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Everything posted by Hawgstoppah

  1. You'll be definately breaking fish off without that rod tip section ... especially on lighter tippets. You never did say what WT of rod, but if it was originally a 5 or 6wt , you'd be fishing dries on small tippet with the equivalent of an 8WT now... one word ****SNAP****!!! (as you've found out)
  2. Nice way to stomp out of a rut!
  3. Probably predominantly rainbow there. But I think it's got like 1/10th cutty in her. definately not pure on either side. Nice fish!
  4. You said all pics were taken on the fly rod... How did those tubers fight!!!! what fly? LOL
  5. and , if you can back that up with an actual client of mine saying I did that please feel free to do so. But you can't, unless your lying. cheers.
  6. Seems you heard half the story on just one particular day, 7 years ago. It wasnt backpacks marking a spot it was people casting OVER me that set me off, others drew their own conclusions, so be it. Cast over me today and tangle my line and you'll still get the same reaction. Judge not unless ye know the whole truth.
  7. Been fishing in BC twice this year and guess what. Checked twice.. If Alberta would step it up like that we wouldnt have so many problems. Seems we like to let the idiots play with guns and wreck our fisheries while we stand here and watch.
  8. You could just stop posting fishing reports and do like max does with one monthly "pictures post". I'll only post about popular rivers that everyone knows (crow oldman bow etc)... and if someone asks or needs advice / info on those Im happy to give it. I've posted all of , maybe, 5 fishing reports this whole year. I've been fishing other waters and exploring like a mad fool down here. but.... sh*t.... I seem to have forgotten all the names
  9. To sum it up - Early, or late. But if the water is still cool (as it could still be now) it's good all day. Once the water starts hitting near 65 or more, best to keep fishing to early AM or late PM tho.
  10. Never got a pink... have seen millions of 'em dead on the shore while fishing for steel in smithers tho.
  11. ha! whoops. Correct you are!!!. I got em confused... I wish alaska and BC would call the same fish the same things. LOL well... oops.
  12. hehe no offense taken I just know that the mentality of most kids is about 15 minutes and screw this if I dont catch a fish, and it's a lot easier to have success tossing a nymph without really casting per se, than it is to teach them how to cast a dry effectively enough to catch a few. I usually leave casting a dry for when there proficient enough with the "flip cast" for nymphs and also used to the rod and fighting fish. Different strokes for different folks tho
  13. I know this is about 2 hours away, but has all the rest of the qualities you want. Take her nymphing the crow. Let her use the water to load the cast, flip it up into the run, teach a simple mend / hookset, once the drift is over she can swing the flies (and get hits there too) and from that position flip up again into the run. Easy as pie, plus she'll catch fish too. I took my wife there and did this with her (she had never flyfished) and she got 4 and lost countless others. Good luck wherever you decide to go. A bit closer to home for you might be Cataract Creek, lots of willing small brook trout in there.
  14. That's one heck of a thcik rainbow did ya get a tape on her? she's gotta be 6+ lbs for sure... nice fish!
  15. I dont think there's a need for the hostility towards humble for stating he was going to try it ... .on private water.... before making a judgement on the system. Private waters are not governed by alberta regs, the rules are made by the individual or group who owns and manages the water. Go fish one of the lakes in Calgary, ask the mgt team if you can test this system out, and your not breaking any laws if they say "go for it". Hell, some lakes allow barbed hooks too. Cheers
  16. I gotta be honest, seeing bulls with TROUT tails sticking out of their mouths is making me start to wonder just how much of an impact they might be having. I was under the impression (through research and talking to bio's, etc) that bullies mostly eat small whitefish / suckers and whatnot, and generally do not feed on trout per se... but I guess if a trouts injured, it's SCREWED now! LOL
  17. LOL birch. Maybe the NEW saying should be "a lot of 30 inch fish are caught on FFC, **NONE** are ever taped"
  18. Photo's removed - I am stooopid these weren't pinks. Cheers!
  19. Maybe BC needs to fix the problem of alienating fellow canadians from their fisheries and they'd have more friends in these matters.
  20. Nice fish.. I had one like that also have a fish out of it's mouth this spring it was 29 inches taped. it's on this page http://www.bowriveradventures.com/bowriver/id13.html Might wanna start carrying a tape though. I dont wanna say anything, but... start carrying a tape before guessin them bulls always look freekin HUGE compared to a buncha little cutts but.. 30 inches is a HUUUUGE fish. I'd guess yours around 27-28" still a massive fish though
  21. Ha yep... good to hear one thing I always tell my guys - if your not going to kick the bow river's a$$, it will kick yours. gotta be aggresive! happy to hear your into fish rich was talking about it when we floated on sat - which was a great day too
  22. LOL... did you breathe in or out on the backstroke on that putt?
  23. awesome pics and thanks for not sharing the name of that other place
  24. I disagree entirely. Have had many, many bulls take the streamer I threw beside the action when a bull was agressive after a cutty someone had hooked.
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