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Everything posted by bhurt

  1. That is funny with the exception of this post and the stream watch fundriser event I have never said anything bad to you. Shall I post the nasty PM you sent me, which I replied back by calling you a retard, I have nothing to hide, but you have alot to hide and alot of people not only me know that to !!!! BTW you really looked like a growen up calling me BumHurt (calling me a 8 year old for calling you a idoit, retard, and to shut your mouth, really mature didn't your mother ever teach you that two wrongs don't make a right, you just made yourself look like a idoit for that! Yes once again I am acting like a 8 year old cause I treat people the way they treat me!!!!! Oh and btw when did I ever talk about myself as beeing so great, geeze you lsure do like to put words in people's mouth.
  2. Brain, I was talking to max and he told me about the new troutbumb AEG series loop fly rods, will you be carrying any of thes as I am without a doubt very intrested in one.
  3. This may be true but we as the people gave them the votes to give them a minority goverment, what does that say for us Canadains, BTW rick, you not the only american.
  4. Hey weedy, Please answer me this question since obviously I don't know *insert sarcasm*, how many fights did wayne get into vs the amount of games he played? By the way the skyes figt was gretkey's first fight as Don Cherriy says it was more like a tago line and the comic music playin in the background just proves how much of a fight it really was, that fight btw was emabarrsing, as wyane was taken to the ground and they rolled around as kurri tried to pull him off. Sure wayne may of gotten into the rare fight but he was always on the losing end. Also when he faught broden the announcer even says "IN A RARE EXAMPLE OF TAKIN MATTERS IN HIS OWN HAND" he even goes on to say it was a BAD IDEA Also when he went after Norton in 93/94 when he played for LA he didn't even throw a punch? Also when Grekety slashed dave taylor, and dave taylor flattened wayne with one punch there was a all out brawl. Question you look up your grekety fights on you tube? I tried googling grekety fights and found very little
  5. Hey Smitty no one ever fought Grettzky cause if someone did they would have to answer to the Goons that edmonton had *cough* Messise *cough* BTW just cause I am calling mark a goon does not mean I am saying he wasn't a good player, one of the best d-men in the history of the game, but when it came down to protecting players you never wanted to piss off mark cause you usally got your ass whooped.
  6. *yawn* Question for you, why do you always insult people, maybe you should go sit in the sin bin for awhile! BTW I didn't see it on the T.V since I was at the game and listening to it on the Fan 960 and Peter Mar was saying he should of gotten a game misconduct by the rules, so shut your stupid Trap LOUD MOUTH Oh btw I am not against you cause if you didn't see my debate with max ealier?
  7. Actually if you knew the rules you would see that if a player gets into a fight and the other player does not fight back it is a 5min roughing pelenty and a game misconduct. All the game annylist after the first period was asking why there was no game misconduct..... As for the penilities Calgary has had alot of good chances to score on many penilities, I've been to almost all the home games this year. I even remeber in presason when we played edmonton where we went almost the full second period of 5-3.
  8. Hey max what you expect out of kipper then shut out every game? Hey never said anything about pheauf but he can't be out on the ice all the time. Brett was also brought on as a big guy to screen the goalie and generate points on the board which he has done. Not kickin around Iggy but everyone IMO are blamming one person when the WHOLE team isn't playin up to its par. Also Kipper stated when calgary where signing him that this would be his last contract and he would be retiring afterward (we shall see when the time comes if this is true or not) I expect Iggy as our top snipper to get goals or even assist (a defenseman has more points then him right now), that is what his role along as beeing a leader, and other then last year the last time Iggy got 50 goals was in 2001-2002, infact from te 2005-06 season to 2002-03 season iggy has only gotten over 40 goals once and that was in 03-04 season with 41 goals. Oh and another thing, sure iggy had a couple of great fights but did it help them win the game? I don't expect the team to bow out in playoffs but it is without a doubt a huge improvement then 10 years without even getting to the playoffs. So do you expect Kipper to do everything in the playoffs, we lost in first round in game 7 with one of the best teams in NHL, the sharks diffently played aswome. And the year before we did in fact lose out in the first round but managed to take 1st in regular season for the western division which isn't the easiest thing to do. If hussialias was so good why isn't he with the team this year?
  9. Sucks to be that woman's ISURANCE company. I think waiting for insurance to pay up would take time, never knew a isurance company to pay out quickly.
  10. Yeah some lady drove into the store a couple of weeks ago. I think Dave told me the lady either forgot or thought she put the car in park and when she let go of the break wham. I can't remeber the story but that is what I think happened.
