I met on the Yellowstone showed me that with salmon flies. I tried it on my hoppers back home and thought I noticed a big difference. Now I carry a sharpie at all times.
  9. Does the loot include a beer with April Vokey? If so I bet you would have a ton of volunteers!
  10. That is correct. Your confirmation email is your ticket.
  11. My buddy just called and said the hill is wide open, so hopefully it stays that way, if so you should find lots of powder.
  12. I went last weekend, I would go again this weekend however I will warn you about a couple of things. Because of the massive amount of snow and low clouds, little avy control has been done. The only open areas were Timber, Whitepass and Bear. With the increased traffic due to the recent snow this meant everyone funneled into essentially these two areas. Best snow was found off whitepass. If you know the hill then you will know where to go here. It rained. Everything above snowline was really good, not some much below, stay up above snowline. Bring your own lunch, there were huge lineups to get into the bars. Or do a late lunch, or better yet say screw lunch and just rip it up all day. This is also the least busy time at lifts. Not trying to be negative just trying to help you enjoy your day. I found lots of waist deep untouched powder, so you will have fun. Hopefully they will be able to open a few bowls for your. I was really hoping to try out the polar peak lift, but currie never opened all day. Have fun. J
  13. Too bad this shark didn't eat Samuel l Jackson for real. It would put a lot of us out of our misery.
  14. Welcome to the forum. These guys and gals are a great crew....well mostly hahaha.
  15. Not willing to beat a deadhorse to death with my opinion that the Castle area should be left alone but, I would also like to throw these points into the gamut of responses. Spray lakes will spend absolutely no money in the Castle area, they will not hire people from there, they will not purchase fuel from there, products will not be processed there. Nothing will be spent on or in this community. Everything will come from the Cochrane area shop or elsewhere. They will only take...nothing will be given back. Heck they own the Atlas road leading to the old Atlas mill and they dont want to be held responsible for the upkeep of road and bridges. Instead they would rather have the government take it over, meaning the tax payers in the castle area would be paying for the upkeep of the road that Spray trucks on. Now that is slap in the face.
  16. Just saw that it is playing on the movie channel on bell. I pvr'd it, will watch it later. Synopsis: Looking at the battle to halt proposals for coal bed methane which threatens a fragile ecosystem. Just thought I would pass it on.
  17. What does volunteering entail? I only have a few seasons and 1 yer on the site under my belt.
  18. I think you are talking about Montana. I used these services as well, however I found the shuttle distances to be WAY less then Calgary. Typically a 10-15 minute drive at most for a full day float ( used shuttles on missouri, Madison and yellowstone). However the cheapest was $25 not $20. To put it in perspective here are a few comparatives I can think of... Beer in Calgary at a bar $5-8 Montana $1-2 Lift ticket at sunshine $85 whitefish $50 Camping in Alberta $15-25 Montana $7-15 (at FAS sites or forestry service sites which would be equivalent of provincial park) There are others but those are the ones I know. economy wise, it is unfair to compare Calgary to montana or any of the northwest states IMHO. I think uber makes the best point, supply and demand. However 420 makes a good point, if you don't agree with the price then do it on your own. This can be said for many things. In the end i think it is worth it for the convenience purely to save time, meaning more time on the water.
  19. I like the idea of luncheon or maybe a get together over a few beers. I would help organize and find a place. Ill see what I have laying around at home to offer up.
  20. Fortress Lake for monster brookies......plus you get to spend time with two amazing people.
  21. Application process for 2012 opens in January. It is $10 to apply and $60 for float fees when you register on the day you float. Montana fishing license would be about $50 for 4 days. http://stateparks.mt.gov/parks/permits/smithRiver.html There would obviously be a better chance if we had more people in a "group" applying. Maximum party size is 15 but I think smaller would be much better. We would also need to figure out some other things. Example: at that time of year a Raft would probably be the best option. I found a place in Montana that we could rent a couple. Drift boat would be tough I hear. This of course is only possible if we got a permit for this year.
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