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Everything posted by PeteZahut

  1. Cute dog. Wherever that lake is it looks really nice!
  2. It is a small world. I don't talk to him that often as he is on a different project. He is an avid fisherman. He offered a free beginner's fly fishing course at work over the past couple of months. Everyday he had a small group of people out casting on the back lawn over lunch time or teaching them basics in a meeting room over lunch. I thought it was pretty cool of him to do that.
  3. Do you want me to ask him if he minds? He sits in the cubicle on the other side of the wall from me.
  4. We won't be there for the show. I look forward to hearing how the rematch goes.
  5. Thanks all! It was an amazing day. Lynn, you better believe it. I will have that snugli on as soon as I can. Will need to get some tiny sunglasses and a hat and we will be set. What a picture that will make.
  6. So this past weekend we decided to hit one of our favourite spots on the Highwood. We took another friend with us as he is getting into fly fishing and I wanted to show him some of the amazing places we go. Also, this area we rarely see people so it was a good opportunity to do some teaching with a good chance on getting some fish. We actually saw two people come back through this area which is a first for us, and they said it was the first time they saw people on this stretch too. Anyways, once again my wife was on fire. She caught a fair number of fish of good size, 3 or 4 cutties in the 16-18inch range and this beauty rainbow which made her reel zing. She was iffy on me posting this pics as she thought she looked chubby. She is 32 weeks pregnant, what does she expect?? Again, not much more beautiful than a woman in waders glowing with pregnancy. Only a couple more weeks of fishing for us so you will have to bare with me as I brag about her. Fighting Pic#1 Fighting Pic#2 Result #1 Close up
  7. Those crazy dogs were pure entertainment! Kudra ripping around at speeds like that and Jessie trying to keep up was too funny.
  8. Thanks guys. We took some, not a lot to post here. Not as many pics of the fish as they were so full of energy that I didn't want to hurt them and just let them go. Here are a few, unfortunately we don't have a pic of the one Leah caught that I spoke about because we were in the middle of the river and had our packs on and couldn't get to a spot to take them off. Fish pic#1 Fish pic#2 One of her favourite subjects Insane bird who tares up dandelions My wife on Racehorse Creek (you can tell I took this picture compared to the others)
  9. The wife and I made it out to camp at Racehorse Creek this past weekend. As many here were out in those areas can agree that the weather was pretty stellar. The storm that blew through on Friday night was intense for a bit but the rest of the weekend was great. Saturday we packed the bags and wet waded up the Racehorse. What a great little river! Was a good thing we left early enough as there was a lot of people fishing it on our way back. The fishing was pretty good with some nice cutts and one pretty nice bow. Sunday was a great day for us. I speak often about fishing with my wife but this day (the whole weekend actually) was something else. I have mentioned before that my wife is 7 months pregnant and so we have been careful on where we go (mostly me reminding her to take it easy). Well we decided to hit the Livingstone and check out our favourite spot. We thought we should have a look and see if we want to venture down as it is a pretty steep drop down into the canyon and her safety is my first priority. After some talking we decide to go for it with the agreement that the climb out should be a slow with breaks every couple of minutes to make sure the heartrate stays reasonable. Anyways, we get down and tie into a nice cutty second cast in the first pool which hinted at a good day to come. We spent a couple hours at favourite couple of pools before making our way down to a point where we usually stop. On the way to the next pool we had about 200m to walk down the middle shallows. As we are walking I try to convince her to cast to some undercut banks with fallen trees. I really didn't think there was anything there but I enjoy bugging her so I tried to convince her it was a good idea. She didn't want to but then she says, "No, but I will try a shot at the boulder on the left". First case she lands her fly in front of it and gets a hit and a miss. Second cast, bang! Nails it! It totally surprised me as she was using a small BWO that I could barely see and which she hardly ever uses. The fish takes off down stream just pounding her 4wht. After some amazing headshakes and some decent runs I net it for her. It was a gorgeous cutty around 17inches. The true beauty of this was the scene of my 7 month pregant wife standing in the middle of the river, her big preggo belly hanging over her waders and calling out her shots on the river! I just stood there watching her with the biggest smile on my face wondering if there is any one as lucky as me. Anyways that is my story on true beauty. The rest of the story is great too. We went a little further downstream to a point we have not gone before. We pulled 4 more out of this pool with the good old green drake. What a blast! Finally, another great part of the weekend was meeting Lynn and Mr.Botangles. Lynn, we had a great time sitting around the fire and b.s.ing with you and your family. And it was cool to meet Mr.B, good guy! Can't forget to mention the entertainment the dogs put on, I have never seen power-laps around a trailer like that before! ZZZZZZZZZZZZ. Any one still reading? Sorry long story but I had to share one of the best long weekends I have had. I hope you all had good ones too!
