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Everything posted by Muffin

  1. 11 hour sleep, I am jealous. One heck of a good b-day present though.
  2. I got a flight to Palm Springs to spend time with my family.
  3. Very cool pics, I have a couple of my grandpas old fly rods setup by my front entry way. I surrounded it with some plastic fall colored foliage and it looks nice.
  4. Oh cool Toirtis I was not aware of that. Good to know.
  5. The new magicjack does not require a computer. I am not sure if you need a computer to set it up the first time or not though. The place I was at was all setup when I got there.
  6. Toirtis all very good points. With most modern cell phones now though they can track your location. I know that was not always the case.
  7. I was just down in Palm Springs and the place we were at had a magic jack. I was reasonably impressed. As Murray said the call quality will vary based on internet. This will happen with Skype, vonage, viber, or Magic Jack. I have used them all and had decent success. As Murray said the 911 part is an issue. Personally I like using my cell phone and just putting one of the apps mentioned above on it and then using wi-fi as data roaming is very pricey.
  8. Happy New Year everyone. Too posting more content on this blog to prevent the ghost town effect.
  9. Awesome looking boat. I imagine it handles great with the size. With a boat smaller like that would you get pushed around more? My buddy had an old wooden drift boat we fixed up but it was a tank, especially with 3 guys averaging about 250 lbs/person.
  10. This was a great time last year, sadly I will be unable to attend due to vacation. I recommend it to any people who haven't been before.
  11. That is a crying shame, I find it more enjoyable to fish with a single barbless hook as it is more challenging to actually land a fish. Also as stated above they are very easy to come out and short of the occassional time where it punctures the fish in an odd location the damage is very minimal.
  12. Hello everyone, I saw this article on the Calgary herald which was quite interesting all be it sad/concerning. I thought other people maybe be interested in case they don't read the herald. http://www.calgaryherald.com/technology/Bull+trout+official+Alberta+fish+species+slides+into+risk/7646094/story.html
  13. Great pictures, looks like a really great first season. I especially enjoyed the one with the buildings of downtown in the background.
  14. Great pictures. Looks like you had a pretty good summer. Sorry to hear about Magnum looks like a great dog.
  15. That looks awesome, nice work so far.
  16. My first rod was a Redington and I was very happy with it. Nothing to pricey or fancy but I loved it. I still keep it to let my friends try the sport out. It was a 6 wt.
  17. Haha Rick, I think kids hate anything when it involves parents at that age.... even if they don't. Again some very nice fish, glad to see everyone had a good time.
  18. Thanks for posting, looks like a great trip. Some really nice sized healthy fish there. Did it get pretty cold at night?
  19. Yep sadly I am just not that surprised. I wish I had a some sort of good answer but sadly I don't.
  20. That is just annoying to watch. I know that education is helpful but it just seems that some people are incapable or learning or maybe unwilling is the more accurate word. I wonder how long that can guy can hold his breath under water, perhaps he should go try as a matter of perspective.
  21. I work at a pretty big company downtown and could send out a mass email.... for the win.
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