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Everything posted by Hawgstoppah

  1. One of the best Bow R video's Ive ever seen, well done guys!
  2. headscan, close, but completely different. The text is inside the logo on those patagonia shirts. you guys realize stuff like LL. Bean and other famous logo's JUST USE TEXT, right??? anyone that's commenting here actually design logo's for a living? I've done several. The more complicated it is, the worse it is. Here's an example. This was chosen to air on billboards around north america.. with event times / locations in the top right... provided the economy recovers and the organizers feel it's worth holding this event. I'll try coming up with a couple more logo's for your thoughts.
  3. and hey, whats wrong with a logo you could carve in a pumpkin? That would rock, actually.
  4. Hey hey now easy on the orange hat... that was a throwback from a couple years ago when I last put up my logo, and greg (toolman) asked how it would look on his orange hat... so I did that up. Yeah it looks like a pumpkin.. happy?
  5. yes, the fact that if they plan of having a meeting in edmonton, with an actual representation from the south (actually, from everywhere), to give us more than a weeks notice, rather than this brutal lack of communication about such meeting... and the only way to find out and IF were lucky enough to check an internet BB and see that this is going to happen. was there letters sent out to all guides? e-mails? phone calls? nope! come on guys. how can we trust a committee for the future, when they cant even plan a meeting properly??? My 2 cents.
  6. Your right, we could. If someone actually took the time to do that... they'd probably have a court case against the NHL reffing association or whatever they call that joke.
  7. sweet pics.. the pics give it a feel of it having been quite windy, or am I mistaken?
  8. Tommy Hillfigger? Gap? Monaco Club? etc etc? Nothing fancy man.... I do like the calgary skyline thingy... it aint bad, but on clothes and hats once you start trying to embroider that? good luck.
  9. Suprised that thing didnt try and eat your HAND man... looks like it's been eating everything else!!!
  10. You need a clean simple logo that will look good on everything. Especially clothes. And one that is recognizable from a distance. I presented this last time, I will present it again. If again a logo is chosen that cannot be identified from a distance (and the one being worked on in this thread is worse than the max holding fish logo, in that regard) then I again wont be interested in any merchandise Examples: FEDEX WALMART PETRO CANADA MCDONALDS BEST BUY STAPLES UPS etc etc, none of those are fancy. The logo I have is not tied to specific colors. It can be any color ya want, on any color background ya want. That's the beauty of a simple design. Here's my submission. again...
  11. The complete BS calls happen on the flames wether or not were winnign or losing. It's a f**in joke this league. Ive never watched another team (and I do follow other teams) in ANY sport that gets jobbed by the officiating as much as the flames do. the Boston red sox are up there, but lately theyve been getting breaks (finally!!). the last game against vancouver was a total joke. I could ref better, and I mean that in all seriousness. A call is a call. what about the columbus game with flames players getting hualed down on 2 on 1's???? No calls? come on... stupid. glad I play hockey sometimes, so I dont end up watching the sh**tshow the NHL has become.
  12. Hopefully as a tool so in the future we can keep NON alberta guides, OUT of our provinces waters
  13. The smell of fall was in the air as I headed to the Crowsnest River this day. It was to be a good day of fishing, and a great day of photography. I took many, many pictures this day, including what has become one of my all time favorites.. "Fall at the Log Run"
  14. I'm all for it. Won't be able to attend a meeting thats FIVE days away. (why dont they ever send guides / companies some freekin NOTICE for these things????) here's my input. - MUST end up with some form of control over 1. insurance (all guides should HAVE to have it) 2. stickers on boat and vehicle 3. current first aid training 4. code of ethics (when, if broken results in the guide / company being warned once, twice = removal) 5. really nice website listing all guides in alberta. 6. better accountability for monies made. I'm sure most guides in alberta havent filed their guiding income in their taxes for years, esp their tips. The rest of us taxpayers are losing out on that money. That alone could pay this deficit Jensen speaks of. cheers.
  15. Let's not forget genetics. Certain strains of fish will jump high and run hard (like the bow river rainbows) while others wont fight quite the same (crowsnest rainbows, for example)... they'll still put up a good scrap, but nothin like a bow R rainbow. Besides the Bow, there's only one other place I know of, in alberta, that has hard fighting line snappin rainbows like that... and I aint telling
  16. I don't buy that logic at all. Guys like myself, and now maxwell, know just as much about the bow and her fish, and moods, as any of the "expensive" fellows, yet for years we have offered services for the "common" folks, so they too could enjoy this great river, if they couldn't afford the steep rates of the "big boys". Don't judge a book by it's cover. cheers
  17. I had some clients that couldn't stop talking about a russian trip they made. But one thing they did say was that fishing was so easy it got boring quickly, as there was ZERO challenge involved. Throw line in water ... get bite.... fight fish.... rinse.. repeat... all day every day. Taking the challenge out of fishing was... to them... taking most of the fun out of it. They said if you go ONCE it's great.. going more than once... not fun at all.
  18. hey, is there any chance that as you post the winners and the info about the winning photo's, you could actually post the pics in this thread? that way we dont have to go looking everywhere to see the winners if not, dang. If so, awesome!
  19. Not a bad assumption there Brad. The flames should have won 4-2 if not for some late period collapses. I thought they played well (for the first time this season) and actually deserved to win this one.
  20. the only way that would work is from certified "buyers" of the service. Too many people (especially on this board) would LOVE a chance to defame certain guides or people this way. Sad but true.
  21. this is happening up there on a daily basis, are you guys really that shocked over this single case? keep your eyes open up there, this is why the fishing is starting to really suck in alberta :$*%&:
  22. Oh my gawd! I laffed for about 15 minutes after reading this. Tell me it's not true... please!!! I know what 6 nuggets does to my gut... I can just imagine you poor mofo's after this debacle!!! o lord.....
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