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Everything posted by Ricinus

  1. I've heard that story too, and personally I think it's a bit of a crock. The only set up that might make a difference is using short shank hooks on tubeflies, intruders etc. Theoretically the short shanks can't be levered out as easily. The majority of my flies are tied on Mustad salmon hooks 36890. Mike
  2. vhawk12 Anybody who questions the O&G Industry should get out of the Province?? Pretty sad commentary... Mike
  3. Back In the lean years, Oil sand companies were given all sorts of tax breaks and incentives for development so I don't think they lost a great deal of monies if any at all. No one is advocating bankrupting O&G companies with taxes and royalties, just trying to ensure we as Albertans are getting fair value for OUR resources. As for packing up and leaving the Province, I wish we would have had a Premier like say Danny Williams to call the bluff. Mike
  4. Are you going to carry the full range of Hardy reels ie: Perfects and Bougles? Mike
  5. Somethings missing... the last time the Province raised royalties, they were all going bankrupt, laying off all employees and leaving the Province. Mike
  6. This link set off my anti-virus and froze up my computer, I had to force a log off and reboot. Mike
  7. Even Greenpeace thinks Ethanol is crap. http://www.greenpeace.org/canada/en/campai...-passed-in-par/ Mike
  8. You have to factor in how much land has been taken out of food production to grow corn for ethanol. Without government subsidies it wouldn't even be profitable and these aren't Ma and Pa farms receiving these handouts, but mega corporations. As for ethanol free gasoline, Shell Premium is ethanol free and I imagine the others are the same. Mike
  9. Looks to me that you're just searching for justification to fish the Thompson. If it opens go fish it, it's legal, just don't preach about how important it is to conserve the run or the ethics of Steelheading. Mike
  10. I imagine some are busily tying up roe bags. Mike
  11. Much as I would love to fish the Thompson, I think I will pass. Time to walk the talk. Mike
  12. As Canadian residents, its really a non event for as as far fees go, but it will certainly free up spots on the weekends as access is limited unless you're floating or have a boat. Not sure how the locals or NRA's are going to react, so I guess we'll wait and see. My only wish would have been for a better Classified Water Tag system that would allow moving around and being able to buy more than a daily tag. Mike
  13. Tallieho, i'm confused as to what criteria for size has failed. Could you please clarify. Mike
  14. With a little ingenuity, we should be able to stretch this out for 10 pages without being locked. I just looked at the Smithers Wx forecast, hopefully it's cold enough that the rivers don't blow out on the ol' geezers. Mike
  15. Well if anyone would know clueless.... Mike
  16. Nah, its a mixed bag there ( or was )- spinfishers, centerpin, single handed and spey. As long as nobody is beaching a fish, its a pretty easy going crowd unless you're an American then all bets are off- just kidding Rick. Mike
  17. Well its only fun til someone loses an eye. Mike
  18. It wasn't me who he was harrassing, but the the guy fishing did throw him in the river. I've never been back to the spot since, life is too short to put up with asses. Mike
  19. Who said anybody trespassed? How about paying for a week of access and then being denied access with no refund? How about a complaint filed with RCMP? How about walking down the creek from Hwy til below the High water mark? How about Jackass walking up behind people and throwing rocks in the water? And last but not least Who's the ***hole now? Mike
  20. Actually, its more than once and I offered to buy the guy a beer. Mike
  21. 25 yrs fishing Skeena watershed and I've really only met one absolute ***hole, unfortunately you have to cross his property to access one of the best runs on the Bulkley. Mike
  22. That is a fish of a lifetime. And please don't name the river or PGK will have a coronary!! ( we can all take a pretty good guess ) Mike
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