I have been using the same Hydrogen rod since the fall. I previously used a Amundson ww 3/4 for 4years. Both rods were primarily fishing the bow river.
I am using integrated lines, a 240 gr Spey lite skagit from SA. and a 240 gr airflo switch float. I really like the airflo for indicators, line mending is pretty good.
I find that the SA skagit is a bit overweighted for the line, but this is a very personal matter, and if you are just starting the spey game, overweighting is probably good. I am using versa tips for both the soft hackle and the smallish streamers. However I fish 70 * 80 % with the bobber.
I am very impressed with the Hydrogen, handles fish well, nice feel. mends line well, good backbone for me. A little whippy with the skagit line, but it does throw it a long way out there.
Have fun with this.