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bcubed last won the day on August 3 2021

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Brown Trout

Brown Trout (8/10)



  1. I think it’s been proven that the Bow does not currently have a healthy, sustainable trout population…
  2. Whirling disease is also not a noted problem. We are lucky for that..
  3. This was talked about at the meeting. Recruitment from the Highwood is not the problem. Bug life is not the problem. Birds are not the problem. Each fish getting caught 6x a year is. I know Albertan's love hearing this phrase, but its time to look in the mirror on our own impacts...
  4. Anecdotally, it probably doesn’t make a huge difference for good anglers, but I know when I guided that it was infinitely easier to get brand new folks into fish with a bobber then trying to get them to cast meat
  5. Not sure they have the science on it but making it single hook (no droppers, no double rigs) would dramatically reduce fish caught. Should also make no guiding on weekends, since recreational is supposed to supersede commercial.
  6. I know a lot of people are starting to make simple frames for their rafts just for that sake. I suspect those are a fine boat. 100lbs for the SRC isn't outrageously heavy, but its not something you'll enjoy hauling around by yourself or trying to stuff into the back of a truck.
  7. No experience with them, but i'll tell you right now that having proper oar locks would be an absolute game changer on those rafts. The shitty little pin style oar locks that are on the watermasters/scaddens/etc are chronically terrible (and a weak point if your oar hits anything). I broke one in the middle of the Kitimat which was an exciting few minutes..
  8. At the end of the day, the marketing machine wants to sell you a line that will just make you a better caster. Easiest way to make the average angler a better caster with zero worry about technique is to put a heavier line on the same rod. Its not going to change..
  9. Dont even know where to start looking, but would like to get an engraved reel for a friend's first kid.. Any ideas where to look that arent Etsy? Anyone on here do that kind of thing?
  10. Highwood at aldersyde is currently 72 F and got to 75 F on Sunday according to the government site, not an arbitrary reading by an angler. Forum members can do with that info what they want. It’s a shame that the ones on the Bow aren’t currently operating.
  11. Multiple posts on the bow river conditions have seen dead fish in last two weeks, as well as a couple people I’ve talked to.
  12. If we have to wait for a fish kill to stop fishing for wild fish, then you’ve missed the plot.
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