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Everything posted by birchy

  1. What are the hours for this one? What time Saturday morning?
  2. Sonofa..! Just had something come up and I'll for sure be "indoors" on May 1. Dammit Murphy!
  3. I hope he "left" by motoring over their lines on the way... Here's a good example of what to do, and what NOT to do --> http://flyfishcalgary.com/board/index.php?...p;hl=tweedledum
  4. See here: http://flyfishcalgary.com/board/index.php?...river+rod\ And here: http://flyfishcalgary.com/board/index.php?...river+rod\
  5. Sounds good dutchie - send me a note when you want to go and I'll see what I can do. Should be good pretty much all week except for Tuesday night. Got out this afternoon and decided to give the spey another go.. this time I tried throwing a streamer with it. Found it very difficult to say the least!! I would imagine that there are some different types of casts that would make the difference. 'Single spey' wasn't really getting it done for me. Switched to swinging nymphs later on and that was completely fine.
  6. I was starting to type a reply thinking that the weight of the fly line will either by on the reel or on the front of the rod (therefore no longer on the reel) when you're casting.. IE - when the line is on the reel, it's heavier and the front of the rod is lighter, BUT when you're casting the front of the rod is heavier, but now the reel is lighter.. so the balance would stay constant the whole time.. But then I started to second guess myself because I would imagine that with the inertia of the backcast/forward cast, OR while the line is in the water, that most of the weight of the line wouldn't actually be on the rod anymore. I don't know.. I'm too tired to think about it hard enough. 'I smell burnt toast!'
  7. Good work dude!! Pretty cool feeling hey?
  8. http://www.flyfishohio.com/a_question_of_balance.htm
  9. A young boy had just gotten his driving permit. He asked his father, who was a minister, if they could discuss his use of the car. "I'll make a deal with you," said his father. "You bring your grades up, study your Bible a little, get your hair cut, and then we'll talk." A month later the boy came back and again asked his father if they could discuss his use of the car. "Son, I'm real proud of you. You've brought your grades up and you've studied your Bible, but you didn't get hair cut!" "You know, Dad, I've been thinking about that. Samson had long hair, Moses had long hair, Noah had long hair, and even Jesus had long hair." "Yes son, and they walked everywhere they went!"
  10. Your Pflueger Trion isn't $500..
  11. Can't give you any advice because I haven't done it myself.. BUT, one of the site sponsers - SouthBow Fly and Tackle - is doing a trip like you mention this year. Check it out on the right hand side of their homepage: http://www.southbow.ca/default.aspx
  12. Meh... alright I guess..
  13. Got out this afternoon for a few hours at Policeman's. CDone was generous enough to bring along some spey rods for me to try out, and give me a few basic casting lessons. After that, we fished for an hour or so before he had to take off. But before that, he offered to let me hang on to one of his spey rods for a week or two so I can get a bit more used to it, so of course I said yes! Fished the single hand for awhile and wasn't having any luck so I figured "what the heck - might as well NOT catch anything on the spey rod instead!" Found some decent water, rigged up a double nymph rig and started casting. Nothing for awhile, so I moved up to a nice seam and tried it out. After a few casts the indicator went down and I gave it a tug.. and wouldn't ya know it - there was a tug back! Started trying to get in the slack line and all of a sudden the hook popped out.. but hey, that was pretty cool anyway! A few casts later the indicator went under again and this time I got a better hookset.. after a short fight I landed my first ever fish on a spey rod! Pretty cool for the first day I figure! It was a feisty little ~12" rainbow. I know it's a cookie cutter.. but hey, first fish on a spey rod deserves a picture in my mind: Tried a bunch more casts along the same seam but no more hits. Moved down to "the point" upstream and tried a few casts there as it was getting dark. Hooked up 2 more times but both got off almost immediately. Soooo... first time with the spey rod and went 1 for 4. Lessons learned: - CDone is a really nice guy! Thanks again dude! - casting these rods is pretty fun! - the hookset is tricky with the big long rod and the long heavy line.. but I'm sure there's a trick to it that someone will soon show me! - apparently I have lost the ability to catch fish on the Bow with my single hand.. yet I can flail away for the first time with a spey rod and managed to hook 4 and land 1.. go figure! Can't wait to get out for Round 2.
  14. Starting a new job on Monday - full-time permanent! Thanks to those who sent me PM's and leads!
  15. I don't suppose any of you fine fellows that offered me a 'test drive' (dutchie, Silverdoctor, bhurt) would be available tomorrow afternoon? Supposed to be 10 degrees tomorrow afternoon and I figure I'd better take advantage before I start working again.. I'll be going either way, but some company would be great!
  16. If the Bluebook value of your truck changes with the amount of gas you have in it... you might be a redneck..
  17. I like the Pflueger Trion and President myself.. http://www.pfluegerfishing.com/products/trion-fly-reel.html http://www.pfluegerfishing.com/products/products.php?p=28
  18. Fishing was pretty slow on the Crow today but we managed to get into a few.. broke in my new 5 weight with a GORGEOUS fat, healthy ~18" bow, followed by a 14"er on the next cast. Awesomeness. Unfortunately.. I thought CDock was video recording the whole thing.. talked to the camera for a second and then let her go back into the water just in time to hear CDock say "whoa! wait! what?!" Got a picture of the next one though.. will post it up when I get them. Very happy with the rod! Can't wait to call up Uncle's brother and let him know!
  19. Going to fish it for the first time on the Crow tomorrow.. can't wait!!! Will make sure to report back.
  20. My 3 weight is a 7'6" Scott A2. They've been discontinued and replaced with the A3 since... however I absolutely love it. I casted it side by side with the TFO Finesse, TFO Signature, and GLoomis Xperience - and FOR ME, there was no question. It felt WAY better than the other 3. I highly recommend that you go in to one of the local shops like Fish Tales, tell them what you're looking for and your budget, and then go out on the grass and cast them all. You'll know the rod right away when you feel it.
  21. Congrats!! You've received a beautiful present there!! Lots of fun to come.
  22. I know this is an old thread.. but I'm one of those nerds that prefers to "search for old threads and add to them instead of starting new ones"... For people still looking for free antivirus software - I have been using Panda Cloud Antivirus for the last while and haven't had any issues. Runs mostly in the cloud (thank you captain obvious!) so it's very lightweight.. and I'm not sure that I've ever come across a simpler interface: http://www.cloudantivirus.com/en/ Internet reviews seem to be generally very good. http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2355827,00.asp http://www.softpedia.com/reviews/windows/P...ew-126499.shtml
  23. Sweet!! And here I thought they were going to lose again.. Anyone watching the closing ceremonies? Alanis Morissette is one smokin hot 36 year old!
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