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Everything posted by Ricinus

  1. Why is it that in order to question our dependence on oil, I have to be " greener than green "? Cannot I just be an ordinary citizen who dislikes the stranglehold the fossil fuel industry has on our society? The same old personal attacks are used- don't you drive a hybrid, why don't you use solar panels etc etc etc. BORING!! I may just be somebody who would like to leave the next generation the opportunity to enjoy the same standard of living I had. We don't have any kids, so I guess I'm willing to make some sacrifices so your kids will have a chance. Also, Hybrids really aren't that green, Geothermal is illegal in the city and My Utility company is not setup to buy back electricity. Regards Mike
  2. Maybe if we invested some money into alternative energy instead of just b!tching it's too expensive, these things would come about. Regards Mike
  3. And to continue your analogy, if you only fish the prime runs(oil and gas) and not the pocket water(alternatives), you'll miss alot of fish. Regards Mike
  4. I watched a guy being interviewed on BNN who worked for an Investment Group specializing in Alternative Energy. The jest of the interview was that individually the Alternative Energy Sources cannot stand alone, but integrated into a national energy grid with investment in Infrastructure, conservation, etc everything becomes a lot more viable. Regards Mike
  5. Seeing as there are no alternatives to oil and gas ( at least according to some ), I think we should declare the industry as essential to life and nationalize all assets. They are way too valuable to be left in the hands of the Oil Barons and subject to manipulation. Regards Mike
  6. Thanks for all the suggestions Much appreciated Mike
  7. I can already sense the Lawyers ramping up for this one. Seems they always come out ahead regardless of the situation. Regards Mike
  8. The trouble with oil spills is that while they may be few and far between, they have huge environmental consequences. As it is impossible to make the drilling risk-free, should we allow it in environmentally sensitive areas or in areas where errors would have dire consequences? Regards Mike
  9. Actually they track the watershed also as Nonresidents have to specify the watershed when they apply for CW. Regards Mike
  10. I noticed on another forum that you are working in Inuvik which i'm guessing makes you a nonresident Canadian too. Looks to me like the silver platter got extended to you also. Regards Mike
  11. I've just skimmed the document and I don't see anything that really offends me. As a Non-resident Canadian, I think we came out winners considering the alternatives that were being considered. Now excuse me while I make my Fall Reservations Regards Mike
  12. Ummm, My read on the preamble is that resident weekends include nonresident Canadians as residents because of the overlap with Salmon fishing. Regards Mike
  13. Only if you squeeze the tail. Regards Mike
  14. Doesn't this affect the hackle at all?-- make it brittle, change color etc. Regards Mike
  15. I'll go with the moth balls and flea and tick collar Thanks much Mike
  16. Pretty much why I want to start tying them. Just clip the bottom and you're good to go. Regards Mike
  17. I bought a selection of Soft Hackle Capes from the U.K...While they look in great shape and have been prepared well, I want to make sure no little critters came along for the ride. I thought microwaving would kill any bugs and nuke the eggs if any. Has anyone done this and can offer some suggestions? Thanks Mike
  18. Sorry things didn't work out. Alberta Divorce Law is pretty cut and dried, not like in other places. Any Lawyer specializing in Divorce law should be fine. Regards Mike
  19. I've heard they are like Jack said- well made but high maintenance. Never own one so this is others opinion. regards Mike
  20. On the Skeena I've seen everything from 2/0 and down with 4 and 6 the most common. Regards Mike
  21. Not trying to Hijack, but have you guys used the thorax style of flies - the ones with no hackle? Regards Mike
  22. If you are going to install gas, you might want to look at an on demand system. They have come a long way in the last couple of years. Regards Mike
  23. To do a new install for gas can get pricey- running gas lines, venting, etc. I think I would use the electric until it is time to replace. Regards Mike
  24. Only the one? Just teasing, nice fish!! Regards Mike
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