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Everything posted by LynnF

  1. Because he slept with your wife and, at the tender age of 65, was better than you in the sack?
  2. Glad to hear you're pulling through there. Word of caution though - only because it's so tough to self-diagnose and even tougher to get a 100% diagnosis from a hospital - pay attention to the respiratory signs. My hairdresser's daughter came to her room one night at 3 in the morning not breathing. Into Rockyview in 10 minutes. On Tamiflu and Ventolin and sent home with "H1N1". Week later same incident, but with a throat so raw it was almost bleeding. Turns out it was croup...and nothing to do with H1N1. It's a bitch when we're all looking out for one thing and dismissing others equally as dangerous.
  3. I look foward to participating in the thread that eventually ends with everyone criticizing everyone else's spelling and grammar.
  4. I can see you're all not serious about cake. So I'm not gonna share the world's best White Chocolate/Orange Cheesecake recipe with ya. Nor the 4-layer chocolat buttercream cake recipe neither. Hey...I can't believe this. On page 2 and BBT has yet to show his cake-frosted face in here.
  5. Clearly you have to be intelligent to participate in this thread. I am not. Seriously.
  6. Moobs are a different beast....they require special understuff.
  7. oh ya...and Taco.....SURE....I believe your reason as to how you found this site.
  8. I'm gonna take a stab at this, and may actually start a poll, that 98% of all guys on this board will select FF+G and horseriding.
  9. Big Al aka Mr. Botangles once told me stories about this Gold Bond stuff. I guess you guys have special chafing issues and this stuff is like gold. Guess that's where they get the name from.
  10. hahahaha....I have the same problem with rap. My husband, who is a skeptic about EVERYTHING, swears to this day (and the hairs on his arm will stand on end to prove it) that he grew up in a haunted house. When he tells me the things that used to happen I get kinda weirded out too. When I was about 14, my grandfather died. He'd been very sick for a long time and we were just waiting for the call. One morning, just as the sun was coming up in the summer, my mother tapped me on my shoulder to wake up....but when I woke up she wasn't there. Turns out my grampa died at 5:40 that morning....the time on my alarm clock when I woke up was 5:42. Coincidence...I think not. 2 weeks ago, to the day actually, a good friend of mine died after a long battle with pancreatic cancer at the age of 32. Again, I knew it was going to happen, just a matter of waiting for the call. I left the house on Saturday morning to do some shopping, turning on my personal cell phone instead of my Blackberry which I always carry. I hadn't turned on my personal phone in over 8 weeks - since I started my new job and got my Blackberry. But as it turns out, the friend who called me that morning (mutual friend with the one that passed) only had my personal cell # and called me on it when I was in Costco to tell me that she'd passed away. Had she not phoned me, I would have found out over Facebook - something that I said I dreaded - coming downstairs one morning and logging on only to find the news. Not so much of a coincidence until I found out that the time that I turned my phone on - the time I left my house - was the time that my friend passed away. I think things like that happen for not no reason. I've honestly been waiting for a "visit" from her...I hope and wish for it every night.
  11. You're welcome....good cause. Sorry it's not very much - I also support a guy I used to work with who does the Underwear thing for cancers down there - and moreso this year because his wife is dying of ovarian cancer. Now....how much to stop the moustache growing? LOL Oh ya....by good bottle of wine....do you mean the "one" that Jackie bought? LOL
  12. Well good luck to the rest of you who aren't high risk and want a shot. The government has SHUT DOWN the clinics now until Tuesday and will be screening out for high-risk candidates only. That's what they should have done in the first place. What an idiotic mess.
  13. My youngest was actually stalked by one as he walked on the other side of the fence of the Douglasdale Golf Course one night this summer. Thing didn't even wait until the sun went down. Had that fence not been there, I don't know what would have transpired. But my kid was sufficiently scared. I kinda think when they come out of hiding in the daytime and outright stalk a human, then there's something that needs to be done. That's a little too brazen for my liking. And don't give me the whole "we moved into their territory" game.....it's an established neighbourhood and they need to stay down by the river or be forcibly removed in whatever manner possible....they're not deer and it's just not safe.
