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Everything posted by Ricinus

  1. Just testing Yak's theory. Bring it on you contrarians. Terry Regards Mike
  2. If you can find some Whitings 100 packs, they are a good way to keep the cost down to start. Blue dun, olive dyed grizzly or Ginger Regards Mike
  3. Looking for " Opening can of worms " emoticon. Regards Mike
  4. Another one with good info http://www.noelgyger.ca/ Regards Mike
  5. Well seeing how we completely blew the feline advice, lets talk about Michelle "The Bombshell" McGee. Regards Mike
  6. Jon Stewart does Glenn Beck http://watch.thecomedynetwork.ca/the-daily...010/#clip276647 Regards Mike
  7. I guess nothing is a guarantee, but all our cats over the years stopped marking once we got them neutered. Besides, as the saying goes: 1 cat + 1 cat = 6 cats which a more important reason to neuter. Regards Mike
  8. Get some Nature's Miracle stain and odour remover from Petsmart. It breaks down the urine odor using enzymes. Takes a couple of soakings but it does work. Regards Mike PS: Neuter the cat, think of it as your revenge.
  9. The nice thing about a generator is you have 120V to power other things--like a blender for margaritas, DVD to watch por--er flytying vids-- you get the idea regards Mike
  10. Rickr I don't really have much tied by myself, but I have lots tied by POTUS's brother's friend in Kenya I can donate. Regards Mike
  11. You guys have convinced me that you are right, she should be allowed to give her speech and if she crosses the line then go after her. regards Mike
  12. Exactly. Unfortunately, all she does is spread hate and incite people. However when one of her followers goes off the deep end, she'll just throw her arms in the air and say " it's not my fault" and hide behind the right to free speech. Regards Mike
  13. Why do you say Liberals- I don't see that anywhere in the article. Seems to me that Conservatives are just as bad about trying to ban and filtering view points. Regards Mike
  14. I hope someone has made a pie for her. Regards Mike
  15. Just out of curiosity, why build a 6 wt and over-line it? Regards Mike
  16. Nice pics and sequence Jack. Knowing my luck, I'd stab myself with the pointy end. Regards Mike
  17. I don't have LX's but do have IR's. I just went and checked and mine are louder going out than on the retrieve. I don't know why the LX's would be opposite. Regards Mike
  18. Ricinus

    Dry Only?

    In fairness to the "Purists", I think we have acknowledge that without them a lot of the flyfishing lore have been lost. They are responsible for some of the traditions being carried down through the centuries and we should thank them for that. Regards Mike
  19. Seeing how it's a British News story, I think it's the Cooperative Party they are referring to. According to Wiki, they have a permanent partnership with the Labour Party. I think Socialist is more descriptive of their policies--you know evil things like Universal Pensions, Universal Health-care, Child Allowances, Unemployment Insurance, Worker's Comp and other Commie things. Sure glad they didn't catch on here. Just teasing. Regards Mike
  20. The Co-op is Commie?? The sneaky bastages disgiused as a retail store. What about the UFA? Just think it all started in Alberta in the 30's with the CCF Regards Mike
  21. I'm glad I'm not alone--jesus, it was an innocent search too. Regards Mike
  22. I have a mixed bag of reels and if you learn to palm a reel you can land just about anything with a click and pawl. Never had any problems with tippets. Regards Mike
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