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Everything posted by LynnF

  1. I have to disagree with this one. Having lost one oar on our current boat from setting them down for 2 seconds and a rock hitting it an throwing it out of the lock (thankfully there was a guy in a canoe ahead of us that caught it), I won't take that chance again. I like to rest the oars (or more correctly, my arms) when I'm not rowing and I think these are a necessity for us. Love to hear why people don't like them though...I might be convinced to get something else....
  2. Need to buy a pair of Oar Rights for a Hyde drift boat. Can't seem to find any place locally that sells them on the www....anyone know of any place? If not, I guess I'll order from Hyde. But rather just go pick a pair up if we can.
  3. Rowing frame with 2 seats, custom rear seat that can be removed or added easily, rod tubes made out of plumber's pipe, plastic bins to hold everything that can't see water and mandatory coffee holders on the rowing frame.
  4. awwww...he's so adorable! I was expecting something furry with four legs, but he's much nicer Congratulations to you all!
  5. Losing a dog is one of the toughest things in life. I, like many on here, know what you and your wife are going through. My condolences on the loss of your sweet pup.
  6. Video games, texting, computer games, Facebook...I blame the downfall of our unsocialized and depressed youth on electronic "progression". I like to think it's regression. We're raising a generation of kids who don't know how to interact on a face-to-face level like their parents did/do. They don't know how to use their thumbs for anything but A, B, and Jump on a game controller. They don't know what's entertaining outside of zoning out in front of a screen. And I speak from experience and authority. Case in point: we completely removed video games and computer from my almost-16-year-old's life last summer because from sun up to sun down he'd be in the basement during his summer vacation playing video games. I'd had enough (plus the shitty report cards due to excessive gaming and no homework didn't help either). So...what did he do....got on his bike or skateboard and went and hung out at Fish Creek Park and made some friends. Got to know some girls. Probably did some stuff that I don't wanna know about but he was outside and learning what it's like to be a normal, functioning, social teenager. BUT, take away the video games and all of a sudden his friends who do nothing but, were no longer calling or coming over. It's what they have in common. It's what they do. And now all of a sudden, there's less kids around because they're all inside gaming and they're not interested in coming over if you're not allowed to do that. Queue moderation - video games and computer on weekends only and set your own time limit or mom's gonna do it for you. That went over like a lead bomb, so back they went. Lesson learned and only one month of being banned I think the teenager has figured it out. As with everything else, all things in moderation. But many parents just don't give a *hit and will let their kids play on those things when they should be in bed, when they should be doing homework and when they should be out playing. Winter is long in this province and I have no problem with allowing more time in the pursuit of electronic entertainment. But all that can get lost when it gets nice out. We have a kid across the street whose parents have no TV in the house. GASP - imagine that, NO TV. I'm assuming probably no computer either. That kid is outside in his driveway with his net and goalie equipment playing hockey EVERY night before and after dinner when it's not below minus 10. Even in the dark. And lo and behold he's got some defensemen to come play too. And a couple of forwards. Mike likes to tell the story of how he grew up in East Van and in the summer they'd be gone from right after breakfast until dinner time (no lunch) riding bikes all the way to Stanley Park (I don't know VCR but I'm assuming that's a hike). No way with all the crazies could you do that now...times have changed. Long lost is the innocence and safety of letting our children have free reign. And that's the other big half of where the kids are. I encourage you parents who have video game/computer issues to restrict or outright ban for a period. Sure your kids are gonna think you're a bitch (or....***hole for you men)...but I don't mind being though of that way if it means I have a better than good chance of raising a better kid/adult because I'm a hardass about it. Which I do.
  7. The Fins Twins sound an awful lot like the Sedin Sisters. That was funny LOL
  8. CAAAAAAAAAAAA YUTE!!!! Labs are awesome....glad you have someone to spend some time with
  9. We just sold our 27 foot Jayco last year. Was a Jayflight model that we used for 2 summers. The thing wore EXTREMELY well considering it saw only gravel roads. Even though it was a "lite" trailer, they didn't cut corners and cheap out on stuff. I'd definitely buy another one - we've owned a couple of other brands and this one is top for us. Oh...and if resale is a factor for ya - we bought it for $24,000 used it for 2 years and sold it for $20,600. That's pretty awesome resale in my books.
