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Everything posted by Ricinus

  1. I've got about half a tube left. I saw a used tube on Ebay a while back go for $30. Regards Mike
  2. Overton's-don't see that much anymore. Looks like you've been busy. Regards Mike
  3. Good post Clive, most of what you have said makes good sense. Mind you, the current Conservative Govt meant has done a good job of pizzin' away a lot of money. It's hard to imagine anyone one could do any worse, not that it's likely to happen. Regards Mike
  4. "Sustainable Community"--What the hell has got into you people in Rocky? Next thing will be gardening clubs, composting, recycling and a bunch of other Eco-weenie stuff. Regards Mike
  5. Sorry, I'm going to continue with the hijack. I don't think you can blame everything on Clive's "Eco-weenies". In most cases, they have just pointed out the problems, The so called "solutions" have come from Politicians and Industry. A lot of the solutions are nothing more than a way to make a quick buck by capitalizing on people's desire to do help. As was pointed out, with our current North American Lifestyle, any small changes are really not going to make any real difference. Saving your grass clippings and then driving 5 miles to the compost site isn't really environmentally sound. Nowadays being environmentally and health conscious is knowing how to sift the bullsh!t from the buckwheat- what really works and is important versus feel good stuff being fed to us by Eco-weenies, politicians and industry. Maybe that's what should be taught in schools. Regards Mike PS: I think I REALLY need to go Fishing soon!!
  6. A Cadillac SUV Hybrid HAS to be earth friendly- Right? Right? Regards Mike
  7. I think a pump would be very useful on stillwaters- flowing water- not so much Regards Mike
  8. There is a lot of debate whether a hybrid/electric car is more eco-friendly than fuel efficient gas/ diesel when you factor everything in. Regards Mike
  9. I guess the latest craze is saddle hackle woven in the hair. Better stock up but it might be too late. http://www.midcurrent.com/news/2011/02/hai...r-hackle-m.html Regards Mike
  10. I'll take a dozen!! Regards Mike
  11. I think the shipping charges on something that heavy will eat up any money you might save. Regards Mike
  12. I use 9 ft and a 91/2ft single handed rods in the 8 and 9 wt sizes mainly because of the heavy flies and distances cast. A 7 wt is a little light. I use shooting heads and running lines to get the distance and though a Spey rod would be best, I get by. I have to admit as I'm getting older the Spey rod is looking more and more appealing. Regards Mike
  13. I have Nautilus bought at Canadian Tire (25% off sale) and my buddy has Mustang (Fishing Hole). Both pretty much the same and DOT/Coast Guard Approved. Regards Mike
  14. I prefer the suspender style of inflatable as they are fairly comfortable in hot weather and in cooler weather you can fit them over top of heavier clothing. As far as reliability, I can't say as I never had to use it (knock on arborite). Regards Mike
  15. Never, ever say " I think I'll pick up ONE old Hardy to see what the fuss is all about " . Regards Mike
  16. I just got a Fishcat Panther last fall so I'm still rigging it. I picked up - rod holder, mounting for sonar, anchor, 12volt pump, good manual air pump. Still need flippers and emerg repair kit. Regards Mike Forgot the most important-- Top of the Line Life Vest.
  17. Parks Canada has gone through a huge philosophy change from the 1950's when they use to run their own hatcheries and stock everything from Brookies to Atlantic Salmon. Personally I think the new approach is a big improvement. Regards Mike
  18. There used to a couple of very knowledgeable guys working the flyfishing section and it was great to go in shopping. The last couple of times I've been in, nobody around and couldn't find anyone to help. Not too impressed, so I just walked out. Regards Mike
  19. Sun, I'm not sure the biomass is much different from Pre- European days as rainbows browns and brookies are all invasives introduced by us. That being said, an artificial boost in nutrients might not hurt as we've pretty much tinkered with the system anyways. Regards Mike
  20. Ziplock bag works for me--knock on wood. Regards Mike
  21. Leroy Hyatt-- watching him Saturday mornings got me started.. I still have VHS tapes of the programs. Regards Mike
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