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Everything posted by PeteZahut

  1. Nicely done Mr.B!
  2. I still go barbless out of habit and for ease of release for me. I confess I am not the best handler of fish so I adapt where I can. Sometimes I think to go barbed to catch the many I lose. Either way I am okay with my impact and sleep at night. That is all I focus on, perhaps I need to start focusing on what else is going on...the hidden creek issue is really starting to boil internally for me.
  3. Oops, not sure why it double posted. Sorry about that.
  4. I don't think the oldman is running dirty. Was up there a couple of weeks ago and pretty sure I was below hidden creek and the water was almost gin clear. Also fished above where dutch comes in and I thought it was fairly decent too. I am confused by a lot of these reports. We spent five awesome days on oldman, dutch and Livingston a couple of weeks ago plus a day on racehorse the week before and didn't see half the issues being reported. The wife and I had close to personal bests for numbers and caught a few nice sized ones. I don't dispute there was devastation up there but I must have different standards or something. Oh well, keep reporting doom. I will enjoy my time out there.
  5. I don't think the oldman is running dirty. Was up there a couple of weeks ago and pretty sure I was below hidden creek and the water was almost gin clear. Also fished above where dutch comes in and I thought it was fairly decent too. I am confused by a lot of these reports. We spent five awesome days on oldman, dutch and Livingston a couple of weeks ago plus a day on racehorse the week before and didn't see half the issues being reported. The wife and I had close to personal bests for numbers and caught a few nice sized ones. I don't dispute there was devastation up there but I must have different standards or something. Oh well, keep reporting doom. I will enjoy my time out there.
  6. Yes, great thread! With all the unfortunate pictures of the waters around here it is awesome to see some pics of some fish and news of good water. Keep them coming.
  7. One of my favourite places. Unreal!
  8. Excellent job Rick!
  9. I had thought the Delorme Inreach system looked interesting with its capability to pair with a smartphone to send small text messages over the satellite system. A bit expensive and not sure about the contracts but either way it looks like a cool technology.
  10. Hmmm, this is an interesting and tough problem for me. On one hand I hate seeing random campers and what usually happens to the wilderness around it; I hate having to walk through their "campsites" enroute to the river. But then if we disallowed that then the campgrounds would be full and would I be able to get a spot? It would be a road race to the campground every weekend. I love Dutch and Racehorse and don't mind paying the fees to help keep these places open. I like that on most weekends I can get a nice spot there. I don't and never will random camp. But what is the answer? For me, not sure. Selfish side says leave them be, with perhaps better policies, so that I may continue to camp in beautiful campgrounds with my family on pretty much any given weekend.
  11. Funny, that was the exact thing I was thinking about before coming up with my high tech solution. I hadn't figured out how I would attach some poles or flags but that stuff from PA sounds like it would work just fine. No real nerd factor though.
  12. I am lucky enough to have a wife that also fly fishes so there is more understanding from both sides. Right from the start with our little one we tried not to let things change. For the first two years we took turns with the kid in the backpack just like the picture above. Gets tiring but totally worth it to get out with the family. Our daughter is now 5 and walks (and complains about it) and participates in the fishing. Introduce them early and they will love it. On her fifth birthday last fall she asked me to take her fishing, that was her wish for the day. Brought a tear to my eye.
  13. So about a month ago I upgraded from a tent trailer to a travel trailer. Anyone who has a trailer and a significant other knows that hooking up a trailer can be a bit tough on the relationship. Not sure why the wife doesn't like me yelling at her when things aren't lined up but she doesn't. So I have been looking at a back up camera type of solution. Decided i didn't want to connect up one of those license plate cameras. The solution I came up with was to use the IP Camera app on my phone and streamed live video from it to my iPad. I bought a table vice to hold my phone on my bumper just above the hitch. So I had my iPad on my dash and was able to back up and connect today first try...and no yelling at my wife. Worked really well. Give it a try if you have the equipment, works really well. Only takes a minute or so to configure and set up on your bumper. Oh yeah, I used the mobile hotspot on my phone to serve an IP address to the iPad in order to do this.
  14. Man that sucks Rick. Best of luck on the recovery.
  15. Hope it gets better Rick
  16. Both the Champion and Honda have the same noise rating according to the specs.
  17. So the 2000w can't even run the microwave? That surprises me, I thought a microwave would be 1000w or less which should be handled at least when out of econo mode.
  18. What site will you be set up at? I will make sure we cozy right up next to you. All kidding aside, I hope to get out that way this summer, usually camp at Dutch but like RHC as well. Still not sure about getting a gen. Need to see how much battery we use over an average weekend and how often we feel the need to use the microwave. Doubt we will ever use the air conditioning. I don't like the noise either.
  19. Thanks for the info. I doubt I will use my air conditioning as over the past 7 years of using a tent trailer we never once said we wished we had air conditioning.
  20. Has anyone purchased or used the 2000 W Champion generator from Costco? We just bought a new travel trailer and are considering buying a gen. Specifications are really close to the Honda 2000 W generator and for less than half the price.
  21. QAT and calling it a Jensen...awesome! Terms now in my vocabulary.
  22. I am pretty sure the first time was mostly my fault. I usually do snap the fly off by straightening the rod and pulling straight back (learnt from you Dave on a previous trip) but that time I grabbed higher up on the rod with my free hand then it snapped. There was probably a weakness in the rod and then me grabbing it that way likely contributed to the breakage. There was something wrong with the rod the second time for sure as it was snagged probably for less then a couple seconds before breaking, not enough time for me to even think to do anything. Anyways, Orvis was good the first time at getting the rod back to me so hopefully it will be the same this time. Dave, would love to give those rods a go! I think it is about time we get together again.
  23. So I sent my Helios off today finally back to Orvis as I broke it at the end of summer. This is now two years in a row that I have broken this rod. The summer before I broke it for the first time on a snag on a rock in the Highwood. Sent it in and they sent me a new rod. Then this past summer I broke the new one about 20 yards from the first time. I could not believe this happened again. The first time I put pressure on the rod when it broke but this last time it broke almost as soon as it got snagged. Anyone else have this problem with this rod? I don't want this to turn into a discussion on what brand of rod is better or warranty return issues, just curious if anyone else has had issues with this rod. I am just frustrated that I had the low end Clearwater for many years with no issues and then treat myself to the top end rod and end up breaking it twice. I don't believe I do anything out of the ordinary on how I treat this rod.
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