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Everything posted by birchy

  1. Yikes! That's a bit on the scary side! Did this guy mention is his friend is healing up pretty good? Hope so..
  2. Wow.. you must be bored. Although.. i'm sure some bored person will reply to this as well..
  3. Wicked! Now I can go fly fishing on my lunch breaks!
  4. birchy


    Yeah.. I have to get out there one of these years.
  5. Way to make a comeback dude!!! Awesome pics!
  6. Got mine in the mail today. Can't wait to use it. Thanks Ian!
  7. Oh.. and the reason I'm not looking at any trucks is because we have friends riding with us quite often and with the car seat in the back it's tight.. 3rd row seating would be great to have.
  8. With the recent rise in gas prices and seemingly no end in sight... are any of you reconsidering what you use for a fishing/recreation vehicle? For myself, my 4Runner is also our family vehicle.. I'm getting a little under 22mpg combined, which is not too bad, but we're a one income family so it's a stark contrast from our last vehicle.. a Toyota Echo. This summer we purchased ourselves a camper trailer that weighs about 2300 pounds dry. When it's loaded with water and our stuff it's probably ~3000 pounds. The 4Runner is rated to pull a maximum of 5000 pounds... but I have no idea where they come up with these figures. I had to rev the ever living crap out of it to keep it above 90km on some of the hills going down highway 22 to go camping in BC. Plus it was really windy on the way down. Coming back wasn't quite as bad but I was lucky if I was getting 300km on a tank while pulling that trailer. It made me contemplate whether or not we should be looking at something with some more ponies under the hood.. maybe a full size SUV like a Sequoia/Expedition/Yukon/Tahoe type dealy. Would probably work out to be better mileage pulling the trailer, but at the same time.. we'd be looking at even worse MPG for our daily driving. Not terribly worse, but worse nonetheless. Now is the time to buy big SUV's when it comes to the vehicle itself.. but definitely not the time to buy when it comes to putting fuel in them! I'm curious what you guys/gals have been thinking/doing in regards to this lately?
  9. Yeah that was interesting. Might try it next time out as well. Interesting theory.. make it drift a bit differently to get the trouts attention.
  10. I chose "no" only because I'd like to be able to buy an annual classified waters license as well.
  11. Good lord Jay! That guy looks like he's ready to take on your dog!
  12. Trying it right now.. seems alright so far.
  13. 4-6 weeks and $55.. That's amazing! I can see why alot of you hate TFO so much..
  14. LOL... actually... so far I've been getting YOU to bend down and take the water temp.. so technically i'm trying to get less lazy!
  15. Anybody have one of these? Is it all it's cracked up to be? http://www.wyomingflyfishing.com/William-J...r-P1017C62.aspx
  16. birchy

    Friday's Float

    Sweet Ed!! David was telling me about that monster when I was in there on Saturday afternoon.
  17. 22" rainbow on the Bow eariler this year. CDock and I were fishing this little drop off after a riffle and I figured I'd try and wade in below and cast upstream to it. Started stripping in the line as the indicator was coming towards me.. it hesitated for a minute so I set the hook and ziiiinnnnnng! Landed this gorgeous rainbow in a spot I never expected a fish that big to be in.. Check this out.. a Bow River rainbow with NICE COLORS: Feel free to mock me all you want over this picture.. I don't think I've ever looked so goofy in my life and I giggle everytime I see it!
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