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Everything posted by birchy

  1. Congratulations man!! Lots of fun ahead!
  2. Awesome Rick!! Glad the bro was able to hook into a few on his first go around!
  3. Covered thoroughly in this thread: http://flyfishcalgary.com/board/index.php?...hl=line+weights
  4. Awesome day TACO!! Yeehaw!! I like taking a nap before bed time.. and I'm only 27!
  5. As expected.. admission of guilt finally: http://www.searchingforbigfoot.com/
  6. Yikes! "Blinky" from the Simpsons?
  7. birchy

    My Little Buddy

    Looks like a type of garden "orb-weaving" spider. Used to have a big sucker in my grandparents porch that I fed "daddy long legs" to all summer long..
  8. I'll be buying myself an "equalizer" shortly I think...
  9. Tom Biscardi is a known "hoaxer".. everybody in the know feels there's no reason to view this one any differently.
  10. What do gay horses eat? ... ... ... Haaaaaaaaayyyy!
  11. Absolutely gorgeous pics dude!
  12. Gord has them at Westwinds as well.. Can't remember if I saw them at FishTales..
  13. Got snagged on a branch.. managed to get unsnagged and the back cast and forward cast felt a little heavier than normal.. realized this little guy had taken the hare's ear sometime during the process! No lie!
  14. Bingo. It's actually pretty rare that ALL the data is COMPLETELY unrecoverable. It usually ends up being a matter of when does the cost of getting it back outweigh the sentimental value/value of the lost work.
  15. Got lots of replies from posting the same question last year.. kind of amusing looking back and just seeing how much I've learned in the past year.. I didn't even know where Cataract Creek was in this post: http://flyfishcalgary.com/board/index.php?...l=hunt+brookies
  16. I'm assuming it's a laptop? If so, headscan's reply is a definite possibility. Send me an email and I'll try and help you out (assuming you still have access to a computer based on this post). birch.ryan@gmail.com
  17. Supposed to be going out with CDock tonight.. but he might not be able to join me now. If not.. I'll probably stop by.
  18. Welcome to the club dude! Had my '99 4Runner stolen back in January.. and then Din had his GMC Jimmy (I think?) stolen a couple months later.
  19. Anyone tried these yet: http://oakley.ca/pd/5717/19857
  20. Not exactly the same scenario (because they did know they existed), but interesting that a large population of gorillas was just found in Africa, report was released yesterday: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/26016923/?GT1=43001 So yes.. even in this day and age a 'big hairy monkey' can exist for some time without human knowledge/detection.
  21. Interesting comment. After this past week.. i'm starting to question whether or not HUNTERS and HIKERS really exist? CDock, myself, and our families were camping in Southeastern BC this past week/weekend and we did a whole bunch of fishing and exploring. We covered a ridiculous amount of back country and I did not see ONE SINGLE HUNTER OR HIKER! Seriously. I didn't see any, didn't hear any (or any gunshots for that matter).. I didn't see any hunter/hiker poop, or hunter/hiker hair.. didn't see any hunter/hiker bodies lying around.. no hunter/hiker skeletons or bones. I have to admit.. this confused me a bit. I HAVE seen pictures of hunters and hikers on the internet.. I HAVE heard that hunters/hikers do exist and have heard stories of them.. but after thinking about the amount of ground that Corey and I covered.. and that hunters and hikers cover every square inch of the area.. I have to admit, at this point, I'm not convinced that they exist! Now.. humor aside.. the point I'm getting at is that if you seriously think that humans have covered, and do cover, every square inch of the wilderness, a good number of people would find that more laughable. And this isn't a personal attack fisher26.. just playing devil's advocate here. The fact is that an extremely large part of canada (sorry I don't have the actual percentage right now) is still wilderness. And a good portion of that is untouched wilderness. Yes, I agree that there are alot of hunters/fisherman/hikers in the woods.. but I would be so bold to say that alot of them don't do much exploring.. that alot of them probably have their "favorite spots" that they go to all the time. AND, that - dare I say it - alot of them are LAZY.. and don't venture off the beaten path too far. Case in point to this is going to a popular fishing spot.. seeing 20 vehicles parked there.. but then realizing that all of those people are within 1km upstream or downstream of the parking spot. A big part of my thoughts/feelings/arguments on the subject is this.. humblefisherman had his experience when he was 14, and he KNOWS what he saw. I'm sure most of you guys respect him as a capable outdoorsman. Now, I agree that yes, there are some people that need to get off the crack, but to say (Tako) that "I think you guys who say you've seen sasquatch should lay off the green brownies before the fishing trips" is a blanket statement and is unfair. I agree that there are some whackos out there.. but when one of your own friends (not humblefisherman) that you have history with, and trust, saw something in the woods covered in hair and RUNNING on two feet, then you tend to believe instead of dismiss. Tako.. alot of these people who have seen what they think is sasquatch are outdoorsman like yourself. You know what a bear looks like, you readily identified sarcoptic mange right off the bat.. now say that tomorrow, or sometime in the future, YOU see a large animal.. with a FLAT face, BROAD shoulders, and that stays walking on two feet.. you will KNOW that it's not a bear, correct? Now.. people can call you crazy and tell you to get off the crack all they want.. but that doesn't change the fact that you KNOW what you saw was no known north american animal. And that is why I PERSONALLY cannot and will not dismiss ALL eyewitness encounters as "crazy people on drugs".. That being said, everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
  22. I like the SA's as well.. the only thing I'm noticing is that every SA line i've had so far (including the sharkskin) sinks at the tip after a few times out.. I'm not sure if it's something I'm doing wrong. I try to clean my line after every 8 or 10 times out.. make sure I rinse it off real good afterwards.. but I DON'T have any line dressing to coat it with, so maybe that's the problem?
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