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Everything posted by Ricinus

  1. I have the Nautilus brand manual inflate. Canadian Tire has them on sale alot for 25% off. Regards Mike
  2. Rightyeegs and pkk, I've fished the Skeena drainage twice a year for 20+yrs and this year is the first time I have felt unwelcome. The common complaint was about us "azzhole Albertans" with our oil dollars figuring we have a right to do anything we want. This opinion was from people we have known for a long time and consider friends. We rant and rave when ever anybody looks at our oil revenues, but if B.C. wants to protect its resource we cry foul. As for me writing letters, I have already done that LAST YEAR, and depending on what portions of the AMP -if any- are enacted will dictate whether I go back. There are some major problems with the number of fisherman trying to access the rivers with very few access points and while I disagree with the locals about solutions, I can see their points. The guides are a different story. Regards Mike
  3. Nicely put. My sentiments exactly Regards Mike
  4. 4 hour + waits in line, clinics running out of vaccine, Leduc doesn't even get a clinic til next week and all Liebert can say is Sorry about that. What a Joke Regards Mike
  5. With the composition of the Working Groups, I don't think you could expect anything different. I will wait and see what the Minister says and does- could be filed away on the top shelf for future reference. Regards Mike
  6. So is this going to screw up my salmon fishing lodge on the Mackenzie Delta? Regards Mike
  7. Clive- Frozen out about 30 ft, but we had a nice drive and pleasant lunch. Thats my story and I'm sticking to it!! Regards Mike-- muttering and kicking at the dogs.
  8. OK, It's warmed up and the Nasties are on hold, I'm goin fishin. Have fun guys. Regards Mike
  9. Don, Haven't you got some bamboo to split or somethin' ? Regards Mike
  10. Last but not least. Lots of good stuff here http://www.realclimate.org/ Regards Mike
  11. And another one http://www.skepticalscience.com/argument.php Regards Mike
  12. Meh!! http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/blogs/green/...49466&tsp=1 It just keeps getting murkier. Regards Mike
  13. Well, David Suzuki," NOBEL PRIZE WINNER" says....... Regards Mike
  14. Rick On the other hand , the future might be like Soylent Green and you might be "recycled" Regards Mike
  15. Fishing flies to dilithium crystals--Engineers are weird Regards Mike
  16. Good stuff Clive Thank you, BUT to keep it simple, I'll give you a Monty Python reply: NO, IT ISN'T Regards Mike
  17. I have used JStockard's tyers, good stuff and I even received a few extras to try out on our "northern" steams. Regards Mike
  18. I bought some flies from American tyers-including AK Best- that cost 2.50to3.00/fly. I went American because I couldn't find any Canadian commercial tyers. There is no comparison in the quality of the flies versus the imports. BWOs look like BWOs not what somebody in Africa thinks they look like The quality of workmanship is no comparison The quality of materials is no comparison The durability is no comparison Plus I now have excellent examples to compare my own ties to. Regards Mike
  19. Hi Clive, Not even going to try and argue about your expertise is these areas and I am a firm believer in market gardeners and their produce. My complaint is if I want to buy a non-GM food food unless I buy Organic, it is not possible. It is not required to be labelled due some very heavy lobbying by food processors. I find it it unsettling that chemical producers like Monsanto etal are now selling seed to farmers with VERY strict conditions. I think we are losing our diversity in seed etc. I do not like the idea that one or two mega corps are slowly taking over food supply. My comment about China and other third world producers is concern about the lack of regulations about what can and cannot be used on food crops. It also bothers me that we are becoming totally dependent on them for our food. Fresh food is not necessary the best food as far as nutrition. In order to withstand the rigors of shipping, fruits and veggies are picked early and may be a variety that is best for transport and not taste etc. You are better off in some cases using frozen foods which are picked at there peak. My local chicken supplier was shut down by a marketing board as he got too popular and my beef/bison supplier quit because he could make a decent living. McCains and High Liner are allowed to buy frozen fish in a 1 cubic meter from God knows where, process it and market it as "Made in Canada" I agree we have the best food production and safety in the world, but my concern is that is being eroded by cheap and not necessarily safe imports. Regards Mike
  20. So, everyone's happy with Monsanto, Maple Leaf and third world countries including China controlling our food supply? Regards Mike
  21. Just out of curiosity, if 2 4 D has reached very high levels in the ground water around urban areas, why would you want to stockpile and continue to use it? Regards Mike
  22. There is a provincial or it could be national ban on weed and feed products, but 2 4 D will still be available to my understanding Is this what you mean or is it something different? Regards Mike
  23. Actually the Liberals are the official Opposition, it's their obligation to oppose the government and point out faults. Why must the Liberals support the government, can't the NDP or Bloc do it? Given the attack ads on Ignatief, I dont think the Reform-err- Conservatives are doing anything to compromise. Just Harper's continued arrogance is all I see. Regards Mike
  24. 7 1/2 ft 4wt preferably bamboo regards Mike
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