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Everything posted by bhurt

  1. A make-up call is the worst excuse I have ever heard. These guys are paied to do their jobs. I understand they can't see everything but to say oh well they didn't get a penalty because there was a bad call is plain stupid. Not saying the reefs said that just expressing my veiw. There will always be bad calls no matter what sport you play in, but in the end a poor sport blames the reefs. I watched both games and lost $20 on the games but my take is this. The flames are using a new system (more agressive offense) and it will take them time to be able to adjust to this new system. Also there are quite a few new faces on the team and these players need time to be able to adjust to each other. After 2 games (one which was just painful to watch) I was impressed with the flames. Just wait and see they will get better or there will be some trades that will happen.
  2. bhurt

    My New Toy

    Thing I like the most about it is the fact that it has a fully inclosed drag system (really meant for salt water) so for lazy ass people like myself, it means no maintance. The drag system on it is also killer, for more info check out www.hatchoutdoors.com
  3. Doc hit it on the nose here. Personally I do not own a Switch Rod myself but I do own a variaite of rods. I have a 10 foot 7weight, 10 foot 6weight (these were some of the first rods I ever bought and are great little sticks for using in high water or high sticking. I also have 1 9 foot 6weight and a 9 foot 7weight. I use these for my single hand stuff, the 6 weight for nyphms and dries and the 7 weight for streamers. I use these mostly out of the boat or in the dark were I can't see my anchor points. Finally for the little sticks I have a 3weight 9foot for the smaller strams. Now onto the big sticks. I have a 6/7weight 11.6 two hander which I primarly use for nymphin and heavy sinktips. I have a 6 weight 12.6 two hander which I use for the lighter nymphs and big foam patters (skids, hoppers, etc..) And then I have a 7/8weight 12.6 which I am planing on using as my bull trout rod as it is currently set up with a compact head for tossing big heavy *hit in tight cramp areas. so as you can see I personally own 8 rods which all have their own perpose. Could I get away with reducing the amount, sure, but I have each rod dailed into my casting style and ability which helps out in the long run as I am not fighting with the rod but fighting with the trout instead. In the endding use what you want and don't let anyone tell you diffrent, but at the same time keep an open mind as someone might be onto something that could change your experince for the better when out on the river.
  4. Depends on what type of fishing you doing? Nymphs, Streamers, and Dry
  5. Rusty, Howabout you take the time and read what I had to say, I said I don't mind showing New people the basics (which is what was ever showen to me) Also I paied alot of money for courses and guided trips, howabout if someone whats to know more then the basics they pay for lessons and trips which is exactly what I did. Talk your *hit about beeing a elite group I am just not wiling to give away information that I done with over 300 days on the water in three years. I probably fish more in a year then you do rusty and your attitude just sucks! And also when I talk about secrets (which I never said secert spots) I am talking about the way I rig up stuff to what flies I use at what period of time and what type of stage that bug is at also stuff like grain weights for lines, and so forth! As you have been around for 15 years of course you know alot but really how many people helped you out with all the fine points, the thing that really got me is everyone wants a free hand out on everything which I am not prepared to do! Also I learned alot from other people cause I would never complain about things, I Always netted their fish and took their photo'd, which very little people have done for me. These things have earned me what I have learned, why don't these people that want everything just handed to them do some things for other people! In closing what I am saying is that I have nothing to hide nor do I profess to know everything it just bothers me when people come to a chairty event with ultramotives then raising money for a good cause. Also I never said I knew everything I just wasn't prepared to give it away for free, espically at a event that is for chairty and not just for a single persons fishing ability!
  6. Here is my point and I hate to beat the bushes with it, but I work a extremly stressful job, running two departments in a very big box company, and then have 90% of my staff quite due to other managers. Now if I came out to fish and get away from all the crap that sourrounds me on a daily basis and drew a team like BBB, Dustin and myself, I do not know dustin too well so I could say anything about him but for BBB (not like it is going to happen just using it as a example) I would probably drown the kid, and I am sure he wouldn't be very happy to fish with me either. There are alot of people on these boards that I personally (not going say any names) think are idoits and want nothing and I mean absoultly nothing to do with, and will not particapate in anything with them if I have to talk or do anything with them. Also, another thing that bothered me was when Steve (Hydrosphyc, my spelling sucks) said They wouldn't be holding back any secrets and be motivated to get me into more fish This also bothered me cause I have put in alot of time and made alot of scarifies to get to where I am now, showing NEW people the basics I have no problems but to give away all my secrets to leeches that are there to find out other people's secrets is just not my cup of cake (another refernce to cake but in a diffrent post) I remeber when I first started fly fishing and going out with people like MAX and TOOLMAN, sure they tok me to places where there were fish but I also went 2 months at a time with no strikes or anything, but I kept on working on it till I got to where I am now, why should someone else use a charity event for other reasons then doing a good thing for a good cause. Regardless to what happens I will have to think weather I pareticapate or not, but I can guarntee that if it is a random draw for teams I will not particapate as I do not want to waste my day with someone that I could potientally hate!
