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Everything posted by bhurt

  1. I took Dan's evening class last year and really enjoyed it quite a bit and highly suggest this course to anyone who spey fishes. Beeing a Instruction Dan has a way of explaining things that makes everything seem to click in place, only thing, if you use too much top hand watch out for flying rocks (inside joke)
  2. Dan McKrimmon will be giving a course at the end of the month. The saturday course is for beginners, which is what I suggest you take, the cost is only $80 for the day I belive it is from 9am to 5pm. Here is the web site with more information. http://www.bestgearsales.com/proddetail.asp?prod=ClgyWrkShp Here is a quick note about Dan from his Web Site Dan McCrimmon Dan is a member of the Federation of Fly Fishers Casting Board of Governors, Master Certified Casting Instructor, and a Two-handed Casting Instructor program examiner. He is also a respected examiner for the Federation of Fly Fishers International program. Dan has international warm water, cold water, river, lake and salt-water fly fishing experience, and is an experienced instructor, whose goal is to have both his beginner and advanced students meet their maximum potential. Dan’s focus has been learning from the masters in the art of underhand casting and Scandinavian style fishing with two-handed rods. He is also a proud Member of the GUIDELINE Fly Products Power Team ‘His precise and humorous training sessions and demonstrations deliver fly casting techniques that will stay with you for ever’. Richard Wentz - Editor- Flyfisher Magazine
  3. Hey jeff how did the brookie taste??
  4. A couple of weeks tyler took me out to Lake Sundance and man I could not belive the size of the stock bruts I was pulling out of the water, had me shakin by the end of the day and there was times I was positive I was going to break my 6wt 9' 6" Went out to Lake Bonavista a couple of days ago and the samething there, It wouldn't surprise me if these were from the same stock, man what fun it was fighting those pigs, when I get home from work tonight I will post one of the biggest fatties I have ever caught in a stock lake, I will however mentioned I did find it kind of boring until the fish hit.
  5. bhurt

    Whatsa Pro?

    Personally I think the title of this particular forum is a bit misleading (unintentional mind you) As I see it, it is somewhere where someone can come and ask a question or look for answers that are fly fishing releated and not have to wade through all the other posts. This section as I see it is very good as you get alot of diffrent veiws and persepctives on how people fish, and anyone that has some insight into something SHOULD be allowed to post.
  6. Quinn might be good for Edmonton but we had Keenan which has alot of great acolites, but in the NEW mistake free NHL he just couldn't hold his own. You talk about calgary not having a cup in a long time, well when was the last time Quinn or Edmonton won a cup? Heck he did alright for toronoto but still could not get a Stanley Cup (really at the end of the day all those aculites really mean *hit unless you are winning Stanley Cups), even when they threw all that money into the team to try and buy a good team, what did he do, and if he was so good of a coach why isn't he still there? Not to sure on this but when was the last time Quinn made a appearence as a coach in the Stanely Cup finals? Alot of these coaches that have been around were great in the old cap free and could get away with not playin a mistake free hockey, but in the new NHL this just can not happen, ask Keenan where he got. Only time can tell if Quinn will do good for edmonton or not, better then what they had. But alot of these OLD greats that are getting recycled with other teams are just not getting it done, its like they are trying to organzize a team like the days of old but it just does not work in the new NHL. I personally am a die hard Flames fan, but I always hope that the other canadain teams are all in the playoffs cause we are Hockey afterall.
  7. Like most people have said I also think it is UV, as I have stuff not as old as some of the people but still in mint condition. Unforntantly my fly tieing material has slowly taken over my ting desk and my computer desk, I have crap everywhere, but I try to tie at least 3 to 6 flies a night so I tend to go through alot of material. Need to make another trip to the fly shop to replenish some of my supplies.
  8. Aswome fish man, looks like it was worth beeing out, just sucks that I am stuck at work till Sunday and tring to get over a wicked cold. Mike is a aswome dude, went out with him about 2 or 3 weeks ago on his jet and had one of the best times on the bow I have had in a long time. Not that we caught alot of fish it was just nice to get out with someone that was similar to myself, that always makes the fishin fun.
