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Everything posted by Hawgstoppah

  1. This post is missing a Youtube vid... and I'll go along with the "cake" theme Click here if the movie does not play.
  2. Moss ... Moss... Moss!!!! Well... ok it was only one game but hey... maybe some of the kids are gonna break through this year. I love the new look flames... I dont think we have any coasters on the team this year and I look forward to a team that gives 100% every shift, every game. I think they got a legit chance of making it to the post season... and when you get there anything can happen.
  3. I'd buy everything you guys had if I liked the logo but the truth is I don't.
  4. That's gotta be about my worst nightmare. People running in front of my truck..... what they call a "lorry"
  5. He wasn't by any chance tagged was he? Sure as hell looks like a fish I know If he was tagged can ya PM me the tag number so we can compare dates caught and actual size of the fish? I believe I may have got this beast in 2004, somewhere OTHER than where your at *grin* Simply spectacular fish.
  6. THANK YOU.... THANK YOU... THANK YOU! Oh and by the way... THANK YOU
  7. Also Missing. One green #10 wooly bugger. last seen in the jaws of an amazingly large fish at Police Lake. I'd say there are a few pushing 25 in there, this one sure was. Suprised the crap outta me. Reward offered : (fishing at Police is reward enough )
  8. He's an old man and he sh*ts his pants, and pees his pants, and ... umm.. I guess he has other issues too... Ok here's one. A guy's mother in law is very very sick... He takes her to the hospital and a few hours later the doctor comes out and says... I got some bad news and some good news... which do you want first? The guy says "gimme the bad news" So the doc says... your mother in law is really sick and will need constant care in your home... she will live for at least another 10 years... but your going to have to feed her, and oh one more this this condition will leave her paralyzed from the neck down so your going to have to wheel her around in a wheelchair, and ... unfortunately, your also going to have to change her, and take care of her .. umm... bathroom visits... for her... The guy, in horror, looks up at the doctor.... sooo... whats the good news? The doc says... "Ha!! I'm just kiddin... she died!"
  9. Yeah... but XM has hockey and baseball. My 2 fav sports, so it's gonna stay in the truck for as long as I do
  10. Beeeeeeeeeeeeeyyaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh That's a sweet vid. I missed two dry takes on the Bulkley... I gotta try this dead drift thing becuase I can't wait to set the hook on a skating fly
  11. I fish several different colors of san juans. Some are (much) better than red. *grin* Blue isn't very good, though I have gotten fish on, blue, green, purple, brown, black, white (yes white), orange, yellow, and combinations thereof. A sweet combo is red / brown wire wrapped in tandem (one rib is red next one brown etc) or I've even tied #2's in red and added the worms "throax" in brown. Those work very well also.
  12. You forgot getting stuck at 13 one day there Slayer :) Oh yeah U probably WANT to forget that one...LOLOL
  13. haha yeah I got that too. I was so in love with them chicks as a pimply 13 yr old.
  14. I try and stay away from any posts that get nasty (except people laying fish on rocks... SOMEONE's gotta be the "fish on rocks police"... I have lately been adding a few opinions here and there on heated topics. There seems to be more and more of them. Let's get back to some fish pics and reports. Becuase TROLLING isn't fly fishing.
  15. U2 Dance Mix 95 (rofl) back off I like it Honeymoon Suite Collin Raye Van Halen Garth Brooks John Micheal Montgomery George Straight Alan Jackson Alabama John Denver and some country mixes I made. from 90's.
  16. Ok so someone paints 40 bright orange dowels.... 20 inches long. Team A and Team B must have a digital photo of each fish longer than 2 inches. Most fish at or over 20 inches wins... the prize? The losing team has to cook (bbq) and clean up, the supper No other prizes. Random team draw, once team A and B have been set up, you can form fishing "groups" and depart for the day. There would be a set return time... at which time the BBQ and some stories could be shared (and maybe a silent auction) This way it's FUN and not too competitive. Maybe ONE random draw prize at the BBQ... and the rest is a silent auction. Entry would be like $25 bucks... Just throwing ideas out here.
  17. What about Cakes! Cakes have layers!!! Noooooooooooo Donkey..... Click here if the movie does not play.
  18. It can be done! The biggest bull trout I've ever even seen let alone hooked took my streamer which I had basically emtied a bottle of floatant onto. It was a huge 8 inch long lefty's deceiver (unweighted, thank god) and a bull was seen to eat a dead fish off the top just prior. I had two chances at the fish and second try I hooked it. It was probably the closest thing I've seen to 40 inches of trout - in alberta. Never did land it but my buddy (who's tagged bulls and studied 'em) thinks it was near or better than 40. So come on Greg. You only need to fish on the surface, for alberta's biggest trout... oh almost forgot to mention, one fly only! Left handed casting only, from downstream quartering across, the tobacco pipe MUST be out the RIGHT side of your mouth.... no exceptions.
  19. Hopefully she's ditched work and gone fishin. That's how I spend my birthdays. I'd expect no less Tiana
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