  7. I lived on a estates as I grew up and the closest person to me was about 30mins away. We always had things to do, but my grandparents and my parents were very stricked parents that didn't let me and brother get away with too much. I think alot has to do with how parents raise there children, I have coached (up till the last 2 years) bantam football in this city for the last 11 years and I have noticed that alot of children lately are getting more disruptive. With these players I ALWAYS took the time to get to know them to find out why they were so wild, and for most of them it cae down to to mom and dad always gives them alot of money and are never around. I could be wrong but there is always something constructive to do if you go out and look for it.
  8. Smitty, I am confused by something you said. You said the event should be fun, but if the teams were random and I drew someone I did not like how can it be Fun for me then? Now onto something else, I personally think there should be no Prizes, maybe the top dog of the Event but as soon as you add a prizes into it, it then turns into something else other then a charity event as there will be people in it that don't care about streamwatch but want to be a prize winner. I personally think there should be no winner (afterall we are all winners bacause we are doind something very good for our rivers) instead maybe have a raffle draw (have to buy tickets which the money goes back to streamwatch) and have some random prizes. As for rules, I would throw them out the door cause this event is designed to raise money for streamwatch instead of the people in the tournament.
  9. Mark, Here is a single fly set up that is fool proof. 1 - treble hook. just rip the hook whenever and hold on........ Btw, I was out the other night and I had my line out when I look up and there is mr good old bever right infront of my line. No time to pull it out so I drop my rod tip and hope I can sink the line a bit, no good I felt it catch and off he goes, all I could do is point my tip at the bever and rip and break off. Next day same *hit happens, but this time I was able to get my line out of the way. I think same bever as I was at the same spot. LOL
  10. If someone fished spin gear what does that have to do with anything. To me it sounds like someone is styerotyping a class of people, I would venture as far as saying that your statement was the dumbest and most narrow minded thinking I have ever seen. Here is a suggestion for you: GO POUND SALT
  11. Really doesn't matter what the fedreation or anyone else thinks, the day someone tells me who to fish (As long as what I am doing is within the regs) I will tell them where to go and will even helkp them out in getting there!
  12. Gordy, One thing you have to remeber about fishin the bow is that the weather can turn on you really quick. About a month ago I floated the lower section with a buddy of mine, and for the last half it looked like we were going to get *hit on. We heard the occasional boomer, then it started to drizzle, *hit I just had my shorts and a thin t-*hit on and knew it was going to get wet. Anyways for the last 10mins of the trip it jst poured like a tropical storm. Fast, hard, and wet (kind of like then vermon girls, eh gordy.) Point of the story, prepare for anything when fishing the bow. My buddy Hawgstoppa put it the best way to me: *Either you kick the *hit out of the Bow River or the Bow River will kick the *hit out of you.
  13. Gordon, No problem dude let me know when you back and I will show how I rape the bow river, note: I need no ropes, lol. And bring a bigger and meaner rod next time, I wanna hit the other side of the river.
  14. Orvisonly, its great to see that you have found a method of fishing that YOU enjoy. My only question to you is simple: WHO THE HELL ARE YOU TO TELL ANYONE WHAT FISHING IS TO THEM. In ending all I want to say is as long as it is within the regs, to each his/hers own. In other words, go pound salt.
  15. All I can say is be safe and remeber we are the ones intruding on their area.
  16. Mark, This is just about as bad as the jet boater we saw at southland. If it wasn't for the people I was in I might of started chucking rocks for this idoits blant disregare of rules and regulations. As for ishing from a bridge such as southland the only out come I can see is a dead trout.
  17. I see garbage all the time through out the city section of the bow river, if you can't keep your backyard clean why are you surprised then when you find garbage elsewhere!
  18. I lost my dry box up at policemen's about mid last week. Tan box with nothing but dries in it. If found please drop me a pm, I will give a better description in pm. Thanks
  19. Brett, Don't sweat the small things, do it the way YOU want to, and if someone doesn't like it, TUFF LUCK. This EVENT is to raise money for the Stream Watch program, and nothing else, once you bring in prizes into the mix it then takes away from the whole purpose of the event, not opposed to a trophie though. Also, the rules should be nice and simple, stay to the regs, fish where you want to, form YOUR OWN TEAMS, and most of all have fun. If someone wants to cheat just to get the trophie, well fine if it means that much whippy ****in dooo, just remeber, people are not stupid and karma will come back to get you. At the end there should be a bar-b-q for the particapants, to come back and do some BS'in. Maybe have a small silent actuion and some raffle prizes. All donations go to the Stream Watch Program. There nice and easy (lots of planing and organizing yes, but this is what it should be about!) Oh btw Brett if you just have two teams still do it cause somethin is better then nothing.
  20. Was a excellent day out. Really enjoyed using the long line. Was a blessing to excerinced it with Bob and Dan I must say it was pretty wild to pick up Gordy's Bruce and Walker and bomb out a 100Foot Plus cast. For once I didn't take many photo's cause I was diggin casting the Long Line, but here are a couple of photo's
  21. There would be no way in hell I would participate if the teams were done by a draw, cause I would not want to spend the day out on the river with someone I did not like, I would end up drowning the person. I would rather just hand in a small donation and go fish with people that I enjoy fishing with. For me I don't really give a damn if I win or not, afterall it is about raising money for Streamwatch and not who is the best on the river. After reading some of these post it seems to me that this is beeing lost and people are beeing more focus on "Prizes", "Who is better", "Random Teams", "Rules", etc... Who really gives a *hit about these things, the intent on this as I saw it was to bring the community togather and raise money for a worthy cause. So I suggest that we focus more on the causes an less on our own self intrest.
  22. I'm actually quite excited about this weekend course. always love learning new stuff. Gordy you bringing any of your bruce and walker, any diawa?
  23. Aswome vid, and great little practice excerise he gives.
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