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Everything posted by bhurt

  1. I pay for what the shop charges for it, just a fact of life and something we just have to accept. If not tie your own, raise your own birds for feathers and what not, use your own dies to change material color, etc .. then tell me if 2 to 3 $ per fly is too expensive
  2. I have the Loop Multi 696-4 and when lined with a SA Nymph Taper 7wt wf line it chucks streamers really nice. Mind you if you wanna throw bigger stuff for bulltrout or pike I would suggest a bigger rod, haven't tried it yet but I hear the loop pike booster series is a very nice rod, but for the bow throwing weighted leeches, clousers, sculpins, etc.. the Multi is a fine rod. For big bombs the 40+ line or the Guideline Bullet is the line I would use on my Multi that I have tried, think I might try out the Opti Stream line next and see how I like it. If you wanna try out the rod we can try and arange something and if you try it out.
  3. Started today to stock up on nymphs I'll need through the winter time
  4. I do belive after thanksgiving weekend the park goes to winter hours which is 6pm.
  5. I think Quinn overall will be good for edmonton, at least better then what was there before, but we thought the samething with kennan in calgary last year and look where he is now. Quinn's comments about hitting someone over the head with a stick in the old days was way out there, and last time I checked guys that did hit someone in the head with a stick in the last ten years has been shuned by the fans and the league as dirty players and basically their career ended there! As for quinn saying their is no honor in fighting a guy face to face, well the last time I saw a cheepshot for a cheepshot was the whole brutizie sucker punch and look at how that was veiwed personally and professional. The thing that has me the most about this is that the head coach is the heart and soul of the team and if this is the way Quinn looks at things then is this gonna rub off the rest of the players in the oilers oganziation? Could this way of thinking be what is hurting edmonton?
  6. I am just curious as to what edmonton fans think of pat quin's comments about ignila and how they feel the nhl delt with it. From my point of view I think when Quin said in the old days he would of been hit in the head with a stick, and pay dirt with dirt. To me these comments alone deserve the fine he took. Watching the replay it looks like the edmonton player stepped on the stick nd feel. I belive iggy is not a dirty player, and that pat quin was just soure over the second loss to the flames. What are the edmonton fans thoughts on this?
  7. Even though the game has started already I gie it to the flames 4-3 On a side note itis good to see curtis out on the ice so early in the season, looks like brett is gonna give curtis a fair shake at the stick this year.
  8. Hehehehehehehe 2-0 for calgary against edmonton in games played so far. Bhulin sure stopping the flames this year.
  9. Clouser, Leeches are usally what I toss. Gonna try intruders and decievers this winter,
  10. bhurt

    Oct 8th

    Added more.....
  11. bhurt

    Oct 8th

    Got out and floated glemore to police on wensday with Max and Andy (Flyon) It was good to see Andy get into some big fish after not been able to fish for a loooong time
  12. Just to remind everyone that this thread was about FLY TIEING and not about the actual bug, please take the discussion to the entomology discussion and leave us that want to talk about patterns we tie for boatmen here. Thank YOU As for Boatmen flies I use a Prince nymph during the Boatmen season as I tie them for all year and I have found that the past week the fish are still rolling o the surface slashing at boat so anything that looks close to a boatman should work.
  13. No offence Snakeman, but Calgay overhauled their coaching staff too and, they now have a new system that they are playing, plus have some new key players that are still getting use to the other players, so calgary and edmonton is not so diffrence. You also say Edmonton played better, well no offence but do they get a "E" for effort in the point board? Bulin's mistake against calgary was a mistake a goile of his statue is not suppose to be making, espically with the money he is making, when Kipper does something like that in calgary he gets crucified for it by the press, fans, and coaching staff. Also winning games no matter how you win it is very important in the Northwest Pacific, espically when getting a playoff spot is the diffrence of 1 or 2 pts, every game counts cause it is not a easy task to play catch up in the later half of the season. What I see as the problems edmonton faces is they have too many "I" on the team. I could be wrong on this but that is the feeling I get.
  14. Flames vs Monteral Game starts in 10 mins I say 4-2 for calgary. Calgary will grind out their defense and tire out montreal.
  15. How come I can see Lynn throwing a can of Chef Boyardee at a scoccer mom???????????
  16. The other day at work I watched some old dude bumb the back of a lady with his cart cause he thought she wasn;t moving fast enough. What made it funny was the line was moving okay up to him, everything behind that was a diffrent story. I've also seen customer walking out screaming, espically when we bust one of the scam artists and wouldn't let them into the store.
  17. Here is how I see it, it looks more like a shuttle service then a taxi cab. So if their licence is as a shuttle service then they could technically charge flat rates and not meter rates. Cars and Vans in shuttle services (espically airport shuttle) can variey due to size of vechile.
  18. Shopping cart mayhem, you should of seen it during back to school week at my work, sometimes it looked like a nascar race but with shopping carts, bumpin and grinding everywhere. I've never seen anyone totally lose it thank god but customers do do some of the craziest things.
  19. Actually it was the deciver not the intruder, don't know what I was thinking when I said intruder. Work also been nutty the past couple of weeks with some staff problems, been going home and just eeing plain out right busy (those days that I do not go out and do any fishin) Just started my last week vacation for the year so hopefully I have something to show.
  20. I hate the ****ers that all of a sudden just stop for no reason and you barrel into the dumb ****s. Working in retail I have seen my fine share of some EXTRODINARY people.
  21. Great story but I am a old and busted up football player, you would never catch me doing something like that. Good on you guys for doing that looked like aloty of fun.
  22. Screw that I will just roll down the hill to fish creek, I can walk but why bother when I got sucker friends that will pick me up and drive me around like royality. Btw I had a good laugh at the photo, very amusing.
  23. Andy, When I am fishing all next week everyday all day long I will be sure to remeber you too. BTW I am not 40 yet but I do feel my hair starting to thin out in some areas, I guess I need to get myself a head piece cause when the streamers aren't working I can always take it off put three hooks in it then I'll give a new meaning to chuckin cats and dogs. Also how goes the ankle I bet you getting ALOT of fishin in.
  24. Personally I fish all year round so a little bit of snow and rain will not deture me away from the river, plus my last week of vacation for the year starts on saturday so its fishin time for me.
  25. I think guides that work in alberta should have some sort of business liecene. I really wonder how many guides actually pay taxes too, I really do not know since I am not a guide but it would be intresting to know. I think guides should also have to have First Aid, and River Safety course, and if they guide out of a boat I think they should also have to take a river craft safty course too. One thing to remeber about the guiding community (as I have been told) It is a very small community and word gets around and people soon find out who are the bad guides and who are the good guides too. As it was explained to me by one guide I know is that if the guide is bad he might survive for a year or two but his return clients might not return thus causing business for that bad guide to go down and in the end going out of business.
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