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Everything posted by SteveM

  1. Nicely done, Neil; that's a chunky brown!
  2. Thanks. It's different every time I fish there. One day I saw a couple city employees painting over the graffiti; nice to know my tax dollars are being used to give these vandals a fresh canvas!
  3. Caught fish first; then, flower shots, etc. Most of 'em were on the short walk back to my car. I've got my priorities straight!
  4. Even managed to catch a 22" brown trout; only had one good eye & was kinda slinky, but took me downriver in a hurry... Certainly would have preferred to do that float, but I sure enjoyed the short time I got on the water. Happy Canada Day!
  5. I was a little disappointed that I had to turn down a chance to float the Bow today; I worked all night (finished @ 7am), then had a couple appointments during the day. Luckily, I work within 5 minutes of the Bow & had a bit of time to kill after work; the decal on my car window told me what I should do with that time... So, I spent an hour on the river... More to come...
  6. Just to clarify, Birchy... When you say "that'll be me", do you mean that you'll be fishing with a bobber & powerbait??? Congratz to your litle one, Boris; & to you for getting the little guy out there!
  7. SteveM


    Real nice brown. Why do you look so pissed off? Is that your 'Bow Riva Gangsta' face?
  8. Ryan shoulda asked for an acting competition; he would have won, hands down. Thanks for posting that, Birchy; good stuff! "I woulda painted that , too, if I'd known I could turn the canvas horizontal..." :lol:
  9. Thanks for that, Don; great report! "* don't move to Roblin. I've never seen a town with lawns/gardens/streets so well kept." Maybe I can get some folks from Roblin to move in on either side of me; I'm fightin' a losing battle against my neighbors' weed farms!
  10. Gay as in happy, right? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dang Oiler fans...
  11. Got out in town for a while this evening with my bro'. Started with this... Released... Took a few pics... Ended with this... Released... That'll do!
  12. "aint a trophy"??? I beg to differ; anything that beautiful is a trophy, my friend. Sweet brookie!
  13. Thanks for the positive comments, guys; it's so gorgeous up there- I highly recommend it. Monger- Maligne is great, but I'm still all about the creek fishing, brother. Snap- sorry I missed ya; we'll meet on some water someday! Feel free to post pics from your trip...
  14. Looks like a great trip, Kevin. Fantastic pics. Beauty chinook & hali; some good eats there! Must have been pretty intense watching those orcas under you boat! WOW!!!
  15. Try tossing black & white streamers, big San Juan Worms & stoneflies tight to the banks....
  16. I posted some pics from Maligne Lake in the photo section. Here's a little story from that trip... Randy & I left Edmonton @ 2:45am; we really wanted to get 2 full days on the lake. A quick stop in Hinton for a hearty breakfast, & we were in the parking lot @ Maligne shortly after 7am. A couple of Randy's fishing buddies were already there, inflating there Zodiacs. After we got the canoe in the lake, Randy brought the truck & trailer back up to the lot. One of his buddies asked him if he could put his Zodiac on Randy's trailer to carry it from the lot to the launch, rather than dragging it. Being the nice guy that he is, Randy handed him his keys & said, "Give 'em back to me later; but, be careful, that's my only set of keys!" (Can ya see where this story is heading?) Fast forward a couple hours & a bunch of trout; we cross paths with Cory (not his real name) out on the lake. Randy & I reel up our lines & head towards Cory's boat. He sees us coming & hollers, "I'll get your keys back to ya now, Randy." Randy plans to pull up alongside & have his keys handed to him; Cory has other ideas. Neither he nor his buddy reel up, and as he gets closer, he says,"I'll slow down & toss your keys to ya, Randy..." Randy:"Don't f***n' throw 'em!!!" Cory:"I'll just toss 'em in the canoe..." I can still see it, in slow motion- the keys tumbling end over end through the air, just out of Randy's reach. They hit the gunnel on the far side of the canoe, & for a split second I thought they might bounce into the bottom of the boat. Of course they didn't. They went into the 39 degree Fahrenheit waters of Maligne Lake. 30 feet of that water. Instinctively, Randy lunged after them, up to his shoulder. As quick as he went that way, I went the other. The gunnel on Randy's side went low enough to allow some water in; if I hadn't reacted, I'm 100% certain we would have taken a very chilly bath! Cory:"Oh, no! I'm sorry, Randy..." Randy didn't say a word; if you knew him, you'd realize how rare that his. After several minutes of silence, his first words to Cory were toting up the bill:"That was an expensive throw; 2 chip keys @ $140 apiece, an alarm remote, a couple more keys..." He never shared this following info with Cory- at 2:45am, just as we were about to drive away from Randy's house, Randy said,"I guess I should go back in & grab my spare keys, y'know, just in case." 'Cuz ya never know, right? So, while his keys were sitting in 30 feet of icy cold water, his spare set was buttoned securely in my shirt pocket. But, Cory didn't need to know that, did he?
  17. Now that's a more powerful dandelion harvester, Chris. I could use that one for one neighbor & the black bear for the other. No need to apologize, brother; thanks for adding to the thread.
  18. "Start" bait fishing??? When did I stop? Actually, we troll 'cuz that's how Randy fishes Maligne & what he knows. He supplies the canoe, the local knowledge, a discount on a place to stay (his wife's uncle owns Jasper House Bungalows), & a thousand stories & laughs. Least I can do is let him decide how we fish; especially since it works!
  19. I wish. I'm kinda hooped for holidays this year. Maybe if I quit my job... I'll be looking forward to a report, though; hope it fishes well for ya.
  20. Yeah, I'm rather fond of Maligne, too; looking forward to my next trip.
  21. It's a "Wigglefin ActionDisc"; it gives a trolled fly a nice, lifelike action.
  22. We also caught a whole buncha these... Just for Taco- "Catch & Release...Into the Grease!!!" A great coupla days spent aboard the "Aaralyn Emily"; Randy named his canoe after his granddaughter... Looking back at Jasper National Park. Fantastic fishing in a gorgeous setting with a good partner; what more could a man ask for??? Well, except for a weekend camped out at the end of the lake this fall...(already in the planning stages!) I can hardly wait!
  23. We got hit by some of this (pea size)... Just put up our collars & kept on fishin'! Lunch break... We ate real good... Randy's wife made beef/moose stew & froze it for us to take; so freakin' good! We also caught some fish. Some of these... (More to come...)
  24. I drove to Edmonchuk Thursday evening. My friend, Randy, & I left for Jasper @ 2:45am with Randy's 18' freighter canoe in tow. A breakfast stop in Hinton, & straight to Maligne Lake. Fishin' spots don't get much purtier than this, friends... (More to come...)
  25. I took this pic next to the road @ Medicine Lake in Jasper National Park on Friday evening... This was the second black bear we saw that day. The first (much bigger) one was sitting on his butt in the middle of Maligne Lake road; too bad my camera was still in the back of the truck. We stopped about 20 feet away from him, & he just slowly stood up & sauntered casually off into the trees.
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