  10. 100% nail on the head right bang on. The owner of that dog should be happy you're making the phone call to collect and not pursuing more aggressive action. I say he forks over 100% of the bill - long weekend premium or not. His dog's behaviour is 100% of the reason your dog was injured and you have that vet bill. Dog owners like this need a smack upside the head in a big way. I've spent the better part of 2 years diligently training my dog so that I'm confident he'll interact with other dogs and people in the manner expected. I'd be damned if some other dog and dog owner would get away with something like that - and you should be too. The owner is as much at fault as the dog. Don't back down and don't feel guilty - go for it all. Speedy recovery to your pup.
  11. They were definitely lip sync'ing....I watched closely after that Brian Adams/mic slip up right at the start and you could see it if you looked for it. Thought it kind of odd since Sarah McLaughlin clearly wasn't...nor anyone else for that matter. I was waiting for Nelly's dress to split or her to wipe out with those shoes on. Good God but she looked uncomfortable.
  12. I would know who you are Brad....you'd be the most handsome guy in the room Sounds like we missed some fun - sorry we couldn't make it....will have to make up for it next year!
  13. Tee Hee. Brad must not be a very good fly fisher, because everyone who is any good at it, or claims to have the passion, knows you don't do that thing with your casting arm. Tsk Tsk. One more reason I'm glad I ain't a guy.
  14. Happy Smurfday, don't be blue, It's really quite fun being 42. What's that you say, you're not that old? When you were born, they broke the mold. With a dinosaur club.
  15. Don't be bitter.....I'll drink some tequila for ya
  16. Damn....we're gonna miss out on it this year due to being you know where. Have fun!
  17. What if someone doesn't have balls? I know what I'm talking about.
  18. That's so awesome. All you guys and gals who did this have a big dose of good kharma coming your way. Well done.
  19. wow...that's very cool. Just confirms what hard jobs those air traffic controllers have. Being a horrible flyer, I sure didn't need to see that graphically displayed just before getting on a plane though lol
  20. Osama Bin Laden. Anyone have his address to send an invoice? We flew to/from Vancouver during the restrictions (not on us as it was a domestic flight) and the general consensus was that they were going to be lifted today. Not understanding the logic there, but at least we won't have to pay once they're gone. Right?
  21. I do agree for the most part...but the whole "contribute to good causes and most of your money...." is a slippery slope and probably the start of another discussion. I know that I've completely stopped supporting one of the most major charitable organizations in town even to the point of not getting involved in their annual campaign because I've seen their overhead and I know what their top guys are making and now I know where a good portion of my $$ is going - and in my mind that's not charity and helping those in need. The problem is that somewhere along the line people and organizations with altrustic intentions have become all about helping themselves...the "look out for number one cuz nobody else will" syndrome. Same deal with all this CO2 stuff. I kinda think (as ignorant as this may sound) that why should I do something about it to make it better or to lessen my impact when my neighbour and his neighbour won't. What difference would my contribution or efforts make in the long run. Singuarly, not a helluva lot. But if everyone committed to the same initiative or goal or mandate, then alot. But I don't see that being achieved on a grand enough scale ..... and having our government or other governments or committees cram it down our throats or legislate the hell out of it and us is not the way either. As a side note, I wonder how valuable and impactful this summit is or will be since the President resigned this week. What does that say. And, now that I stand less of a chance of being jumped on to the point of bludgeoning, I"m going to close this by saying I don't believe in global warming and will be a skeptic for the rest of Al Gore's life. But I do believe that the time for environmental change and management is necessary. And I don't think it will be accomplished by closing down the Oilsands either.
  22. Have you ever had a Crave Cupcake. I'm convinced there is NOTHING better than a Crave Cupcake. So many flavours....so little time. And I have paid the price many times. In more ways than one.
  23. I heard on the news that many people mistakenly think that minus 20 and 30 temperatures will freeze the ice quicker and deeper but that's actually not factual at all....and in fact leads to many of the accidents and deaths each year on iced over lakes and structures.
  24. Come on SL ya chicken *hit...open up your PMs so I can give a suitable response to your really nice one to me too or I may just put on here what you and your buddy Tony wrote me. I gotta admit, I love a guy who can shoot a bullet and then deflect one at the same time. Shows true character. I'm not gonna take back the wife comment...it wasn't really directed at her or meant as a slight on her character. More on yours. But I will say I do feel sorry for her and think she's a saint.
  25. So glad to see we can now make an argument out of weather. It appears nothing is off limits to SL when his wife pisses in his cornflakes. Carry on.
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