  14. Never had a flu shot and don't foresee myself getting one anytime soon - including H1N1. I haven't been sick with so much as a cold in almost 2 years (boy...am I asking for it now or what). I'm in good general health, I don't take public transit, nor do I have several young children in my house to bring it home - so I feel my risks are lower than the general pop. For me, personally, I believe that eating healthy and exercising (for the most part) as well as washing my hands ALOT is the key to staying flu-free for me. But everyone has to make their own decisions based on their lifestyles as well. Oh ya...and I"m going to Mexico for 2 weeks in January and not even worried about it one bit. I can't stand media hype - and if you listen to the statistics then that's all I consider it - hype.
  15. what...the car or the robot? I'm thinking of starting my mid life crisis cuz I want one of the cars REAL bad. Really Real.
  16. Anyone know whatever happened to the FOAA or FFOAA? They were working on this issue many, many moons ago....I'll bet Jim....can't remember his last name would have some great input. Dave will know who I'm talking about. I think it's more than about time guides had to be licensed. We live in a province where a world class fishery runs through a city of 1.2 million people. A fishery that sees tourists and guides from all over the world. I think it's about time that we kept our economy here (buy local, don't bring your own guide) and that our guides that spend the $$ and take the time and really care are weeded out and rewarded with a license. As a potential customer, I"d sooner fish with a guide that I know is contributing back to the resource through his licensing fees and requirements and who is able to respond to emergencies and is trained and qualified at a minimum level - whatever level or criteria is set. But the biggest question I would have is what this is going to translate into in terms of $$ - for both the guide and therefore the customer. I think we should be leading the way with this initiative because of the size of our city, the fisheries we have, the # of guides we have and the sheer # of local and non-local customers who use those guides. Honestly, I can't believe it we're still having the conversations and meetings, but glad that it is front and centre...and hope something comes of it.
  17. Happy Steak and BJ day Paul. Hope it's one to remember.
  18. I live with 2 men....so my perspective on this thread is merely from their point of view (because ladies don't talk *hit or talk about when they do *hit). We have 4 bathrooms. I clean them all....twice a week. I can tell you strictly from a cleaning point of view that I absolutely DETEST our low-flow or Suzukieized toilet - and we paid a good chunk of change for it too. It's good for #1 but not much else. To compensate we have the "super duper suck your intestines out flusher" which is the opposite end of the spectrum and which gets the most use (again....by the men and not me). It gets the job done and cleans the bowl at the same time. I love that toilet. I even put the nicest towels and fixtures in its room to make it feel loved. I refuse to even scrub it's belly - nothing but the most gentle massage with a cashmere toilet brush. IMHO....I'd rather have Al Bundy toilets in my house than save a few litres of water - because by the time you double or triple flush it's a moot point anyways.
  19. Happy Birthday Big Guy. Hope California is treating you well and you stayed away from the guns after the beers
  20. Those crazy guys.....always trying to outdo each other. Next time Chris and Dave, best to wear some waders.
  21. Khabibulin is a has been. First period told the story for how that game should have ended. Too bad the Oilers sucked more than the Flames shone.
  22. Here's the problem....and I tend to paint everyone with the same brush, so this is a departure for me. But I speak from personal experience. Sometimes it's not about the parents. Sometimes it's just the kids. But sometimes, actually alot of the times, good kids - good kids at heart who have grown up in good homes, with good parents, with good morals - fall into the whole "peer pressure" scenario and do things they ordinarily wouldn't. To be cool. To prove they can fit in. To show non-conformity and prove they're a bit of a rebel thereby making them more appealing to others. In this case, it looks like the kid was indeed an idiot with a mouth. But I think sometimes we need to look at something like this, beyond the headlines, and not assume the worst about the kid or the parent. But it is easiest to believe the worst because in most cases it's the truth. Bottom line though - there is a growing lack of respect for law enforcement in this country....and this parent wholeheartedly approves of the police patrolling her son's highschool. I can only see that being a good thing.
  23. God...you men. Never stop and ask for directions....ever. You'd be over the weir if it wasn't for that guy.
  24. The answer, as explained by our guide in the Charlottes this year is: You must go home and come back, not just your fish. You have to physically leave the fishing place and then come back.
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