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Everything posted by Ricinus

  1. About 5yrs or so ago, MEC allowed some conservation groups to set up a display against the Grizzly hunt. Some hunting groups took exception to this and labeled MEC antihunting. EDIT found this: http://www.gamewarden.ab.ca/archive/Summer2004/departmt.htm Regards Mike
  2. Don't forget red and white bobbers and about 10 new fly boxes for all the new patterns you need. Regards Mike
  3. Might be the start of something http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/01/19/wi..._zapping_taser/ Regards Mike
  4. Exactly, but where does a person draw the line. Canned hunts, baiting and killing for pleasure to me is not hunting and certainly not pure but for others ---??? Regards Mike
  5. So a canned hunt at a game farm for a fenced-in prey is pure?? Don't think so. Regards Mike
  6. Welcome, the Elk Valley is on my to do list for this summer so I may be looking for some pointers. Regards Mike
  7. linoleum or sheet vinyl- whatever they call it now plus some cheapo area rugs. Spraying shouldn't be a problem as long as the males are neutered in a timely fashion As an aside- good on you for doing it! Regards Mike
  8. Ditto on Outcast Fishcats etc or if you want to go up a notch- Scadden. Regards Mike
  9. If they can censor Mark Twain's Huckleberry Finn, anything is possible Regards Mike
  10. The classic-- the city sent graders etc down each residential road to clear a path for everybody. Instead of clearing the windrows from their driveways, some thought they could drive thru them with cars with 6" of clearance and all seasons and ended up high centered. I was going to stop and help but decided if you're that dumb, you can wait for a tow truck. Regards Mike
  11. You can't stop Stupid. The QEII from Leduc to Edmonton is really slippery, you can see the ice glistening on the road but some people just don't get it. As far as one type of vehicle being worse than others, I didn't notice it--everything from SUVs pickups and young girls in their Civics were driving like it was summer. Guess my Insurance will go up again to pay for these bozos. Regards Mike
  12. Anthropogenic Climate Change 5...4...3... Regards Mike
  13. Sounds like a great idea. I'm almost tempted to drive down. Regards Mike
  14. If your Golden is anything Like mine were, He'd probably fetch the line!!! Merry Christmas regards Mike
  15. If you stand by and do nothing, that's exactly what you can expect---Nothing Regards Mike
  16. Merry Christmas to all and have a safe Holiday. Regards Mike
  17. Afternoon laugh. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHjK33RchEE Rgards Mike
  18. Actually, I believe it's Iraq that burns off something like a Billion cubic feet per day because they lack the infra-structure to collect it. The info came from a WSJ article in spring. Regards Mike
  19. Another part of the equation is LNG from the middle east. Apparently it is just burned off for the moment, but the plan is to ship to east coast US. Forecast for natural gas is to remain low for a long time. Regards Mike
  20. I've been looking for an older Perfect or Bougle. Seen a few on Ebay out of UK, but man, do they go for top dollar. The new Cascapedia and Bougle out of Korea look pretty sweet. Regards Mike
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