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Everything posted by PeteZahut

  1. We had a carrier that had a top on it to protect from the sun and netting in front. Perfect for protection from flying nymphs and dries. I used to go for hours with her on my back, was great. Sometimes I would take her off my back while she was sleeping and place her near me on the shore. That stopped after I turned one time and it had fallen over and she was staring at the sky. I felt bad but she wasn't crying and then I had a good laugh. I generally went for about an hour or two at a time before taking her off or taking her out. She loved the ride, still now at 7 she asks to go in it. No way now, stopped a few years back.
  2. Rick, would you consider moving your trip to September or is August a set time for you?
  3. And sometimes a new door opens. When I was 16 i tried out for the midget aaa team in Regina. I made it to the last exhibition game and after it I was cut. I felt devastated, that was not supposed to happen. 3 days later I got a call from the midget aaa team in moose jaw who said they have a spot for me. 1 week later I moved there and started playing. 2 months later I got listed by the Warriors WHL team and played 20 games with them when they needed it. I then played 3 more years with them plus 4 for the university of Regina. I had a great career, have my engineering degree and have a great life. All put on a course from a point that at 16 seemed like the end of the world. It made me who I am today. One door closes and a new one opens!
  4. Enjoyed it! I felt the music was a bit much but thought the camera work was great and the hosts did a really great job. Will watch another.
  5. If your neck and back are getting sore then you don't have the backpack adjusted properly. I wear a backpack all the time and have no issues. You need to adjust the shoulder straps and waist strap so more of the weight is on your hips and not pulling down on your shoulders/neck.
  6. I was in MJ from 90-94. Don't recognize the name. Yes, I meant the team that crashed was swift current.
  7. James did coach there but before my time there. He moved onto Swift Current. That was the team with the bus crash.
  8. Jeff, who did you play for and when? I played 4 years with the MJ Warriors in the early 90's. Sooo long ago .
  9. Wow, great shots.
  10. That really sucks. Hope you get lucky and get your gear back.
  11. Or this http://www.rvcity.ab.ca/News/ID/9453/The_EFOY_fuel_cell_family.aspx?laststatus=pad&mrtype=pad&postback8274=1
  12. I struggled with this decision. I tested out one of those portable solar kits from Costco last year. Can't remember the size, probably around 50w or so. Did not work well. Tested it in the backyard too and found in full sun I was only getting around 3 amps at most. You don't get that at Dutch that's for sure. I tried to chase the sun a bit but barely put on a charge. If I was going to go solar I would get one or two 100w panels installed on the roof and connected up to the system. As far as I found, product and installation was $1000+ at least for that. Instead, I got a 2kw Yamaha gen at the RV show for the cost of a 1kw Honda. Hell of a deal. Al, I will make sure not to park by you at Dutch. Could be talked into giving you a charge if you need it .
  13. Oh man can't wait. I wonder if my wife would accept putting off land-scaping until the fall or next year? Probably not. Gotta get it done. Will have to put a stop work order if we creep too far into June.
  14. I say who cares about calling it a flyfishing experience. Call it an ingenuity experience of how you beat the river and the fish. Good story. Actually don't categorize at all, it is just a good story and memory.
  15. Awesome. We camp more at Dutch so we will have to stop by to say hi sometime.
  16. I have eaten one out of Diefenbaker years ago. The mid section down to the tail is the better meat. Found it a bit greasy but actually not too bad. Refused to keep any more as I really think they are disgusting.
  17. I went from BB for work to an android HTC One. I absolutely love this phone and doubt I would go to apple. My wife as the iPhone and loves it. Hard to give recommendations. Just do some research on the options and see what meets your needs best. All the phones these days are amazing.
  18. Maybe try and post a few pics next time, jeebus! Awesome.
  19. Have you installed any bright lights in the area around the equipment? I had a situation once where I found that in a certain time of the evening I would be unable to control my stereo or PVR. After getting pissed off I realized at that time of the evening we had direct sunlight coming through shining on the area of the TV stand that was housing the equipment. I then closed the blinds and bingo things worked again. Who knew?
  20. Yeah wow. Flyfishy, we can't hear the same voices in your head that you do. You need to add some context to your posts.
  21. what a joke of a forum that is! good on you max for doing that.
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