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Everything posted by birchy

  1. So my buddy has an agressive alcoholic neighbor who he's had some major issues with for the past number of years. It came to a head this past weekend and so my buddy and his wife decided to get a restraining order for this guy. Asked me to serve the papers for him.. "SURE! sounds like fun". So I go over there last night.. neither my buddy or I thought of it at the time.. but I had never actually SEEN this dude, so I had no idea what he looked like. I figured it'd be fairly simple... "hi there, I have a delivery for John Doe", "yeah thats me", "here you go, you've been served." Turns out... even while drunk (his breath had me buzzing almost), the guy was clever enough to figure something was up and I could NOT for the life of me get him to say that HE was John Doe. We went around and around for a bit but in the end, "John Doe lives here, but he's out right now.. you should send that via Canada Post because it's not registered mail and I don't want to take it because he might not want it." Wow.. I just got out-smarted by a drunk. Feels wonderful. So I go back to my vehicle and phone my buddy.. he's like "yeah, wife was listening at the window and heard the whole thing.. I didn't even think.. I have pictures on my camera I could've shown you.." Okay, well let's see the pictures and I'll have another go at it. Well, second time he wouldn't open the door. Which leads me .. finally .. to my question. Do any of you know if it's law in Canada that the person has to actually SAY, "yes, i'm John Doe" or "yes, that's me" in order for you to legally serve them papers? If I had have seen the pictures beforehand and knew for sure it was him, could I just have said "John Doe, you've been served" and literally tossed the papers inside his place? We've done some searching on the internet and it's not so clear.. but it seems like in Canada, as long as you know the person lives there, it doesn't necessarily have to be them that you talk to.. that if someone answers the door (roommate, family, whatev), and they appear to be over 16 years old, that you can just give them the papers and its legal. But does anyone know for sure?
  2. What a ho. (this statement does not reflect the poster)
  3. Welcome Noud! This is a great forum.. tonnes of valuable information and tonnes of good people.
  4. http://flyfishcalgary.com/board/index.php?showforum=12 Smokin the whacky tobacky today Ed?? I'd love to join you.. but this stupid thing called work is ruining my life!
  5. Like I always say... "punch em in their big ugly faces!" ... ... ... or in this case.. club em with a big ugly stick!
  6. Funny. I didn't think husking corn could be so "exciting".
  7. Chuck Norris calender goes straight from March 31st to April 2nd, no one fools Chuck Norris
  8. There is a man who has three girlfriends, but he does not know which one to marry. So he decides to give each one 5000 and see how each of them spends it. The first one goes out and gets a total makeover with the money. She gets new clothes, a new hairdo, manicure, pedicure, the works, and tells the man, "I spent the money so I could look pretty for you because I love you so much." The second one went out and bought new golf clubs, a CD player, a television, and a stereo and gives them to the man. She says, "I bought these gifts for you with the money because I love you so much." The third one takes the 5000 and invests it in the stock market, doubles her investment, returns the 5000 to the man and reinvests the rest. She says, "I am investing the rest of the money for our future because I love you so much." ... ... The man thought long and hard about how each of the women spent the money and decided to marry the one with the largest breasts...
  9. Holy crap that was long. I blame people that fish with more than one fly.
  10. Ummmmmmmm.... can anyone say "alcohol abuse"? Cause using vodka for anything other than drinking is exactly that!
  11. It's true. Have a great trip man! I'd like to give this a try some day.
  12. A whole bunch of views and no replies... I hate that, so I'll reply even though it's not much. I've only fished ON Koocanusa once.. HUGE @SS lake.. so it can be tricky. We were using spinning rods and trolling with downriggers for salmon and/or large trout. Stayed a few hours with no success. There are some good creeks in the area if you have a Backroads Mapbook.. not super familiar with the area though so make sure to check the regs to make sure they're open. That's about all I can say.. not much help I know.
  13. I think that's one of those balls that you turn on.. and a weight spins around inside causing some serious "gyro" effects.. and it's a crazy exercise just trying to hang on to the thing. I THINK.
  14. Get rid of them and round off all the prices. Get rid of the nickel while we're at it.
  15. Kelly and I worked together for a few years when he was still with Deloitte. You're the second guy I've talked to in the past week that works at Renfrew! Another gentleman came by last week and picked up my old hockey bag to use as a bag for his pontoon. He's recently moved down from Edmonton. I'm pretty sure his name was Steve.
  16. http://www.teraenv.com/Welcome.html If anyone knows anything about them, I'd love to hear from you. You can send me a PM if you'd like.
  17. Does Mr. Lube actually let you stand out and watch what they're doing? I've never asked.. I've always had great service at Mr. Lube.. but I've read some not so good stuff. One girl on an internet forum had the same situation as myself at Wal-Mart.. they left the cap off. Except for her.. her engine blew 2 weeks later. Makes me a bit nervous. We're looking at moving again and this time we're making sure we have a parking spot off the street. If we can do that, I'll start doing it myself. Otherwise, I'm thinking about just bringing it to Toyota from now on.
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