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Everything posted by Hawgstoppah

  1. Nice shots. did that bear have any young'uns?
  2. Well I'll be willing to bet Cammi made his decision to leave after he saw who was going to continue to be behind him for the next 4 seasons. Who wants to play in front of a goaltender who can't stop the first 5 shots? and was among the worst in the league this year. I guess I can't blame him. I'm sorry to say it guys but as long as we stay with Mikka the cup isnt coming. He had two GREAT years, but that's it. Goalies wash up. He's done...
  3. Please take time to carefully revive your fish if you must fish when it's 70+. I bet there going to have to do some emergency stream closures this year. Price we pay for having almost no runoff.
  4. Not a big fan of his ever. The loss of Farah however...
  5. some awesome pics and fish there cheers
  6. So no one cares that there just going to let cammy go for nothing? Stupid moves .....
  7. Yup you got it right russ. I remember that siggy... cant remember who's it was (wasn't it YOURS?)
  8. You had to stoop to NYMPHS for cutties? shame on ya! LOL - just kidding you do what ya gotta do this time of year
  9. Probably avg 16-22 inches. There's a lot more reports of larger fish now than I've ever heard, but I dont know most of the guys catching them though and a lot of them come without pics... studies show only 1 in thousands of fish on the bow is 24 or more. more people need to pack a tape measure methinks most people see a true 24 incher and call it a 27
  10. you can also tell that caddis are about to start for the first time of the year when you smell that "sweet" river smell when you are near it. The first time I smell that I know caddis are less than a week away, and it never fails me.
  11. The bow could maybe use a couple of low runoff years to regfrow them HUGE green weeds that are full of aquatic life / bugs. They help the fish. I've never seen as many fish in the bow as there was between about 1999 and 2003. And the big green weeds were massive. Now this is an unscientific take on the whole thing, but I usually observe and make statements based on actual fact. People think a 10 fish day now is good. Back then I woulda been dissapointed with 10.
  12. I think that's the exact problem. There are a LOT of "secret spots" within a short drive of the big city... and more and more of their names and directions to them seem to be showing up on this forum. And more and more people seem to be going to them. Some people just can't seem to keep their mouths shut about where they were on a post. I love fishing reports, and if it's on a well known river just say the river not exactly where, and if it's on somehting lesser known... SHHHH for pete's sake!!! :$*%&:
  13. That is just simply awesome! LOL 5 stars
  14. The only fish in alberta live in the bow, crow, oldman, livingstone, stuaffer, and red deer rivers. leave all the others ones alone they suck
  15. 7 to 10wt, fast sink (tip). Line something line streamer express. WF for sure.
  16. I use bare gamagatzu's for bloodworms all the time (size 16-20) they are deadly. Nice piggies!
  17. weird, did they take out the ability to link youtube vids? The text link above now works on my post. And yes, sundance, that made me cry too, but not in a good way LOL.
  18. I didnt cry for that. Good story though, glad theres still some good people out there. I did, however, cry for this:
  19. well I fished a 6ft deep fast chop last week with great success, with a #4 wire sjw, at 7ft from the indicator (or maybe a touch less, like 6ft), then one more foot, and a weighted stonefly nymph, and no split shot at all. Had I been missing tapping bottom I would have added a split or two (BB size) until I was tapping on every drift. I think what both me and psuedo are getting at (in different ways) is that your leader needs to be tight to detect strikes. I do it by suspending my flies just slightly deeper or even right at the exact depth of the area I am fishing, and varying length often as I change locations or even work through a run. He does it by using a longer leader and dragging flies a bit, which in turn saves you from chaging your setup all the time. Now I've never seen Psuedo fish, but from my own experience, when my flies are dragging the fish know it. Ever had a queitly sipping bow river fish take a dragging dry fly? I sure haven't. I assume the same happens down below. Unless your fishing emergers and then it's wise to let flies swing at the end of each drift, and as they come up off the bottom you will get fish chasing and hitting them (with no loose line problem, becuase your taking them on the swing). anyways, good luck out there. maybe it would help us if you explain how your setting up your drift with "indicator upstream of flies". I mend my indicator upstream of my flies initially, but physics dictates that the force of motion as my flies sink and my indicator starts moving downstream, that by the time my flies are in the zone their directly below and either suspended or nearly so, by my indicator.
  20. Comparing methods used from the boat and from wading is like comparing apples to oranges though. you simply do not have the time to break down the whole river, so you fish with a system that does (longer leader, almost draging flies, splits at bottom, whatever works for you). If your wading the river, why not take the time to systematically fish it by varying your leader length? Start by working the water in close... I dont know how many times I catch fish in water people usually step into to cast to that big "seam" out there... in almost every spot I fish. then once that's been covered add 2ft, go a tad deeper, then maybe once that's covered, go all in add some more length and weight, and go deep and long. That's how you can catch more fish from one run than all these drifters think is possible I think the original poster was speaking from a wading and fishing perspective. If not than I am completely off base... as if your drifting you actually want to use a longer leader and I could go into a few other things - but they've been sorta covered already. He brings up rookies and adding weight to their rigs....Rookies in the boat are one thing, rookies from shore are another. They SHOULD be in a boat, if they only want fish. It's simply easier to be successfull from a boat if your a newbie to the bow. If your fishing the bow from shore and want those productive days you simply have to fish it certain ways. No exceptions unless the fish are in a good mood and are tucked into shore for you eating a hatch, or emergers.
  21. Im giving general statements so someone new would have the best idea to start with. If you want to fish different depths, change depths of line. Simple as that. Dunoo why you seem to be attacking me this thread, everyone's gonna fish different no matter what. those who've seen me fish the Bow would say that I do rather well. I'm sharing how to do that...Nuff said.
  22. all I was trying to say on my post was that sometimes with a long leader you THINK your going to get deeper, but in reality your almost losing contact with your quarry. It has to be just the right mix of weight + length for the depth your fishing. Most runs on the Bow dont require 9-11ft of line, you'll be losing contact. The fish sit in 4 to 6ft of riffle water when there hard on the feed. Beef up the size of that indi, beef up your weight a bit, and shorten that leader a bit and get back in touch with 'em. If your missing takes becuase your not detecting fish, the most common assumption would be that your leader is too long. cheers
  23. I rarely use more thyan about 7ft to first fly then 1ft to next. If it aint tapping bottom I add weight rather than add leader. The longer the leader the more resistance it has in the water IMHO. I can get deeper with 5ft of leader and 2 tiny beadhead nymphs than most people could with weighted nymphs and a 12ft leader. It's all about drag free drifting to get deep, not leader length, per se.
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