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Everything posted by birchy

  1. Bump. My most recent pair gave up the ghost a couple weeks back. I noticed a few guys mention the $17 Rapala's at Walmart, so I went to check it out. I saw them there, but ended up coming home with a pair of Berkley's for SEVEN bucks. LOL. I'll let you guys know how long these ones last... and if they even work.
  2. I'd say either a 3 or 4 weight, and a 6 weight.
  3. Ouch is right! .... I would say he got the bulls point!
  4. I caught a bird last summer on my backcast. CDock was with me to confirm. It was pretty fun trying to get him unhooked and let him go!! A bat! That's even cooler because you know he went after your fly intentionally!!
  5. I wonder how many people have started their 'journey to the centre of the earth'?
  6. Right now it's open to the alley. I took apart the fence to do it, and need to fix it by building a gate, but haven't gotten around to it yet.
  7. I was able to use my uncle's Explorer Sportrac to get it in.. but I was literally an inch away from my neighbors fence! I had to get it in part way, unhook, drive around to the other side, rehook, and then get it in the rest of the way without hitting the neighbors garage - again, a matter of inches. The problem isn't so much the width of the alley.. but the width of the alley combined with the width of the opening in our fence. I can't remember the exact numbers, but the opening in the fence is maybe ~3 feet wider than the trailer itself. If I make the fence opening wider, it won't be an issue. But i'm not too enthused about digging up another fence post and/or hiring someone to do it for me. Way too expensive!
  8. Thanks guys. I was going to get the manual one at Princess Auto and then take it back if it was too heavy and buy the electric one. But since they've been recalled, I might just have to buy the electric one. I think it'd be ideal.. it's just pretty pricey is all! Although.. if you do a search on the net.. other power ones are a LOT more expensive. The "Park It 360" for example...
  9. We bought my wife a 13" Macbook Pro this past winter.. ended up returning it because it didn’t “just work” like all the Apple fan boys love to say. Touchpad didn’t work on the first one we got, so we had to bring it back and get a replacement. Then there was lots of little issues when browsing and stuff, webpages wouldn’t display properly, etc. Maybe it would have been different if we installed Firefox or something.. (but I thought Safari was "so much better"? ) Plus the Mac OS learning curve was too frustrating for her. Don't get me wrong, the laptop itself was gorgeous, Apple makes nice stuff for sure, but I just find it hard to justify the cost. Like you noticed, for the money, we could’ve bought TWO really nice PC’s. She now has a Dell Inspiron running Windows 7 and she's very happy with it. We used the rest of the money for other practical stuff.. For the record, I don't dislike Apple. They make hilarious commercials! What I dislike is their "fan boys" that refuse to admit that other companies make some pretty awesome (dare I say - better) stuff too! No matter what you talk about, they insist that some sort of Apple product "is waaaay better". *sigh* To be fair though, both sides have their fan boys.. And I don't think any of the above posters fall into that category. However, I have a few friends that do.. and as an IT guy, they drive me batty sometimes with the things they say and believe. That being said, I'm eagerly anticipating the 4th generation iPhone, I'll probably get one this time around. And down the road, I/we just might get another Macbook and/or iMac again.. The flash drive technology you're referring to are called SSD's = Solid State Drives. Basically a big huge USB memory stick for a harddrive. It's the next thing on my computer wish list. 'Slingshotz' got one for his laptop and he said it's pretty crazy fast. When you first power on a machine you get the manufacturers's "splash screen" (IE - big blue DELL letters if it's a Dell) and it does it's POST... he says that with his SSD drive, Windows actually loads faster than it takes that splash screen to pass. Pretty cool! Only problem with SSD's is that they're still relatively new technology, so you're paying really high prices for drives that aren't that big. However, you could always have an SSD drive for your operating system, and then a big SATA drive as a secondary drive to store all your data. That'd probably be ideal actually. Here's an amusing SSD video for the 'geeks' out there:
  10. Yeah I'm way too lazy to do that..
  11. Looks like a pretty decent deal to me as well. The one thing I've been suggesting to people that ask me, is to pay the $30 extra and get Windows 7 Professional instead of Home Premium. It comes with Windows XP Mode and will be able to run any old software that ericlin0122 mentions above. It also adds some more networking features that I think the average user would benefit from.
  12. Not sure if this has been posted yet: http://www.beowulfe.com/oil/ Wow! I typed in 'Sydney, NS' and realized it's bigger than the entire island I grew up on!
  13. birchy

    Do Not Enter

    Looks like a deer to me.
  14. birchy


    Probably Here A whole bunch of answers say 600 years.
  15. We have our trailer in our backyard, but it's super tight trying to get it in there. Now that I have an even bigger truck, it'll be pretty much impossible. Thinking about getting something like this: http://grizzly.com/products/H6241 (Princess Auto has a different brand, but they've been recalled and won't be available again for quite awhile, if at all.) Tongue capacity on these things is 600 pounds. Reading the reviews, it sounds like some people manage to get ~3000 pound trailers moved around relatively easy, while others struggle with ~1000 pound trailers. My trailer weighs 2400 pounds dry. I'm a pretty strong guy, so I think I'll be able to handle it. It'll be on flat ground, going from grass (hopefully patio blocks soon) to the dirt back alley. If it ends up being too heavy to be practical, then I'll look at something like this instead: http://www.princessauto.com/truck-trailer/...c-trailer-dolly So anyways.. to make a long story short.. does anybody have any experience with these trailer dollies? Are they as practical as they look?
  16. I'm definitely a perfect angel.. you're all jack@sses.
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