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Everything posted by Ricinus

  1. I went with Lennox last year- no complaints so far. Also check for rebates if installing high efficiency furnaces - not sure if they are still available. Regards Mike
  2. I picked up a Nautilus brand from Canadian Tire. I got the manual inflating, but if I did it again I'd get the Automatic. Regards Mike
  3. I'm trying some patterns from this site- May be Elilist but WGAF. http://donaldnicolson.webplus.net/ Regards Mike
  4. Beer is proof God loves us and wants us to be happy.
  5. Happy Birthday Leroy. I first learned to tie watching PBS with you and Dave. I still have a bunch of VHS tapes loaded with your programs. Regards Mike
  6. Good Perspective. I can't say I agree with everything, but it makes for a good discussion. Regards Mike
  7. I've ordered from them with no problems, but I don't think you could call them a Wholesaler. Regards Mike
  8. If you happen to snag a tree by accident, DO NOT try to yank a furled leader out or you will be very sorry. Regards Mike
  9. Were you using a credit card to scape the inside of the windshield? Regards Mike
  10. I wonder which guy got Lowholed? Regards Mike
  11. Looks like the Oil and Gas Industry is going to claim another victim. Regards Mike http://www.edmontonjournal.com/Industry+bl...6921/story.html
  12. The thing with experience is--you can have 25yrs experience or 1yr 25 times Regards Mike
  13. It's just nice to see the Oilers play with enthusiasm for a change. Regards Mike
  14. I use Frog's Hair Regular not flourocarbon and I don't find any real difference between it and any good quality tippet. I do keep it out of the sunlight inside my vest and replace it every couple of years. I have had problems with various flouro's breaking at knots especially if it is joined to regular mono. Not having the knot wet enough when tightening can cause failures with flouro. Regards Mike
  15. You might want to check out the U pick farms. Might be too late for this year depending on what you want. Regards Mike
  16. I have been told if you want to see Spirit Bears just go to the Dump in Terrace. I've never gone-- somehow watching a Spirit Bear eating moldy nachos just doesn't seem right. Regards Mike
  17. You shouldn't have any problems-- unless it snows then all bets are off. Regards Mike
  18. Harps Lose the ability to fish or are effectively Muzzled? Regards Mike
  19. Dune Where did you find the Ron Zacapa, was it in a chain store? Thanks Mike
  20. Roundup will kill all vegetation. It may take a couple of applications to kill seeds that sprout. As an added benefit you are supporting Monsanto as well-- had to get my dig in!! Regards Mike
  21. I hope everything is going well and Fischer is on the mend. As I'm really attached to our mutts, I feel your pain. Just a heads ups on Toxins for dogs: As few as 7 grapes or raisins can cause renal failure in dogs. Other foods that are toxic to dogs: onions, chocolate, cocoa, avocados, and macadamia nuts. Regards Mike
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