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Everything posted by Ricinus

  1. It's no longer the PROGRESSIVE Conservatives, just Conservatives and guess what; Fishers, Hunters and Naturalists don't count for much. Regards Mike
  2. Welcome to the Alberta Advantage. I think Sustainable Resources took a 12% hit, so more bad news is probably on the way. Regards Mike
  3. As always, with Bettman and the owners it's all about money and the bottom line. National pride and what is good for the game doesn't enter into the equation. It would sure be nice to see a fan revolt but that won't happen. Regards Mike
  4. Yeah, well our Canadian Team is kicking American Butt in Ice Dance Regards Mike
  5. You might have caught the stupid one Regards Mike
  6. The talent available to the top teams means nobody is a shoe-in anymore. All it takes is determination, a few good puck bounces and a hot goalie for any of the good teams to win. For some reason it takes the our guys a couple of games to realize this and that they have to give 100 percent for 60 minutes. Regards Mike
  7. I think you would have to factor in the size of the hook- a size 18 barbed hook is going to do a lot less damage than a size 6 barbless. Regards Mike
  8. Seeing how it's a 3 piece rod, I'd say Vector or Paradigm model. Wait...What's the topic here again? Regards Mike
  9. All your first post did was slam someone, criticize their post and didn't contribute anything. This appears to be exactly what you were complaining about; therefore the question: " What's your point?" Regards Mike
  10. I do for certain products. What's your point? Regards Mike
  11. A word of advice. DO NOT ever take them off and put them on the top of your car. Regards Mike
  12. If there is a positive, at least they didn't pull a knife or worse. All the best for a speedy recovery. Regards Mike
  13. Just be sure they are using quality components to build with and have a good feedback record. Regards Mike
  14. I'm a Thomas&Thomas kinda guy when it comes to graphite. They are hard to find out here so I buy off the dread auction site. 4 piece are not often available and are pricey, but 2 piece are seen more often and the MOST I've paid is 1/2 price. Regards Mike
  15. I also prefer a 4 piece but if I found a 2 piece at a really good price, I wouldn't walk away. Regards Mike
  16. So do you have any facts to back this assertion up or is this just your opinion being passed off as facts ? Regards Mike
  17. I think Whacked with a Sockeye might have been more fitting. Regards Mike
  18. If nothing else Sun, you keep everyone thinking which in the long run is all that matters. Regards Mike
  19. I think everybody believed you. Regards Mike ( voice dripping with sarcasm )
  20. Hey Sun, you missed this one. OOPS, it's from those evil scientists at NASA. Really Big Pokey Things Regards Mike Last decade warmest ever: NASA Agence France-PresseJanuary 22, 2010 The past decade was the warmest ever on Earth, a new analysis of global surface temperatures released by NASA showed Thursday. The U.S. space agency also found that 2009 was the second-warmest year on record since modern temperature measurements began in 1880. Last year was only a small fraction of a degree cooler than 2005, the warmest yet, putting 2009 in a virtual tie with the other hottest years, which have all occurred since 1998. According to James Hansen, who heads NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies, global temperatures change due to variations in ocean heating and cooling. NASA scientists found a clear warming trend in the data.
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