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Everything posted by Ricinus

  1. No Gortex breathables, real men wear these: http://www.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=http://...ved=0CCUQ9QEwCA Regards Mike
  2. Don's waffle stompers or Jack's chicklet chompers-- can't decide which I like best. Regards Mike
  3. My casting is the pits. Need someone to practice on? Regards Mike
  4. Actually I think AEC was owned 50% by shareholders and 50% by Alberta Govt. I think it was King Ralph that privatized it completely in the 1990's along with other stuff. I am not anti-oil but Pro Albertan and feel we should be getting maximum benefit out of nonrenewable resources. I fully realize the number of jobs dependant on the industry, but it sticks in my craw when govt is blackmailed the way Encana did. These royalty reviews should have been done years ago in the glory years but were not. Wonder who's fault that was. Regards Mike
  5. Just did a quick search on pay for execs CEO BP 41% raise Shell shareholders revolted last year and threw out comp package Chesapeake oil CEO 75 million bonus. Lots more but I started feeling very poor. Regards Mike
  6. Rick, you guys obviously know more about the workings of the industry than I do. However, I think world markets had a lot more to do with the problems of 2008/2009 than any tinkering with royalties. Didn't notice much difference in my dividends so they couldn't be hurting too bad. Poor Ed Stemach is the whipping boy/lightning rod because of poor timing, bad luck and political motives versus any bad decisions. Regards Mike
  7. You should get a job with ESPN. Regard Mike
  8. It's nice to know that all the Executives will get their bonuses this year. I wonder what Seniors will have to pay for now to make up the difference? Regards Mike
  9. Well there ya go. Rickr, pour 3 fingers of your favorite and raise a toast to the sane people. Regards Mike
  10. Just make sure you get one with enough power. You would hate to spend all that money and be underpowered and not happy. Regards Mike
  11. I just got the picture of walker1 "roughing it" with AC, Satellite TV and LCD widescreen sipping a Pina Colada made in his blender. Regards Mike
  12. Ya gotta love the Onion. Regards Mike
  13. I reread the article and The only thing that I see is the Public Consultation is over. Anything else is speculation and innuendo. I thought I read somewhere that the proposals were that future management decisions are to be based on scientific studies and not short term political or economic goals. Hope I'm right. Regards Mike
  14. My Honda generator is still going strong after 15yrs and well worth the extra bucks. Regards Mike
  15. Well voting Republican and getting Sarah Palin for VP would be way more scary, so you probably did the right thing. Regards Mike
  16. http://www.snopes.com/computer/virus/budfrogs.asp Regards Mike
  17. My neighbour caught 3 kids (13, 14 yrs old) trying break in to cars in our cul de sac @ 5:00 AM Sunday morn. Where the Hell are the Parents? Regards Mike
  18. So do you guys have tattoos and secret handshakes? On second thought, I don't think I want to know. Regards Mike
  19. There is nothing sadder than losing a best friend. Sorry for your loss. Regards Mike
  20. I know you people in Calgary tend to be right wing, but Sarah Palin?? Come on!! Regards Mike http://home.mytelus.com/telusen/portal/New...;CatID=National
  21. If the USA wins on Sunday, we'll have ban Rickr. Regards Mike
  22. Could have been worse. Might have been one of these: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...e=STRK:MEWAX:IT regards Mike
  23. Sooo, what are you tying with a Red Setter pelt? Sorry about your loss, that's gotta hurt. I've been really lucky with my dogs, but I have had a couple of close calls. Regards Mike
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