  9. Brain, If you want zero tolerance and stiffer fines then WHAT ARE YOU DOING ABOUT IT? I really don't know what you are doing but what I see ids you complaining about it on the forums which in my own personal opion is just a cry for attention (Please note I could be wrong) If this is something that is bothering you as much as you say it is then why are you not lobbing to change these rules? I think it should be up to the C.O myself, cause if you get someone from overseas that fishes alot and keeps the fish they may not know any better, would it be fair to throw the books at them then? I remeber when I first started fly fishing I bought my lience at Canadain Tire and I was never asked or given a regs book so how would I know then where was closed and what rules was for what and when I got my first regs book I had to ask a C.O how to use it because it was so overwhelming and I didn't know what was from the west slopes, or east slopes. I think we do not need to punish people more but we need to EDUCATE people more. I hate it when people just assume things others are doing, sure some could be bad and other could just not know any better. I remeber one day I was walking by the boat launch and noticed a indian fellow fishing so I walked up to him and started talking to him, it turned out that today was the first day he was in canada from India, and when I asked him if he got his liecene he didn't know he needed one cause in India it is not required, so I told him about our rules directed him to where to go to get a lience and suggested that he asked for a regs book. As I was leaving he was there with all the proper stuff and was 100% legit. Does this guy deserve to get the book throwen at him, I think not, all he needed was some education. Also I was talking to a c.o one day in fish creek and asked them why they give out so many warning and I was told it is because when they have multiple charges alot of time the person will plea bargin (if they do not have a bad crimal recorded for the offences they are beeing charged with) and alot of time the courts will give them the lesser of the fine, so the c.o alot of the time will charge someone with the more seriouse offence and give written warnning on their lience with the minor ones, that way the offender is charged but doesn't get away with a minor fine.
  10. This is so true, alot of times I will come up to a run and see someone chest high and trying to make 30 foot bombs out intot he middle, then I come around with my jeans and what not make some very small casts with my spey rod (roughly anywhere from 10 to 30 feet from bank) and wham gt a fish. The other fisherman will come up to me and ask me what I am using and my usal replie is, nothing special, I just don;t stand ontop of the fish. After that I explain to them about working water and starting light first (activily searching for the active fish) and then later adding weight and what not and usally they catch something (if the fishin doesn't suck ass at that time) The bow really isn't that tuff to figure out it is just a very technical river, which means alot of practice, and alot of the fish in the bow are what I like to call EDUCATED fish, sometimes it takes a weight fly vs a unweight fly to make or the diffrence, or the hackle could be a bit too long, or one size to big. Switching up and trying diffrent things WILL ALWAYS help you, but remeber, practice, practice, practice. Only reason I got to where I am (other then the people that took time to teach me) was spending over 400 days on the water in the last four years, you would be surprised to see how much your ability will increase when spending alomst 100 days a year on the river.
  11. Snow in calgary at this time of the year is no surprise I remeber a couple of years back while coaching football it snowed in the middle of August.
  12. I agree with you, but as per your community lake rules you are allowed to keep one, so in that they can take whatever they want, when reading your fishin rules I saw nothing about size, maybe it is time to set a size limit? I always educate people while on the river the proper way to release a fish, when I see mishandling (alot of time it just that people do not know and all they see is the horrific fishin shows on t.v of the supposeive expert just tossing them back in) I TRY and show them the proper way but you know always have a jackass somewhere. Ever though of making up some signs and hanging them around the dock section? Lamination would protect it some from the elements but prolong exposers to sun, rain, snow, etc... would make it last not very long. In the end I was just a guest at your lake so I do not pay community fees there so in turn don;t really have much of a voice to say or do anything.
  13. I did notice when I was there some floating, I think it has more to do with uneducated people handling the trout. Mine released fairly easy and after 20 mins I didn't see it come back up so I think it was released safely.
  14. After the first piggy I caught I knew how to play the trout so I wouldn't break my rod, I just didn't expect them to be so piggy. They are very simlair in size to the ones that are stocked in Lake Bonavista and I know those ones are without a doubt triploids. When you guys stock the lake do you close it down for a month, it has been awhile since I have been to Lake Bonavista, but I remeber as a kid they use to always close the lake (water area) down for a month when they stocked, that and they were doing something with the weeds, I belive just trimming them back, Dune is a bit older then me so he might be able to recall what they did, not to sure they do it anymore.
  15. Just out of curiosity, but did the netting system (I will admit that I know very little when it comes down to netting) catch any other species of fish. I had the priviliage of fishing there last sunday and you have something really nice going on there, and those brute stock tht where added in has sure made fishin nice, I really thought I was going to break my 6wt 9' 6" on a big piggy I caught. BTW how the hell did perch get into the lake? I have lived in Lake Bonavista since 88' and I have never seen the problem you are having, however Lake Bonavista does dwaerf your lake in size but I don;t think that would matter too too much.
