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Everything posted by Hawgstoppah

  1. First time I ever tried pike on the fly was yesterday. The fishing was apparently "slow" but I found it to be fine. went with cuttbow to a southern AB lake. Got this beauty and 9 others that were smaller. It was a blast. Thanks for dinner cuttbow - he lost the dinner bet - booyah!
  2. mmax that'll be the best catch of the year by far anyways. enjoy the new one!
  3. Yeah I was fishing next to a beaver damn with it... and kaaBOOOOOM i hear this massiv ethrasing set hook and the fight was on. And yes, it was a big, big brown. I don't have pics of it though was fishin solo and no real way to take a good pic at night. I'd guess she was somewhere's in that 26-28 range.
  4. Lately I have been starting on the "light" side of things and fishing about 4 and 5 feet with light nypmphs like pheasant tail and hare's ear. Fish them in closer to you than the big seam out there, a ton of fish hold right where most people stand to go fish the "sexy" water out there... once I've either caught all the ones I think are in close, or they simply arent around on a few fly changes... then it's time to add weight, and add length. Next stop for me is about 6ft / 7ft two flies still small stuff. then I go 8-9ft, bigger flies, and see if there in the real fast deep heavy current area of the run.
  5. Yeah... I like that. And put a warning label on that bottle saying : drinking may cause feelings of remorse, discomfort, and tendacies to have your photo taken while doing something you wouldn't want to be associated with 20 years later may arise.
  6. comments removed by author - all is well
  7. Would the forum moderator who has twice removed my post asking to move this thread to a location with more exposure please give me a damn good reason why my posts are being removed before I pull my auction items. What's the agenda here folks? Why not give this thing the proper exposure instead of hiding it down here where no one looks...Thank you.
  8. Ok years ago a friend of mine took a fish home that was hooked badly and just did not make it. It was legally harvested, but regretable so as well. we decided to see just what it would taste like. upon cooking it, the whole house smelled like rotten sewage, and the flesh of the fish was rubbery. We ordered some pizza.
  9. and were you setting straight up or sideways (lol rick you KNOW i was gonna throw that in on this post somewhere... you had to know!!) LOLOL
  10. were you using a big indy or a tiny one? for lake fishing, if your using a big one they feel it right away and spit the hooks.
  11. Those are some nice fishies! I can only think of a handfull of lakes that both have that size of fish, and those 3 species.. Oh crap... I have suddenly forgotten the names of all of them.
  12. a special permit to collect an out of season fish for the purpose of taxidermy? sounds bogus to me. The methods employed (bait, snelled hook, and I assume a barb?) are just appaling.
  13. LMFAO... the funbuster strikes again!
  14. No photshop there that was an honest 66m. I didnt even have to hold that hail closer to the camera to make it look bigger!! It actually turned to 67m the second before it obliterated that building
  15. Holy hell what in the name of god do they need to bait fish for to catch a fish in the Bow? What a brutal example. And it accomplished exactly why bait isnt allowed. Killing the incedental catches (that whitefish). Waita go boys! Learn how to fish.. or ask someone who does know how to bring in a brown. By the way isnt it zero catch and keep until July on ALL parts of the Bow? I havent picked up this years regs booklet so I may be wrong but I remember it being 1 or 2 fish under 35cm from JUNE 16 - OCT 31 the rest of the year trout limit zero. Am I wrong? Can anyone post or PM me the phone number for these employees superior officer? I think we need to raise awareness of what these knuckle heads are doing on the river.
  16. Good looking fish, bad looking ball cap ( go sox go )
  17. I mainly saw this problem in my clients associated with "jerky" casting. Abrupt starts and stops instead of "smooth acceleration" through the casting stroke. The more you practise and the smoother your casting becomes, this will go away. All the links above to video's are great. Think of it this way. Once you have cast the line, you have to wait for it to arrive at it's target. Once it's there you can pull back (in the opposite direction) slowly until it's tight, and when it is, you can then accelerate to toss it back the other way. Some of the best casters I have ever seen live right in calgary and fish the bow. If you see someone casting nicely, stop by, say hello, and ask to watch them for a while... watch the rod tip and position and not the line as they cast. Should help ya
  18. first time I ever had anything to drink my "friends" gave me a mickey of southern comfort. I was not aware that your not supposed to drink the whole thing. Needless to say I was in the fetal position on some nasty rug somewhere as well... and I filled that pizza box back up.
  19. It called Canadian Hockey fans sick of taking it up the ___ from the NHL and it's officials.
  20. Runoff = Big fish stick to slack water and deep banks.
  21. wow.. enjoy the golf course and river now 'nucks fans. Too bad. Once again my TV season is over now. I'll watch a canadian based team as far as they go... now it's all exactly what the NHL wants it to be. US teams. Yay for them.
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