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Everything posted by birchy

  1. Obviously you can't carry it all with you, but: http://www.costco.ca/Browse/Product.aspx?P...matchallpartial
  2. No.. I was actually talking about the people that drive GOLF'S and Echo's, etc. who still take up 3/4 of the road. You know the ones.. you try to pass them on narrow streets and you see them looking back in forth in their mirrors panicking.. wondering if there's enough room, when there's 4 FEET on either side. You'd swear they were driving a city bus.
  3. 60'?! Geez b'ye.. that's barely enough room for 2 Smart cars for the type you're talking about! Never ceases to amaze me how "big" some people think their vehicles are..
  4. Yep! http://www.fishwest.net/Merchant2/merchant...Code=WW33TBSIGL Although I believe the preferred technique when fishing in the dark is either swinging/stripping flies or streamers in the current, and letting the fish hook themselves.
  5. Oops! Yeah I guess there's some essential information missing isn't there? haha The column that says 118 is "average length in centimeters".
  6. Snipped from the Alberta Stocking Reports: Yowza! I know they put some retired brood stockers in there.. but man, haven't seen a 4 foot rainbow trout in awhile... that's about 8 inches longer on "average" than that freak world record rainbow caught in Diefenbaker!
  7. I hooked and lost my biggest ever bow river trout twice in one night last evening... I'd try putting all your change in your left pocket, then tying your left shoe in a double knot, then turning your hat backwards, then take a tee and stick it behind your left ear... Do it now Rick or I'm going to quit. I swear to God I'll quit!
  8. And the moral of the story is.. specialty fly shops rule! And never fry bacon with your shirt off...
  9. It's because you're using an inferior OS and browser. Get yourself a PC and Windows 7. Come on! I had to say it. You know someone would say the same if the situation was reversed... "just get a MAC". hehehe
  10. Now THAT'S dedication. Well done Rick's brother! Thanks for sharing Boris! I'm sure that'll be me in no time.
  11. Pretty awesome stick Jay! Congrats. Great work by Geoff.
  12. Genius! *edit* ... I mean, Gold! Click here if the movie does not play.
  13. Looks pretty similar to the one we saw in 2007 too: Maybe they're bros..
  14. I used to think "it's possible they exist, but not probable." But then I had a very close friend tell me about his encounter and I started reading more about the subject. This friend is very intelligent and analytical, and isn't prone to jump to conclusions (you know, the guy that will ALWAYS reply with the snopes article disproving that email forward that just got sent out). I was going to write the Coles notes version, but then I remembered it was reported here: http://bfro.net/GDB/show_report.asp?id=1400. I decided to give it a fair shake and have since read a few good books on the subject. The more I read, the more I'm convinced. Laugh if you must, but all I have to say is, do some honest research and I think most people would be surprised about the amount of evidence there is for their existence (people have been convicted of murder and thrown in jail for less)!
  15. I think that's a first since I've lived here (for Calgary, not Edmonton): http://www.theweathernetwork.com/alerts/ww...rnings_citypage Crazy.
  16. Just the Thursday at my work as well. But I booked off the Friday and the following Monday - Tuesday as vacation days for myself..
  17. Boooorrrrring! My biggest pet peeve with these 'football' players is their need to fall down on the ground every time an opposing foot touches them at all! You'd swear someone just blew their leg off with a shotgun, and then when the ref doesn't do anything.. they hop right up and get back in the play! I mean, come on!!
  18. I am so smart.. SMRT!! heh heh.. so it looks like the millet is the main culprit. Apparently if you microwave the seed for a few minutes before putting it out, it will kill the seed and you won't have to worry about this problem.
  19. Any of you that have bird feeders noticed anything like this? We got a feeder a few months ago, and the last while we've noticed a lump slowly growing on the lawn underneath where the feeder is. It's more than just a build up seed.. I looked at it really close today and it's like a lump of clover or moss or something. Is this normal? I can't find anything on Google... Here's the lump (I ripped a couple chunks out to look closer): Closeup of one of the chunks:
  20. Called in two separate times yesterday within 5 minutes of each other.. was driving out by Bragg Creek and saw 2 different guys fishing the Elbow River in 2 different spots. Hopefully they caught the jerks.
  21. Not sure if everyone noticed or not.. but this is one of the multiple 2 YEAR old threads that one new member kindly bumped this weekend...
  22. They're listed down the left hand side of the main Fly Fish Calgary page.. (not in the forums).
  23. Well, someone finally wrote a review on the powered dolly on their site: http://www.princessauto.com/truck-trailer/...c-trailer-dolly "crap-tacular" apparently...
  24. I just did mine a few weeks ago actually, it's not that difficult. My vent was falling apart though, so I removed it and replaced it with a new one. I applied the above mentioned white goop, my buddy siliconed around the inside and it looks awesome. Had a bit of water damage on the wooden frame that goes around underneath the vent, so I pulled some of that out and replaced as well. Still need to do my bathroom vent. Hobo Camper Country is another good spot to pick up goodies. Seems to be a bit cheaper than some of the larger places..
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