  16. I agree with what carl has to say to a degree, just going through your box and throwing on whatever might work, but you could be doing more work then what you really need. Here is what I suggest, try cycling through your flies but be aware of what instects are around you at that time and try and match them to that particalluar bug at that time (If you do not have it I suggest you pick up the Western Stream Hatches Book, very helpful in learning the bugs) Also as stated before by many people on this site, start flipping rocks in the water and matching up hooks to what you see. And lastly the one thing people make the biggest mistake in, is to keep your feet moving if you have swung your bug through three or four times and the fish hasn;t taken it whats to say it will take it on the 100th cast? Take two cast and then take two steps, go after the active fish, far better then prospecting a area of water that may not have anything there.
  17. Hiring a guide and learning what needs to be done and learning how to read the water infront of you will help you some but this is only the first part, the second part, which is the most important in my own opion, is getting out there as much as possible and working on what you know with cofidence (sorry my spelling sucks ass) beiliving that what you are doing will catch you a trout. After time it will be no problem and you will be into fish. Lots of times I have run into people on the river that is having difficult and they have expressed to me that they have taken lessons, guided trip, etc... and when I ask them how much they have worked on what was showen to them it always turns out to be very little, having the knoweldge in what to do is just one part, you need to work on the technical side (I do not know what your skill level is so I will asume beginner until otherwise told) I belive that everyone can learn something from someone, so hiring a guide or taking a lesson will always benieft you. Also I touched on it alittle bit but haviong cofidence in yourself and what you are doing will go a long ways, alot of time people come to the river with the attitude that it is going to be hard and tuff to catch fish and most of the time they are fighting themselfs and not really fishing. Have cofidence that way you are fishin and not fighting yourself. Hope this has helpped some, and I am almost always in fish creek during the evening and if you find yourself down there come stop by and ask some of your questions and I will try and answer them to the best of my ability.
  18. Hmmmmmmm, intresting, I personally own two pairs of the cc4, the old design and the new design. My old design the pockets were 100% water proof, infact I put my wallet in the pocket all the time to make sure I do not lose them. I have yet to waer my new pair, as my old ones are still working like a charm, I have noticed a few changes in designs with the new ones vs the old ones. For example, the gravel gard this time around is only ankle high, which is a good thing cause with my old ones they went up to my quads and filled with water, no biggie just pull up on the leg and they drain. I do like the high gravel guard as it save my waders alot of time from barb wire fences. I am wondering if this is a bad batch of waders, I would call seriia and see what they have to say, I will test out mine with the garden hose tonight and see if any water gets into the inside of the pocket.
  19. Happy birthday Peter and hope you have a good one.
  20. I personally do not use a vest as the added weight and my arm motions where causing very sore back (as soon as I got ride of the vest the sore back disappeared, but everyone that I know that uses a vest swear on either the Simms vest or the William Jospeh vest. I once owned a William Jospeh jacket which I really liked alot and was at a resonsable prince, so I would suggest this line to anyone.
  21. Yup you got it right the weather just sucks right now at a blistering +26 degrees. Love it how you compare weather 9 days ago (almost two weeks) to current temp, keep it up, thumbs up to you. Clive, Love the photo of the little snowman, that brought a smile to my face, only problem is I am use to seeing all of your bullshead pics with Jake the dog in it, I would just think you would of kidnapped him for the day and brought him along, must be the old age.
  22. I don't understand where the insult to the armed forces are, maybe an insult calling people idoits but there is no way any refernce to any armed forces. Please explain to me how calling an area of the city a miltirized zone or a demiltrize zone an insult to our armed forces? I have a pretty good idea who you are and I think yopur argument is weak, as there was no comment, just cause you were in the armed forces and live on the east side does not mean it was directed at you and the use of militrized zone and demilitrized zone was used as a metephore. And I think you are the one that should choose your words carefully as you have to hide behind a second account, cause I have a very good feeling I know who you are and yes you do have another user name on this site if it is infact you, which makes you a coward.
  23. I do not know if anyone remebers this but a couple of years back there was a guy that collected the money from the transit ticket machines, and what he would do was place a magnet beside the counter and it would reset it, thus he would take the money for himself. When he was busted he was living in a 1.5 million doller house here in the city and drove 4 high end cars (I forget which ones but they were not cheep)
  24. And when a human does that in nature they go to jail, no offence birchy but that was a pretty dumb reply IMO I would say go to the SPCA and report it if it bothers you that much, complaining on an internet forum does no good.
  25. That made me chuckle.... Anyways about motivating a million doller player, I think when you yourself are beeing paied 1 million then I think it really shouldn't be much of a problem, in the end Keenan wasn;t the guy the ownership wanted in there, and it was time for him packing, I really think Ken King and co really wanted the Iron Mike, the no bullshit, in your face coach, and instead they got a lame version of Emilo Estavase in "The Mighty Ducks" - Quack, Quack
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