  10. Yeah it might be a little far for a 4 year old. It is just shy of 3 km from the campground with a minimum of 1 river crossing or as many as 3 or 4 if you don't find the right trail. Below the falls is really nice though. The meadow section above the campground and the section from the campground down to the falls has a lot of easy to get to, small Brookies.
  11. I have Sirius and love it. It is portable, you can get home and car kits. The car kit works off of a FM transmitter like IPODs. We bought a boombox for home and so we plan it at home and when we hit the road we just grab the unit out of the boombox and put it into the vehicle kit. You can take it from vehicle to vehicle. We bought the system from Costco which came with the home and vehicle kit all in one. We bought the boombox from Future Shop. Most places the price is comparable, except it was cheaper to get that kit from Costco than buying each one seperately from anywhere else. I don't know which is better between Xm and Sirius. I really like ours, you can also stream it over the internet so you can listen at work (I think XM can too). I would say check the channel lists between the two and see which sounds better. The comedy channels are pretty damn funny I have to say.
  12. Hey Birchy, it is our first and it is a girl, at least that is what the suspect as the won't give a 100% guess. I didn't see any twig and berries on the ultrasound so I agreed with the technician. I can't wait! Chidders, we are stopping most of this stuff come August. I don't know if I will convince her that I can go without her in August but we will see. Maybe I will go back to fishing the Bow and Elbow during that time to stay near phone coverage.
  13. Beauty pic Clive. I agree, underwater shots are tough due to not knowing how the frame is until after the shot.
  14. That does sound funny when you put it that way. It was more of a comparison to chidders whose wife is 9 months prego.
  15. It appears that we are. The wife is only 7 months pregnant so we are a little daring to go a little further. She climbed down below the Upper Cataract falls last weekend so a trip around those beauties down south should be a breeze.
  16. Awesome, nicely done.
  17. I also took the helicopter ride to Michelle, was a trip of a lifetime. It will be difficult to top the amazing scenery from around that lake.
  18. Is this going to be a FlyFishCalgary hockey night sort of thing? Would be interesting to meet up with the guys from this forum in that environment. I might be interested. I usually play in the Alberta Summer Hockey League but my team folded and I didn't get on a team this year. I have played a lot of hockey in my life and can play any position but goal.
  19. Where are you trying to view it from? If it is from an external computer off your own network, i.e. a work computer, the ports for the stream may be blocked. Can you see it from another computer on your network? Perhaps a description of the problem you are seeing and the setup you have might help.
  20. Hey Glenbow, I didn't fish the channel, decided to get away from the people. I was there with my wife and three others, only the wife and I were fishing. We walked west along the shore for a km or two. We did stop and watch you guys from the top before leaving (or starting as I don't remember what the people looked like that were fishing there). Cdock, I agree with Glenbow as there is no need to wade there. The water drops off quick enough off the shore that you don't need to get far out.
  21. Anyone else at Upper K yesterday? There had to been others there from this forum as there were a lot of people there. We got out there about 11 or 12 and parked at Interlakes and as per usual there were about 4 or 5 people working the outflow point. I watched for a bit and saw a few having some action. We made our way down the lake to get away from the crowd. I saw a fair number of fish cruising and a lot of risers but was not getting too much action. I am blaming it on how freaking hot it was and no wind to boot which was rare. Spent most of the early afternoon chasing the cruisers. At one point I was treated to a show where I watched a ~16inch Bull trout cruise about 4 feet out and then attack a school of minnows almost at my feet, really cool to watch. It wasn't until about 3pm when the wind picked up and temperature drop that I got some action. I managed 3 cutthroat in a span of 15 minutes, each was caught in one cast after the other. The three ranged in size from about 12 inches to a nice one at about 17inches, two caught on a prince and the other on a lightning bug. It was a great way to finish the day as we thought we should make our way back before the rain started.
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