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Everything posted by Hawgstoppah

  1. something really easy, but it does require you to use their hosting, but it's pretty cheap for the quality you get. www.tripod.com I built more than a few websites on it, including www.bowriveradventures.com and the old bowcrow web site www.bowcrow.ca was started there and is still on there. It's actually been really, really reliable as a server 99.999% uptime, honestly... Ive never seen any of these sites down, ever. I also built www.fishandskialberta.com using the same tripod software. Theyve decided to not pay the hosting therefore there are adds on their site now. The hosting is cheap, but if you pay for it there are no adds, if you want free there are adds. As long as you have a good eye for imagery and can create your own effectively, tripod is a great tool for the creation of the site itself. Cheers.
  2. I tend to agree more with this theory... maybe eating their own crap adds to this effect, but I think the fact they stay waaaaaaaaay too long and then get thumped with a week of -35C, is what eventually finishes them off.
  3. LOLOL..... too funny BobLoblaw!!! too funny!!! :):) I agree with the poster who said it's the traffic. Spend a day driving around this city. Just one day. drive ALL day from the NW to the SE and take a different way each time. Then you'll be so ticked off that whomever you come into contact with that night is going to bear the brunt of your frustration. I assume some people probably let it out on the internet. There's also some very highly opinionated folks on here, wether there right or wrong, there gonna make an opinion. Sometimes those folks get on people's nerves. Just my 2 cents
  4. Rickr. You really need to do some research and developement of a NO FALL sticky type boot bottom. some suggestions for you - chew a ton of hubba bubba gum, then add to bottom of your boots. - find some sticky tar - double sided tape (waterproof, if you can find it) - caulking like you can get in the hardware store, but stuff that never dries.. (if you can find it) lol - the last thing I can think of would be, paint all the river like a giant mall with giant shoe sale signs everywhere, and attach your wife to your wading shoes, she'll stick to that stream like glue!
  5. Guys maybe we shouldn't let this thread degenerate into "I had crap service at wholesale in XXX town" I started the post to give kudos to a big box store (wholesale sports in lethbridge) for their excellent service, so maybe we could leave this thread for positive experiences with big box stores? Thanks
  6. Hawgstoppah


    Oh and forgot to add.... FANTASTIC phto which captures the whole scene, including your pontoon, etc. Great, great pic. That's a pic you should frame and hang in your den
  7. Hawgstoppah


    yeah! good advice. also: find a big tree trunk and you can get around it quicker than a moose with his big 'ol antlers can hence the term getting "treed" by a moose. happened to me twice in my life. A bit scary. Moose can make some pretty funny noises....
  8. Went into Wholesale today with a pair of boots I had purchased a little less than 2 months ago. They had seen the water about 14 days. They were completely falling apart. I wont say the type of boot becuase I really do believe they were a "lemon" and that most of the boots made by said company are very solid. matter of fact, I've never had such a good grip on the stream bottom as I did with these boots. I had no reciept (lost it) yet they looked up my purchase, verified that I did indeed buy the boots there, and promptly exchanged them for another pair which I chose. Now- THATS GREAT SERVICE! Thank you Wholesale Sports in Lethbridge.
  9. Frank, You look as if someone just shot your heart in a few of those!!! I feel your pain, especially with the camera running. I gaurantee, had the vid cam NOT been running, you would have had an EPIC day... Fun vid to watch. Does Kevin ever fish much anymore? lol...
  10. wing. been buying my licenses at oscars in smithers for the last 2 years. you dont need a non tidal salmon stamp unless your intention is to retain a salmon should you catch one while steelheading. If your fishing purely steelhead your fine with just the 60 dollar stamp. Plus, why pay 40 bucks a day , when you can fish (imho) just as good of water if not slightly smaller fish, for 20 bucks a day? makes a big difference over 7 days. My math also is not wrong. You spend the 430 if you want, and I'll spend my 240 You may catch a few more fish than me... in those 40/day waters.... maybe... maybe not... but yes, your butt will hurt more from the BC gov't LOL anyways, back to the post. Regardless of cost to fish there, it's a darn fine steel. What's the avg week down there if fish are in the river? 1 fish a day... maybe? or is it more likely than that? less? tell us more
  11. Us albertans pay the following in BC (just to get facts right). 58$ for a BC year license... or 38 for an 8 day (or somewhere very near those numbers, lets round up. 40 bucks for 8 day. Then a 60 dollar steelhead surcharge stamp.. plus TWENTY bucks a day for some darn fine water, or 40 for some waters designated the very best". for me it'll be just over 240 bucks to fish 7 days.... still frikkin expensive, but not 400. also if we want to come fish your river we have to cross / deal with border guards at a can / usa border and now get a stupid passport, which is 80 bucks. Factor that into your equation and BC starts looking better. EDIT: this doesn't mean I am against coming to try it someday though! The snake river system is on my radar (idaho) for spring steel
  12. maybe instead of putting a horseshoe on one of them there horses, ya put your waders on it and sent it off? These things do start to happen to people at your age
  13. cool video. I think the first two fish must be the native "redbands" then booooyah! steel! nice fish!
  14. well written by someone who knows what fishing is all about. even though it sounds like the fish were off that day, they realize the quality of the fishery.
  15. exactly. the upper oldman the highest temp I ever saw (well above the "gap") was 58F (maybe 15c?) FACT: I always stay off "foothills" streams in the heat of summer, and stick to high mountain streams that ARE cold. Now, mr egocop.. back to the point of this thread instead of trying to "bash" someone who in spite of what you'd like to think, has the fish's best interest at heart here.
  16. she hasnt posted in a heck of a long time. hope everythings ok and your still out there speyin somewhere ladystrange.
  17. Point #1 If it's better for the fish EVEN though I do guide some of these waters... *I AM* willing to give them ma break - what about you? Point #2 Wasn't even me personally between Jul 31 and Aug 17th, but those closures were for waters DOWNSTREAM of HWY22. All the area in question is UPSTREAM of HWY22. So check YOUR facts. The last report I put up on the site was probably in June. I havent done much guiding these days. No one wants to walk and wade when sites like this tell all the secrets, ya know. Only people I guide now are my international guys from europe
  18. hey argue for your own right to fish if you want... but in reality, all you have to do is actually spend time fishing the entire system and compare it to 5 years ago, or 10, or 15, or 20 years ago. There's literally maybe about 10% of the fish left. So yes.... having a 5 year ban on fishing to let them recover from US, isn't so far fetched. Comparing montana's rainbow and brown streams (which can handle high pressure) to the oldman/castle/ram systems, is completely unrealistic. The bow will always have fish unless calgary has a bad chemical spill, same with the crow. Those are like montana's rivers, and can handle the pressure.
  19. I think I just saw dave devlin ... he's the elvis guy ain't he? lol
  20. yup. brown. they sometimes dont get the square tail till they grow up a little more.
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