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Everything posted by Hawgstoppah

  1. must be under new management from 10 yrs ago then becuase I'll never set foot into the one in north calgary again. They wouldnt replace a reel that fell apart the first time it was used and then accused me of "banging it on rocks" and also slandered me on several message boards. Great guys eh? and this was after I spent over 1000 bucks on a new rod and an islander reel, and the okuma reel that fell apart.
  2. Yep. Most of my biggest fishies have come right at or after dark. Including rainbows. Havent had much luck for bulls in the pitch black.
  3. in my years of fishing there, i've found that they almost always hide in the slow tailouts, no matter if it's clear and low, or as you describe. they dont have to use as much energy there and can see predators and fisherman easily. the only time i see most of the fish actually move right into the riffles is when there is an epic hatch on like green drakes, grey drakes, or similar big meaty mayflies. best way to fish the liv is to get around to the back of a pool before you stand beside it trying to fish the riffley "good looking" water, and study where the fish are in the slow stuff before you walk beside it and spook them becuase it's game over pretty much when they see ya. I havent even fished the area much yet this year, the quads, people, and poor fishing compared to 10 yrs ago kind of frustrate me. can't find a single place without a car parked or a random campsite set up with atv's and crap. no longer is it the wilderness experience i long for in my dreams. i've since found other waters with no boots at all
  4. Nice lookin piggy. lots of little lakes and ponds "way down south" that he coulda been from we got quite a few with unknown piggies.
  5. LOLOL Rickr we gotta get golfing someday man... "do you breathe in or out on your backswing??"
  6. he's even got the expert "no background" pic down to a tee glad you had fun!
  7. yup. over the years ive gone from a have-to-catch-fish guy to a just wanna be on the water guy. nothing better than finding some fish to watch too, as watching them instead of casting to them can be an invaluable teacher.
  8. Hpe they can find something to fling a fly in over there.
  9. LOL... yeah that would tend to take a little fight out of 'em
  10. Beedhead, Im dissapointed in you. Your pictures do not show enough background to allow me to go chase that fine specimen this week Im gonna be around the crow all week I hope I see a brown of that size above the falls! awesome pics. I had some time this week I woulda joined you ya bum. Had an epic day on it last tues (or wed or thurs cant remember now Im gettin old)
  11. Kinda like everyone fishing the bow in the heat of summer on a low water year when the temps 70F or greater, and then calling the people who go fishing at the mouth of the highwood in the spring "unethical"?? LOLOL **sorry, slap me now***
  12. I got mine from the guys on this board When I sold my old guiding company my handle was "bowcrow" which I had been building for 7 or 8 years a rep with that name (and today the company carries on actually). But after I sold it I figured sometimes I am a pretty opinionated guy and the new owner might not want some of the smartass things I say being associated with his company, so I asked the forum, whats a good new nickname for me? Hawgstoppah was the result, becuase #1 - I liked it, #2 - it was the best one suggested, and #3... I used to catch a lot of big fish on a eeerily regular basis according to the fine folks here. I still do now, I just don't post them anymore... to much gripin and moaning on here these days, plus... I didn't buy the FFC tape measures when they came out so all mine are 23's and 24's not 27's and 28's like y'all seem to think your catchin!
  13. Though, to be fair, either side sensationalizes THEIR opinions!
  14. Rickr. I base my statement of the above, on fact, from a good friend of mine, who has been involved in many such "studies". cheers.
  15. I LIKE CAKE! thought this post has degenrated to that point and suprised no one has come in with the "I like cake" yet On a more serious note: c'mon guys you gonna beleive the big oilfeild companies research? They hire guys to do this and only pay 'em if they get the results they want to see... or no "bonus" for you! Give it a break. I'll take the non profit org's research anyday. Oil is a neccessary evil. Until you all stop driving cars and start walking everywhere you go, and stop buying your food from the grocery stores and grow it in your garden (trucks and farm tractors need fuel too), we NEED OIL. wish there were beter and less harmfull ways to produce it though!
  16. Young rainbow all the way. There a dime a dozen like that in the crow right now (the 6-10 inchers)
  17. You think this gov't we have gives a rats ass about the environment? Go have a look at the destruction around all our public forestry reserves created by ATV's and offroading, and that's not even putting money in the gov't coffers' They don't give a *hit about ablerta, let alone sask... sad ain't it?
  18. I'll take a guess and say fortress. Have no clue though, the location your at is one that I havent been there judging by the pics .....look really nice!
  19. Epic! Post of the year award right here!!!
  20. Max. If it interests you... I have caught 2 small browns above the falls, both in the last 3 years. both about 8 inches.
  21. Nice pics! Make those calls even if your 2 days late man. Tell 'em where + how much evidence of bait fishing you saw.
  22. Cool stuff! Love the little crowsnest browns, there not that purty IMHO until they get big. One of my very first few fish on the crow was an absolute hawg brown that could have gone on any magazine cover it was so pretty Matter of fact it's still the only brown over 20" I've ever landed on the crow. Love the pics tho looks like there eating terrestrials pretty good
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