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Everything posted by Hawgstoppah

  1. Had the same thing happen in our place, there was a underground nest in there somewhere... what I did was all of what you tried to no success... until I poured BOILING water down the hole they lived at, in the winter. Prob could have opned that puppy up and made some of those really neat ice cubes with bees in them, never saw them again!
  2. That private bridge does not exist max. It was only a figment of yer imagination. Now get off my stream How was it for ya? been slammin them this year on there. great pics of all else. Love the "narrow road steep cliffs sign" that road aint all that bad, try driving to the wiggy she's way worse. I did blow a tire on that road this year when they graded it though! rocks are sharp! cheers.
  3. Nice shots. I also love the crow. If I had one place to call my favorite in alberta, the crow it would be
  4. That's what it's all about right there
  5. LOL I love that last one!!! "Lemme outta here!! see ya!"
  6. driving up on saturday from cadrston to calgary there was no gas until I got to Okotoks. I think the 7-11 in claresholm MAY have had some, but there's always huge lineups and a pile of people at it regardless... it kinda looked lke the nozzles were covered and people were just parking there to grab snacks. So quite possibly on saturday, cardston, ft mcleod, nanton, claresholm, all had no gas. good thing I filled up in lethbridge on friday... gas was hard to find there even. hit 7 stops before finding a station with gas friday night.
  7. hehe ... well... I didnt "pay" full for that I demo'd john's rods for a couple years with the old company. There great. It's a super rod for the bow BUT... my favorite rod I own is a st croix legend ultra 3wt. 300 bucks. Ive casted MUCH more pricey 3 and 4 weights... they dont even compare to how good that legend ultra feels. I totally agree with the old adage: Go cast and find the rod YOU like best without looking at the name or price tag first. Cast 5 different rods of exactly the size you want, putting tape over the price tag and name
  8. I've casted everything from high end sages to low end TFO's and the good ol' berkley cherrywood canadian tire specials. I'd bet if you took all the blanks, put no markings on them and had them all exactly the same color, and got 100 pro catsers to cast them all, the rods in the 100-300 dollar range would prefrom every bit as good as any others priced higher. The name "sage" or "orivs" is what your paying for, not a better stick... IMHO. If you want to spen a grand for a GREAT feeling stick, spend a bit more and go into bamboo. cheers.
  9. i usually wait until I feel a solid take, and do not set on the "tap tap tap" but wait for him to grab it and turn, and then there's solid weight at the end of the line and at this point I find you can set any way you want
  10. Im guessing "back is" is somewhere on earth, in the solar system, which is part of the milky way GREAT brown I love the colors.!!!!
  11. and before someone posts about how will I fish them, yes I mean banning any type of off roading including driving over feilds to access rivers. Park besdie the road and do some walking, folks. :$*%&:
  12. off roading of any type is desturctive, not just ATV's. Ban them ALL. and yes... that means the people driving into random camping spots with their big 4x4 and 5th wheelers too. It's ruining the whole area on the L'stone, Oldman, Castle, Carbondale, there everywhere, and everywhere I look I see frikkin MUD now instead of green valleys, and instead of deer and elk I see jackasses. :$*%&:
  13. Your first fox pix match the color of the suspect pretty close. I saw one at waterton on the golf course this year that was dead on for the suspect in this thread too. How can you say it's "too big" when there's really nothing in the pic to compare it to? My money's on fox actually, it may also be a sasquatch!!!!
  14. that was the best laff I have had in a long , long time. awesome!
  15. even with the enlargements I still say fox. pointy head, tails about right, though hard to make out.
  16. hard to say how big it really is, but might it be smaller than first thought? kinda looks like a fox to me. Just my 2 cents.
  17. Tim whoa wait a sec if you'll remember I got a big brown earlier in the day (though, it was on a fly I scammed from you, LOL) Yea that was epic dude, catching a big brown while not even really casting! awesome!
  18. LOL... yeah next year that place will be overrun by people with AB plates! cool pics!
  19. that's sara's B&B and, they actually DO own that riverbottom and land. One of the few places in alberta that has been grandfathered in since a long time ago. They have every right to tell you what they told you, to stay off. Maybe there attitude came from having to repeatedly tell people to stay off because no one can read signs, or no one thinks they have the "right" to keep people off their river, when in fact, it IS their river on that particular stretch there nice folks, perhaps it was people staying there that got all attitudy-judy with ya.
  20. I'm gonna stay outta this one... be interesting to see where the votes go. Im guessing the votes will reflect our negative feelings towards BC's rules and it's already going that direction.
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