  11. Hey Max, NO offence but kippers four year contact is pretty mild compare to some out there, look at Ovichken (sp) and Lunago (sp) long term contract and kippers not that bad, and hey if it is why not slag on some of the other players on the flames that have long year contacts ( 4 year contract just like kipper) that have yet to do much *cough* Iggy *cough* Reghair (sp) Not bashing any one player but a 4 year contact in todays NHL is pretty normal, we could always go back to the old days when we had players jumpin from team to team, just so they can get the big bucks and play one maybe two years then was gone when another team offered more money. With Salary Caps now, players are forced to sign longer contacts so they can get what they feel they are worth. I do not belive a 4 year contact is a long term, but hey why not just blame one person when there are other players out there in the exact same boat! I belive the flames haven't been playin that bad either, yes they need to win hockey games of course, but I think that will come togather once the lines start playin as a TEAM and not indivuduals. Oh and one last thing get over the 04 season, that is 4 years ago and the game of Hockey has changed alot since then.
  12. I love the fans here in Calgary, with only 5 games played and 70+ more to go they are ready to hang playes. TRUE fans would hang in there and cheer, now if this was happening and it was mid season well that would be diffrent, but with a 80+ game sechudule and only 5 games in people are starting to speculate about stuff..... Hey it is a long season and teams are bound to have winning and losing streaks, I much rather have our losing streaks at the beginning of the year then at the end when every point counts (looks like the Northwetern division and the Western Cofernce oing to be tuff again) As for kipper, well the team still got to the playoffs (something they were unable to do in the 90's) but unless he pulls miricules out of his ass he is slipping and done with, isn't this afterall a TEAM sport. Why not look at the TEAM CAPTAIN, after all how much has Iggy done, 1G 2A man he must be slipping also, lets get ride of him too. Also what about Daid Moss who we brought back up from the minors and whom has 1G 0A. Mathew Lambardi with 1G 0A. The only three players in my mind doing their job is Big Bert with 5G 0A and Cammallerie with 1G and 4A, and David Langkow with 1G 5A. Now lets go to the D, I personally think they could be playing alot better then they are, I know the flames are playing more agrresive O with bring up a Defensive man during the attack but they have to put on the wheels and get back to the defensive zone when need be cause with just one defensiveman and kipper just isn't enough and I hink some of the players need to get some heart and play harder. Last year the fans were screaming that we needed more scores, which I might add we did do with the additions of Bert and Cammallerie, and now they are crying that we need more Defensive players, sorry but can't have it all!
  13. Harps, Just curious if the fish and wildlife regulations be applied to a private lake, such as lake bonavista, I vaguly remeber when I was 13 the gate guard asking if I had a licence, but since I was under the age of 16 I didn't need one.
  14. Dune, I have lived in Bonavista (Right across from Andrew Sibble) since 88 and there has always been suckers in that lake, but I tell you what I took my 3 wt down there in the summer to practice some dry fly fishing and I caught two 24 inch tanks that I thought were going to break my poor little 3 wt.
  15. Yawn, amature....... Lets see you do that with a half bottle of RR, then we'll see how good you really are.
  16. As long as it is a tribble hook
  17. Mark, That is the greatest thing about fly fishing, what works for one guy might not work for another, does it mean it sucks, hell no.
  18. Just cause you get paied to do something in my own opion does not make you a pro. I have lots of people that work for me and I pay them does it make them a pro, hell no. My whole point to this is that I see alot of comments from people that I see as Amatures at the best and not pro's. I would consider someone like Jim and the boys pro's. Just my two bits.
  19. Personally I have been using the Ridgeline shootline running line and have little to complain about it. Floats nice, Shoots great for me, only thing I have to complain about is that sometimes it will coil up (mostly in colder weather) and when it gets dirty it tends to sink abit.
  20. Bcube, Just curious as I was not at the trade show due to work, but what have the reps and people that tried it had to say? For me I need more info including nagative and positive, if the postives outweight the nagatives then it would be worth it, but without knowing these things it is hard for me to make up my mind. Also, no offence to any rep, I have been in sales for many of years, and I always hipe the stuff I am selling (unless I am asked for my own personal opion on the product) I have found over the years of beeing in sales that sale reps for diffrent manufactures almost always says that their product is by far the most supiror with little backing to why it is the best. Here is a example. CDs and DvDs, for the most half they are all maunfactured out of the same plant but have diffrent names put on them. Alot of the time the diffrence in price you are paying for is the name on the cd and the outside advertising. There is for the most half no diffrence between the two products but if you talk to a sony rep they claim it is the best out there, same as with other companies. If I was told why it is better and what is diffrent about this one product vs another then I can make a better judgement on it.
  21. This is something I have been wondering for awhile on this forum. This section of the forum is asked the Pro's. Now my question is simple, "What Makes Someone A Pro?"
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